Thursday 1 October 2015

Day 816

Day 816;

I know that this post is later than usual, I'm sorry if some of you people have missed my life over the past 6 hours. I know that's impossible I'm just another lazy old English man. Pretty much like Jack and his beanstalk who was a thief of the Giants treasure.

Basically today I was intrigued by the in out referendum topic, which was as I was typing to Mich on the subject. I was wondering...

Why are we having the debate on GB's membership to the EU club now? Shouldn't we have decided our fate in a separate poll all of the years ago, when GB rejector to join the Euro (Currency) as since that happened,  all new nation that want to join the Euro (state). But Mich was explaining to me that GB has a load of opt outs, to allow us to opt out of anything that our government decides we don't want want to be part of.

Now there was a thing about Jeremy Corbin on the radio, he was saying that he wants our country to have a newer fairer type of politics. Then I stated that as it stands everything in about the EU that we don't want we can just opt out of making GB a non equal member of the EU, another way of putting is an unfair member of the EU. Basically I'm wondering if Jeremy Corbin gets into power will he revoke our nations interests by enacting all of the EU's regulations on GB. So Mr Corbin would be the PM of GB that brings in the Euro as a currency for us all in GB, so it'll be good bye to sterling and probably the queens head on the backs of our coins.

We are only associate members of the EU club, at the moment, as Mich told me, so then I thought that we aren't actual members then so why are we paying the extorshionate membership fees? I asked him what are the benefits of joining the club? And he stated we have some input into the running of the EU. I stated then we have another opportunity to be ignored, basically.

We finished off our discussion on the EU at that. That was the two of us discussing politics.

So we next watched the football on the tv after listening to some of the other match on the radio, the other match was Manchester United vs some German team and the match that was on the tv was Manchester City vs some other German team and both of the English teams beat the two German teams in exactly the same score line that being a score of 2-1 to both of the Manchester squads, the opposing team scored first both of the times but then by the end of the second 45 minutes both of the English teams managed to get there second goals over the line. Which makes it 3 wins out of 8 matches played for the English clubs, now we just need Arsenal to win a match to make it equal that all 4 of the English teams have won at least 1 match.

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