Tuesday 30 September 2014

Day 452

Day 452;

So it has been the next day within my thrilling life, I'm obviously messing with you now as I could use multiple words to describe my life and just about none could i say would be thrilling.

So what I'd like to state to my 3 readers is shall I get the boredom fest started?

No... What do you mean no
Allergy got accepted into university today, I know that her course started today but she wasn't accepted until today, so she has to start tomorrow instead, due to a last minuet drop out from the course that she applied to get on, she had a job to get on with also which starts in only one week, but I'm guessing that that'll have to be put on hold now.

In Hyrule I have managed to beat the following  or 2 levels to where I had got u to yesterday, Ive forgot what level I was on yesterday but I have just managed to beat up Link and Zelda with Ganondorf.

Monday 29 September 2014

Day 451

Day 451;

Today is the day that I have decided to call it Day 451 as it is the day that is something like 451 days after me starting this blog project, which e=was for my own sake not to depress you nor was it to make you feel better about yourselves, none of my three readers.

So I can't remember what I have done today, for the most part at least.

But I can remember 1 thing that I thought about today, it was an old saying, "Hell hath no fury like a woman's scone" I realise that I have got the saying incorrect, but it doesn't take away from the fact. that Hell Harg no fury at all, as it just serves as a stick to beat people with as soon as they start doing something that the religion doesn't agree with.

But today on the Hyrule Warriors I was fighting as Ganondorf again but today I only managed to beat onr level.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Day 450

Day 450;

So today I least a whole load of old stuff and *Spoiler Alert about Hyrule Warriors* Cia dies or so it seems which sucks as she was a "hot" female villain the likes of haven't been seen since probably Twinrova.



You should note that I'm including Twinrova as the one entity as seen in Ocarina of Time not as the two, to put it bluntly, hags. But they both suffer from a split personalities.

But I realise that I was treading on egg shells a bit back there but I managed to beat the next two levels on Hyrule Warriors, today despite actually being in London for the most part of today.

So about my London adventure which wasn't really an adventure it was more a case of me going to London to ride around on the Thames within boats, obviously; Well it's not going to be in a car as they would sink in the Thames river unless it's an amphibious car.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Day 449

Day 449;

This morning I woke up because I had a dream that Mich woke me up, well I think it was a dream at least, as I fell back to sleep after the occurrence supposedly happened thinking that Mich had just woken me up just seconds previously,

So I walked down the stairs while half listening to the blaring racket that was coming from the radio that had to have been turned up to maximum volume or something similar, when I had reached the kitchen I signed to Mich that I thought that he had awoken me, but from his surprise to see me and the fact that he denied that he had, I'm guessing that he didn't wake me, in final thoughts it was all in my head.

Fan theories, I like them especially those that are about the Legend of Zelda. Like the about the Tetraforce or the Quadforce which would most probably still be called the Triforce as it would just be one big triangle of power as it didn't always have three sections as in the Legend of Zelda, the first game to come out, there is only 2 pieces of the Triforce, Wisdom and Power. But I know the saying Power corrupts so that's how they could justify the problem of evil within Hyrule, but if there was and God or Goddess would they allow evil within their designs, answer no, they'd design it with the best thing for all of their creations, like Zoras to swim around in their lake and Gorons to eat rocks, up on their mountain keep even for the Kokiri to mind their own businesses while tending to the Great Deku Tree's every whimb and then finally the Hyruleans to just get along nicely while tending to the crops. But no there's the"

  • Imprisoning War
  • Hyrulean Civil War
  • Interloper War
So you may say it's only three wars which isn't that bad considering our species has been killing one another for pointless reasons since we arrived here on this rock within ultimately pointless altercations between forces of people, which we call wars for longer and more frequently than in the games.

But today I played some Hyrule Warriors I completed two more levels, and I started completing some of the Adventure mode. and yesterday you know when it was Nintendo's 125th Anniversary, or in roman numerals CXXV, alternatively in binary 11111101, I also started to write my Legend of Zelda Fan fiction so if I ever manage to get it complete I'll have a whole new way to bore you people, if you would only be so kind as to read it. 

