Thursday 25 September 2014

Day 447

Day 447;

This day was the 447th day and what happened to me today?

Well from what I can remember I beat the first Impa and Sheik level on Hyrule Warriors, then I beat Lana's first level, so it was onto Link's and Fi's second level, of which I think I managed to complete, It was the Imprisoned; you know the mini boss from Skyward Sword that I was having a very hard time tithing defeating. I'm thinking that I managed to beat him on the Hyrule Warriors game pretty comfortably. so that's that level, done and dusted, next on to the next installment in the Impa, Sheik and now they've got Darunia, the Goron, for company. Lana and Agitha I think; anyway it's the bug (insect) lady/child from Twilight Princess (I stated child as she is only 10, and Lana doesn't look much older).

But then ale today I found that I'm still mostly Ravenclaw out of the Harry Potter houses in a little personality test that I took today, and I said still as I remember doing one before something like 10 years, or longer, ago and I got the same result. So that's another test that lies to me as I am not intelligent, guess how I know this as a piece of factual information.

No, you tell them.

Ok then Red. as I got hit by a car not while I was in one while I was crossing the road, how intelligent was that? The answer is not very, and just before anyone says that it wasn't my fault, it was my fault I decided to cross the road when I did, I must have as no-one should have been there to push me in front of a car and what it ,most likely was that I was getting a bit impatient while I was waiting to cross the road so I attempted to run across into the road in between some slow moving cars
, and I got hit by one of the slow moving cars and I state slow moving cars as they must have been as I am still alive. Or am I?

Today I went to the Gym again but in this session I noticed something wrong with the rowing machine as when i pulled back a few times it got stuck on a bump, so after I had finished on the rowing machine for today I told my gym instructor, but he's not my gym instructor as in he's one of possessions I meant it as he's a person that works for the sports centre and in doing that he works with me and his other clients in the gym, to make us stronger; as I'm unsure about his other clients but I'm still a bit disabled. So I pointed it out to him it was a little  bump like when some person sticks chewing gum to the underside of a table so he made a compliant to another gym employee man saying that I was just attempting to deflect the blame for it not going as quick as last times which was about 10 seconds down on my last attempt at it, but I don't think that the little bump was what slowed me down by approximately 10 seconds. I think it was me that slowed me down and I was only attempting to help with the gym as it could be a earth and safety hazard.

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