Friday 12 September 2014

Day 434

Day 434;

So it is the day that is numbered 434, and today I thought a bit more about socialism.

It was on this website, it looks intriguing but I don't understand why they're keeping the driving force of capitalism earthen they're world view, which is money. if you wanted to get rid of capitalism then all you should need to do is get rid of money. Then you've got the question of what to work for then, which is simple to answer as the answer is for the same reasons that you work now you may work to acquire money but why do you want money? To purchase other things with it, what if all things within society became free, as long as you pulled your weight, and everyone should pull their weight as everyone should have got a good enough education on the state.

Today I saw the below vide, it's awesome I was remembering having some great fun pretending to do some of the stuff that the two in the video do in real life around the school play ground all of those years ago, they were fun times. I almost did some of the tricks displayed some of the time from what I can remember and i remember twisting my ankle while attempting some of them also, but I wouldn't allow my accidents to hurt me, if it was ever in any risk of hurting I'd just have put as much pressure as possible on the injury to drive the painful feelings out of them.

An indépendant Scotland? Why not an independent socialist Scotland and if that new type of government works for them then why don't the rest of the GB join them, so GB could be the next socialist superpower but we could get it correct unlike Stalin, as his form of socialism wasn't actually an accurate projection of what socialism is actually supposed to be about, or so said the website that I linked to at the beginning of this post.

Finally I move on to the Legend of Zelda as today I got to the temple of the goddess of courage to find her flame, to make the Skyward Sword more powerful, as today I have unlocked the gate to get to the Faron, but I was thinking that Faron the Water Dragon could be an ancestor of the Zora.

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