Friday 26 September 2014

Day 448

Day 448;

So today, which was yesterday if your reading this on the day that it's set to be posted. I noticed that it was the 125 anniversary of Nintendo, now I was thinking that I'm old Nintendo is a whole new kind of old. 

So what did I do today to celebrate it's anniversary? Well today I played a bit on the Legend of Zelda which was released in 1987 and I played on the side scrolling Super Mario Bro's which was also released in the aforementioned year. It's a lot more tricky than Super Mario Bros Deluxe which I am thinking that Emu had for her Game Boy Colour years ago. 

To start off about Hyrule Warriors I was wrong about Agitha being a playable character after the first round, with Lana. it was Midna that is now playable for the second round. but just as a warning Please do not read on in the blogpost if you don't want Hyrule Warrriors spoilt for you unless you have already completed the six individual gate of souls levels. 

*Spoilers Alert*

More in Hyrule Warriors today I progressed through the Impa and Sheik level but it turned out that the princess Zelda that we were fighting was no one else other than Wizro as Sheik is really Zelda as she says at then the cur sense afterwards, I warned you that I was about to put spoilers in this Blog article so here is a second one that I discovered when Midna attacked Cia in the cut scene which is that Cia and  Lana are one in the same persons. But Cia has been corrupted by Ganondorf.

Thursday 25 September 2014

Happy Anniversary Nintendo

Now today marks the 125th anniversary of Nintendo,  so basically it's slightly more than pretty old. So how should we celebrate this historical day? I don't know how we all should celebrate but I'm about to do what I do everyday, and think, of things to do for today, I will be getting back to you in my blogpost for today, Tomorrow, with what I thought of. but I'm guessing that it'll probably include playing a lot of Games.

I would just like to end this post with my sincerest thanks to Nintendo for making everyone that owned some Nintendo produce lives better, for the unknown amount of people that have had countless hours of fun, and all that lark.

Day 447

Day 447;

This day was the 447th day and what happened to me today?

Well from what I can remember I beat the first Impa and Sheik level on Hyrule Warriors, then I beat Lana's first level, so it was onto Link's and Fi's second level, of which I think I managed to complete, It was the Imprisoned; you know the mini boss from Skyward Sword that I was having a very hard time tithing defeating. I'm thinking that I managed to beat him on the Hyrule Warriors game pretty comfortably. so that's that level, done and dusted, next on to the next installment in the Impa, Sheik and now they've got Darunia, the Goron, for company. Lana and Agitha I think; anyway it's the bug (insect) lady/child from Twilight Princess (I stated child as she is only 10, and Lana doesn't look much older).

But then ale today I found that I'm still mostly Ravenclaw out of the Harry Potter houses in a little personality test that I took today, and I said still as I remember doing one before something like 10 years, or longer, ago and I got the same result. So that's another test that lies to me as I am not intelligent, guess how I know this as a piece of factual information.

No, you tell them.

Ok then Red. as I got hit by a car not while I was in one while I was crossing the road, how intelligent was that? The answer is not very, and just before anyone says that it wasn't my fault, it was my fault I decided to cross the road when I did, I must have as no-one should have been there to push me in front of a car and what it ,most likely was that I was getting a bit impatient while I was waiting to cross the road so I attempted to run across into the road in between some slow moving cars
, and I got hit by one of the slow moving cars and I state slow moving cars as they must have been as I am still alive. Or am I?

Today I went to the Gym again but in this session I noticed something wrong with the rowing machine as when i pulled back a few times it got stuck on a bump, so after I had finished on the rowing machine for today I told my gym instructor, but he's not my gym instructor as in he's one of possessions I meant it as he's a person that works for the sports centre and in doing that he works with me and his other clients in the gym, to make us stronger; as I'm unsure about his other clients but I'm still a bit disabled. So I pointed it out to him it was a little  bump like when some person sticks chewing gum to the underside of a table so he made a compliant to another gym employee man saying that I was just attempting to deflect the blame for it not going as quick as last times which was about 10 seconds down on my last attempt at it, but I don't think that the little bump was what slowed me down by approximately 10 seconds. I think it was me that slowed me down and I was only attempting to help with the gym as it could be a earth and safety hazard.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Day 446

Day 446;

So today was supposed to be my day of finishing off the Harry Potter box set.

