Sunday 25 October 2015

Day 830

Day 830;

So today I vacated the premises of my abode, as I went to watch a football match, it was probably the best Football match that I've ever seen.

The match in question the team that I support didn't win but that isn't the point of why it was the best football game that I've ever seen. The opposition had a 2 goal lead going into half time so we (it's a royal we meaning me, myself and I) thinking that it'd going to be another one of those games, with the team that I support finding the back of the oppositions net once in the half only to have it ruled out as the player was in an offside position when the ball was played to him, but the second half of the game was when it got interesting. 6 goals in 45 minutes. 

As the first two went in after the break relatively quick in succession but both were for the team that I was there to support, to make the score equal at 2 all. Then the opposition struck back with 1 goal, making the score 2-3, the opposition was winning, again... Then the team that I support scored tying the score up ay 3-3. Then the next goal came as a shock to me, as if I wan't already shocked enough by the almost unbelievable performance of the team that I support when they kicked the ball into the back of the net for a 4th time. Which made the score 4-3 the team that I was supporting was winning for the first time in the game, then the game was played up to 90 minutes, blow the whistle now please ref, was what could have been going through my head but when the man with the board that came out unveil the length of time that was to be added on at the end of the half the; man held his board up to state 6 minutes time in addition. Six more minutes to hide your head in the sand and hope that the opposition doesn't get the one back that they need to tie the game up or worse 2 goals to steal the whole 3 points away. Next goal went in at 91 minutes so there should be enough time remaining  for the opposition to make it into a 4-5 steal. But then the team that I support had a nail bitting last 5 minutes to tie the game at 4-4.

So for my next Halloween number I'm thinking I'm going to rip off the Darkness song Christmas Time (Don't Let the Bells End), as I don't thin that I have done that one before. So It'; probably be Halloween Time (Just let the ghouls cry).

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