The above statement is one of the things that I have done today.

The final two films were both pretty decent but the first one of the two was a bit disappointing as it wasn't set at Hogwarts, they had Mr Potter and his friends running around London and other alternative locations, the second one/two of the two was better Allergy even got to see that her favourite character wasn't a villain in the end as he apparently loved Harry's mother.

But there was 6 horcruxes and Harry Potter was the seventh I think, as:
1. Marvolo Gaunt's Ring
2. Tom Riddle's Diary
3. Helga Hufflepuff's Cup
4. Salazar Slytherin's Locket
5. Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem
6. Nagini (his snake)
7. Harry Potter

I likes the fact that it stated before the ending that Albus Dumberdore was in his mind they weren't in any kind of unearthly place, like the waiting room at the end of existence/purgatory as it is a fantasy tale but it resisted doing that thing that even Doctor Who has been seeming to do with some of the dead and putting them in a special place. Neville Longbottom killed Nagini after Lord Voldemort killed Harry Potter and Neville made a rousing speech and Harry Potter was resurrected on his own accord, but I don't get how he was alive after Lord V had just turned him into the boy that lived no more. Only 3 of the 7 horcruxes are actually the artefacts of Hogwarts the forth artefact of Hogwarts is the Gryffindor sword which Tom Riddle couldn't get his hands on for reasons of him not being a Gryffindor and him never really needing it. But he could have made one of his victims need it then he could have taken it for horcruxing, and the elder wand why did Harry Potter break it at the end of the film without first at least using it to correct the damage that the Vmort had inflicted on Hogwarts, that puzzles me as it could have been done with that wand, as Dumbledore had done prior; but it was on a smaller scale.

But the nineteen years later bit at the end was a sickening little copout to add onto the end. As it was a little "and they all lived happily ever after..." plaster to put on the end which is great if you like those types of things but I believe that it's hideous, and dishonest.

Today In Zelda, not literally in Zelda but I mean in the Legend of Zelda that I have played today and affiliated games meaning Hyrule Warriors, not much is all that I can really say as in them I am stuck on similar points a before today, or the same.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Day 445

Day 445;

So it is that tame again, it's that time of night that I write down what I have done today, but that's what I'm doing at this certain moment, but I most probably won't be doing the above when you get your chance to read this boring diary entry.

So today I played on more Hyrule Warriors and today was a kind of non starter day for me, as within the game I didn't actually progress at all, as I only got a small amount of time to play on it today, but I still need to catch up with the Doctor I'm guessing that I can do it tomorrow after I have viewed the final 2 instalments of the Harry Potter film series/the final book that has been made into 2 films. Allergy was stating to me that she wants to watch them both simultaneously in order as she has been saying to me that she's so glad that she slept (not literally but in a metaphor as if she parked up out side of the cinema with blinds drawn down so she couldn't see) through the hype about the films as now she can just go through and watch them on DVD, but allergy was shocked by the death more than he death of the black man in the Order of the Phoenix.

But today I have had a lot of theme music in my head and other music mostly Zelda, related like the song of storms.

But then today I also went to another one of the disabled athletics... club? Yes I think, at least.

Monday 22 September 2014

Day 444

Day 444;

Now today was the day with all fours in it, up to three digits that is.

But today I ave watched Harry Potter 5 + 6, which are the Order of the Phoenix and the Half Blood Prince, and just could I say that I don't think that I actually finished reading the Half Blood Prince, but I had read the start the most recently of all of the books but I amazed myself a little bit with how my mind retained the first few sequences from the book to the screen, now some of you people, my readers could tell me that the film makers made up the whole of the film and they only kept the name the same as the book. I'd then be shocked, as I know my memory not good at the best of times, it is approximately half decent at those time, and it ranges from a scale of 1 to 1,000,001 of terrible the rest of the time.

Plus Today in Zelda, well it's actually the Hyrule Warriors, I progressed through the Skyloft 1 of 3 split in the main game next I went into the Impa-Sheik split; I just would like you to know that Impa isn't the sharpest tool in the shed as she should know that she has the Triforce of Wisdom bearer with her/Sheik and as she said theta piece of the Triforce was entrusted to the Hyrulean Royal family and why is she still searching for Zelda, as in front of her is *spoiler alert* Zelda?

I'll tackle Lana's time line when I have completed the first from both of the other two lines/just Impa/Sheik to go now.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Day 443

Day 443;

Today was basically another day in my life.

But on today the carnival came to town and a football match was today also.

So about the football match how much did the team that you were supporting loose by this time?

Well here's the shock, it was a home game and they didn't loose it, now I should just state now that they didn't win, but they also didn't loose, meanwhile the next game that they are playing they are bribing people to buy tickets to come and see, they are bribing people with an offer of bangers n mash which is meal of sausages and mashed potatoes which can be very tasty indeed if the mash is  done correctly but then with the bangers there are many different types of sausages to choose from like there is those really thin sausages, Chipolatas, then there's those big juicy cumberland sausages, frankfurter sausages and there are many more types of sausages. Then there are the many different ways to cook them like you can cook them so they are actually burnt and others cook them so they are almost raw.

Today in Zelda, I only played a bit on Minsh Cap as I couldn't get onto my Wii today due to circumstances of me going to the football and in the evening I had to go to some firework display it was loud, so I missed Doctor Who; which was another of my reasons for wanting to get back earlier, than we did.

The phrase knowledge is power and where does your knowledge come from? Your head, where is your head? On top of your body, so the Triforce of power is the one that is on top of the trifler left to right it goes Wisdom them Courage, but what is the central missing part of the Triforce there to represent, It's there to represent the forth Goddess Hyilia, or is it there to represent the fourth Golden Goddess which was expelled by the Goddesses, due to the fact that it could have been a God not a Goddess or it could have been too chaotic for the former three Goddesses.

Fierce Deity Mask from MM enriches this conspiracy  as what is a deity? Naught but a creator God/Goddess.

Saturday 20 September 2014

Day 442

Day 442;

So the day that has been today/ day 442 has been and gone , and today I have played a bit more on Hyrule Warriors,and I watched the third and forth Harry Potter films.

As I had only actually seen the first 3 of the Harry Potter films in full before today, I stated that Prisoner of Azkaban was my favourite of what I had seen but now I have seen Goblet of Fire I can now say that I have a new favourite Harry Potter film.

So I shall do my bit about about Hyrule Warriors today in short, I maybe a bit of a Zelda nut but I'm almost no good at some of the actual playing of the games, then comes along this game which I'm unsure  of the franchise that it's actually part of? The Legend of Zelda game franchise or the Dynasty Warriors franchise? As I know it's a hybrid game but it's got it's own place in the Time line which is as I am thinking that I stated in a prior blogpost it slots in the time line many years after Twilight Princess as in the game it says the gates in time lead back to 3 places in time, I think that is what it says anyway, we'll it should be something like that.

Friday 19 September 2014

Day 441

Day 441;

On this day I watched the first two Harry Potter films, they were both from the box set that Allergy had ordered, the second one is bette than the first one no end.

Even though Mr Lockhart almost ruins the second, but Tom Riddle isn't an anagram of Voldemort, or even I am Lord Voldemort.

The first book/dilm was called Harry Potter; the Philosophers Stone not as the American condition would have you to known as their fraudulent versions are called the Sorceress Stone, you could have it your way if perhaps the author was American, but she wasn't.

I have been playing some more of Hyrule Warriors today also Lana is a sorcerer/a witch, but I'm guessing that you could probably get male sorceress which would be called wizards.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Day 440

Day 440;

Now basically today was a day that was 2 days too early for Hyrule Warriors to arrive at the door today, but it came anyway.

The first I realised was when Allergy said to me that a box that she had just received had got Tini's name on it but kit was in a Nintendo box she said that she wondered what Tini had ordered, I knew what she had ordered but it's too soon for it to come out I thought that it maybe something else as didn't she put my name on the postal details?

Buy it could have been here name on the box as she payed for it, I'd have liked to pay for it but I couldn't as the only kind of bank account i have got is a Building Society account which is as I understand it a place where you put money to not use, I mean I could probably take some money out of it if I went into the physical shop but it'd probably be in bonds not cash, and the lack in an actual bank card.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Day 439

Day 439;

Now today was day 439 and I have watched another football match today and the team that I was supporting lost again but it was going so well for the first 82 minuets of play time, but it should have been the first 85 minuets as there was 3 minutes added on at the end of the first half of the game which the team that I was supporting Won 1-0 pity it's a game of two half's and the second half the team that I wa supporting managed to get the score to 2-0 before fading in the last 8 minutes of regulation time and the 4 minutes stoppage time which was to be added on, making the final score 2-3 to the team that was getting beat convincingly for the earlier period of play but it was just as if their legs had fallen off.

But I have found a nickname for my friend that I hadn't given a nickname to when I was last introducing you people to Yemoonie, and her nickname is going to be Goddessa, next up in this post I could explain why I have decided to call her this name, but I grow tired of explaining myself to you. maybe some other time.

But all I can remember about my conquest of Skyward Sword is from traveling to the captains little house and using the gust bellows to find the treasure chart.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Day 438

Day 438;

So today was the day numbered 438, and I had another athletics thingy today.

So today it was the day for some athletics again and Mr Big S beat everyone except probably Miss S but Miss S doesn't count as she is a helper, but now I'm thinking that I should move from that small story about the biggest person that was there apparently made up for the fact  that I managed to beat him in a running race last week, but I cannot remember this event.

But now I'm onto the running part of it as I thought the man that was leading the practise session said that we had to run to the second white line and then we had to walk back, so I jogged, it's safer that way, to the second white line expecting everyone to stop and turn around so I stopped and everyone else continued running off. so the next time I decided to follow the person in the next lane to me which was good seeing as he was quicker than me but then the little girl/young woman, I get confused started getting her knickers in a twist so I decided to slow myself down on all of the following races so that would finish at approximately the same time, to stop her getting her knickers in a twist.

Now some news on my progress within Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, within the game I managed to get the double clawshot however it's just called the clawshot, the double clawshot was an invention of a game that is set a long time after it in Taillight Princesses, The Goddess Hylia is the goddess of the 4th piece of the Triforce or rather the blacked out piece at the centre of the Triforce. But I  am thinking that there should be another golden piece of the Triforce,which should make it the quad force but then the other Goddess 4th creator Goddess was quite literally insane and she sowed the seeds of insanity and evil into the Hylian universe within the time of creation but the other three goddesses cast her out and the destroyed her piece of the Quadforce, or so they thought, but then she could be the creator of the Majora's Mask. So all of the shenanigans that I have put into my plan for a future Zelda game, I could write a fan-fiction about it, maybe.

Today Allergy learnt of the execution of the British aid worker in either Iraq or Afghanistan, and she was outraged. As he was an Aid worker he went out there to help (give aid) to people living in whichever war stricken country it was in, but just I don't think Allergy understands that the people that were doing the executing probably weren't those who he was helping, as he was most probably helping the baseline working people and the executioners were the islamic state militants who could be some people from this country which is why Allergy is feeling really sorry for David Cameron, as he can't win, as if some of the radicalised muslim people decide to come back to Britain there is no way to stop them, as if the UK stopped direct flights they could just get a flight into Paris, Madrid, Munich or any place in Europe and hop onto a plane to get redirected to England, but then Britain shall still have all of the British Aid workers still out there still, but trapped now unless they are taking a redirect route. But all of the easy access to Britain has been left wide open by the EU, so if Dave could work a temporary independence from the EU, then the British should have total control over it's borders to intern make it very difficult for anyone to return here without the having some of the correct checks done on them.

Monday 15 September 2014

Day 437

Day 437;

So on this day I am going to have to star by thanking Apple for the free U2 album  that I received, it's called Songs of Innocents and I have to say that it's really quite good; in my personal opinion.

So today as well as getting assistance on the boss of the Legend of Zelda; Dungeon boss of which I was struggling on yesterday and today so that temple is now completed and the Triforce of Courage is now on the back of Link's hand.

But today it was the final day of the inaugural Invictus games, aka the Prince Harry games for his injured comrades, and I've got to hand it to him he knows how to put on a show even though the bit when he said granny whilst referring to the Queen it didn't sound convincing as if he actually has dough's that she is actually related to him, as I know that Diana is his mother and that she was the queens daughter in law when she had him that technically makes you her grandson, then if you'd like me to go into the bit about Charles not being his father I'm not going to make that unfounded assertion, as Charles must have like been like a father to him else wise why would he have listened to harries advise which made the royal family appear more like us, normalising them; as he did apparently when he called Her Royal Highness Mummy at the last thing which had the Royals involved in. As he is the most normal member of the Royal household, as he hasn't got everything correct that he has done but at least he tries.

Sunday 14 September 2014

Day 436

Day 436;

So it has been the day mentioned above, today it was the day of listen; the Doctor Who episode called Listen.

Well the Doctor Who episode was amazing if that is  the correct terminology for an episode that was about as complex as a basic maze but it was also about fears, fears is a subject that I have done a little about recently. I'm very keen on confronting fears and getting over them, which could be why I find myself left with one but I don't really see how I am to eliminate confront it.

So today I worked out how to get the boss key finally but it's this boss battle that I'm having trouble with now  I know what I have to do for  it but it's my hands just don't work at the speeds that are required of them like this is a basic time line of thought to action, 0:00 thought I should use the Nunchuck to move out of the way of the way of the monster, 0:05 the monster collides with my character taking one heart away, 0:06 thought why couldn't I have followed my own instructions? 0:07 u finally manage to move the character pity I was 2econds late.

Saturday 13 September 2014

Day 435

Day 435:

So it has been the day that I have numbered day 435.

What have you done today?

Yellow? Why have you suddenly decided to pitch in?

I was getting a it bored just sitting there at the back of  your mind, now answer my question!

Ok, ok pushy,  now what's there to tell about today, that I haven't forgot?


Now that is something Ica type about.


Zelda or rather the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword,  as I have progressed a bit through the temple so I am now a chest and a boss battle away from receiving the first of the three sacred flames to power up the Skyward Sword.

The other thing that happened to me today was that I was typing to one of my female friends that wasn't the Russian one but similarly I was told I had a crush on this friend as well but this time it was by one of her friends whom i shall name Yemoonie for the process of this blog article this Yemoonie was, as most probably still is one of my friends friends, and I don't like being told how I feel about anyone especially something as inflammatory as love, as I did not yet have the foggiest idea of what love entailed, as i thought it was an emotion hat would jus pop out and thump you stating this is love but that didn't happen to me. It never has happened to me, I think I haven't got the correct facilities to determine what constitutes love.

But I have got a bonus fete for all readers which is as Allergy has got the got the fieriness bug.

Friday 12 September 2014

Day 434

Day 434;

So it is the day that is numbered 434, and today I thought a bit more about socialism.

It was on this website, it looks intriguing but I don't understand why they're keeping the driving force of capitalism earthen they're world view, which is money. if you wanted to get rid of capitalism then all you should need to do is get rid of money. Then you've got the question of what to work for then, which is simple to answer as the answer is for the same reasons that you work now you may work to acquire money but why do you want money? To purchase other things with it, what if all things within society became free, as long as you pulled your weight, and everyone should pull their weight as everyone should have got a good enough education on the state.

Today I saw the below vide, it's awesome I was remembering having some great fun pretending to do some of the stuff that the two in the video do in real life around the school play ground all of those years ago, they were fun times. I almost did some of the tricks displayed some of the time from what I can remember and i remember twisting my ankle while attempting some of them also, but I wouldn't allow my accidents to hurt me, if it was ever in any risk of hurting I'd just have put as much pressure as possible on the injury to drive the painful feelings out of them.

An indépendant Scotland? Why not an independent socialist Scotland and if that new type of government works for them then why don't the rest of the GB join them, so GB could be the next socialist superpower but we could get it correct unlike Stalin, as his form of socialism wasn't actually an accurate projection of what socialism is actually supposed to be about, or so said the website that I linked to at the beginning of this post.

Finally I move on to the Legend of Zelda as today I got to the temple of the goddess of courage to find her flame, to make the Skyward Sword more powerful, as today I have unlocked the gate to get to the Faron, but I was thinking that Faron the Water Dragon could be an ancestor of the Zora.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Day 433

Day 433;

So every time that something bad happens to Allergy she usually will state something about Karma. now I have known about the religious implications of Karma for just about longer than her.

I know that ir goes hand in hand with reincarnation (even though they both don't have hands) so if you say "that's Karma I must have done something bad" which could mean that you haven't done anything bad but it was your "spiritual" predecessor(s) but as if I want to say that I may have been Hitler or Stalin in one of my previous lives which could be why I have had some bad fortune but I just don't know plus by saying it's Karmas fault for all of the bad fortune that happens to you is pointless as it is like stating one of my predecessors was a infant murdered in my mothers womb so that's  why I am super sucsesful within this life and I'm going to Nivarna when I die, I think that's the name of the place which is an exit for all of the souls. Which doesn't actually make any sense as if that was what happened the worlds population should be decreasing not expanding.

I went to the gym today also and my personal trainer stated that I was fearless,  as if he was saying crazy Savage the fearless, I wanted to make him read my blogpost for yesterday to disprove his irrational statement, but I couldn't.

So today Allergy attempted to sing some songs by Avril Lavigne and I told her that she sung a song called Skater Boy as it was the only song of hers that I could remember, probably due to the amount that it was played while I was smaller especially on Mondays when I used to go to roller blade (skate) club on mondays down the local sports centre, and allergy was taking the mic out of me as I knew one song of hers but I used to think of her as someone that was old but in the bellow video she looks so young.

But Allergy has reminded me that my incident with the car was in the July of 2007 so it was approximately 7 years and 2 months ago.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Day 432

Day 432;

Fears, what are they?

Fear (defined)
an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm:
"I cowered in fear as bullets whizzed past"

Well my only fear that I know I possess is irrational, the fear of bullets is a rational fear, as bullets can actually kill you, and end your futile existence on this rock earlier than otherwise, But my fear is one of kisses, or to put it more exactly any form of interpersonal contact which could be described as being intimate.  I can deal with other forms of physical contact because I have had to but not the intimate form, as I have never viewed it necessary to learn and I have never found out how to learn. Inline Skater Hockey is a contact sport which is very similar to ice hockey which I played until I was left with brain damage from a car colliding with me I never have never met the person that collided with me, not even to apologise for the inconvenience that I caused to them for causing them to stop and clean me off of their car, sorry for that if you happen to be reading this blogpost it happened just less than 7 years ago now, i think it happened in the October/November of 2007.

I have just been improving my knowledge on ISIS, the Islamic State thing not the goddess and it turns out I was incorrect in the name thing they actually have called a monotheistic sect after an Egyptian Goddess which is similar to them calling themselves Hera, Who is the Greek goddess wife of Zeus just as Isis is the wife of Osiris, both of the marriages were incest.

But now back to The Legend of Zelda, I'm still plodding along in the first game in the legendary timeline but I am also playing the second game in the timeline at the same time, which is Minish Cap.

But I remembered something that was said by Tini today also, and it was about Botox in the silivary glands as a an option to stop my drooling, but Tini was stating that some of her students elder siblings had the treatment and they lost their teeth, As she was saying this I was thinking is that news didn't the Botox specialist warn about that happening if I was to go ahead with that procedure and I am rather attached to my teeth, well they are attached to me, I don't really want to loose them. But I somehow don't think that Tini was actually talking to me when she was talking to the other person about that, it's funny how things go around here, all the stuff that I don't generally cre about gets told to me, like some H&S regulationsd, and just the majority of things that I could care about I have to listen in on the subjects.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Day 431

Day 431;

So it has been day numbered 431, the day of Spider-Man, or so I thought.

Not all of today was as tragic as the non starting of Spider-Man, which we had a deal to watch tonight as we watched another film last night of which I cannot remember the films actual name it was something like Desolate but it wasn't called that name it's based on a book but when I watched it I was with someone that had read the book first and they  kept stating how unbelievable it was that the films director had missed out parts,  that made so much more sense but the person that I was with said that the main characters mother was a whatever the name of the film/book as well as the main character, in the book as she actually says it to her where as in the film she only says she came from the faction that the main character left to go to, which she does in the book as well but then in the film it just leaves it at that instead of expanding on that figment of the tale, Divergent is the films name, I have just remembered.

So it was a decent film such a shame that they missed out some of the "key" parts, but I was wondering if her mother was a Divergent as well from the film as she moved out of the territory that is the most anti Divergent's they are like a religion they were all structured until someone starts thinking for themselves and that is what tees diver gents are the questioners of the authority/free thinkers within a very hostile to freedom of thought time, now I have never been to Texas but from what I have heard about it I would imagine a system that doesn't work too differently to the above mentioned one.

But what did you actually do today, other than think... 

Well I did some more athletics today, I still think that they think too much of me.

Just on news that  intrigues me more about Zelda, the Hyrule Warriors game is set to take place in the future on the timeline while time traveling around the world, but it look to me as if it's going on the ends of two separate of the forks within the timeline, as on one hand it has got Midna and Zant which are from the game Twilight Princess which turns from a separate fork to the one with Zelda I on it so why am I thinking that I have seen some pictures of in game stuff with it being Zelda I, i'm typing about being in relation to the new game that comes out on the 19th of September over here?

I really need to start writing a middle and an end for some of the tales that I wrote the first chapter to a long time ego.

Monday 8 September 2014

Day 430

Day 430;

Now today has been day numbered 430, in my daily diary entry challenge.

But today I woke up late especially late as I haven't really been getting to sleep over the past 7 days, tithe the foam bed and all.

This morning i awoke from my slumbers after snoozing soundly on some beautifully solid springs instead of a squishy foam thing, but I'm thinking that I slept too well, as I didn't wake up in time to go with Tini and Mich to Tini's work placement so that Mich and myself could walk back home from a position along the way to the establishment that Tini works at, but I was in luck as neither was Mich awake at the time that Tini had to get off to work so we both missed the allotted time. So then when Tini returned to the abode we both (Mich and I) arranged to go out later wen Tini was going back to the establishment of her employment later on today so we got our little walk in later on, it was only about 2 miles/3200m or a good 40-50min walk.

But what happened today other than that? Wasn't there also that thing about Emu and Cman?

Oh yes that was it they went back off to there own home today after staying an extra night with us folks. But then it was they're car that wouldn't start due to some malfunction with the battery it looked as if it leaked some of the battery acid corroding parts of the battery, the car needed to be jumpstarted, as they left Mich commented that they should invest in a new car battery, so I hope they stopped off at a garage on the way home and the replaced the damaged part of the car, before they got home and they'd have to call up an insurer and a garage in order to rectify the fault in the car; as for a start it it'l be more hassle for everyone involved to deal with.

Sunday 7 September 2014

Day 429

Day 429;

So basically today was the real end of my holiday as in yesterday was the true end to it but I was still staying there until today when i travelled home to sleep in a proper bed, not one with a piece of foam as a mattress.

over the past 6 days i have met my KCAL target of which was set something like 2  weeks ago tomorrow. In order to keep my BMI at just over the perfect of 22 , at 22.14, which I managed to get today Now it'll be interesting to see if I can get my BMI to bang on perfect on the game, I have a feeling that it would be appropriate if I was to type something like. "fingers crossed on that happening" to dignify my hope that my BMI will equal exactly 22 one day, but I do not see how crossing my fingers can achieve the above mentioned task.

What I heard about on the radio today was Michael Palin's diary which he was promoting today on the radio, he hasn't done it like me as in writing it every night for the day that came before it but instead he has been writing it from something like 3 days in the future but if I did that I'd have forgot everything that happened to me on that day instead of just most of had happened to me, which could make for a more intresting read, if you are one of those people that would probably like to correct me when I typed read when referring to a blank page as any moron should know that you can't read a blank page. you could view it but you couldn't read it, I already know.

Saturday 6 September 2014

Day 428

Day 428;

So today is the day that it ends.

What ends?

My holiday, ends today.

But what did you do on your holiday today?

So today I walked into Bude, and I went on a rowing boat and I rowed one of the oars. Then I had lunch and I went to a museum which was about the Bude cannel which I had rowed a boat on earlier today. After that excitement I proceeded to a cafe like place which had one of the tables getting extremely excited every time that the little man that was doing the serving called out another order number, I ate some of the cakes but I hated the peanut cake when Mich fed me a slice of the cake. Then comes a lot of boring stuff according to the list that Allergy has made for me to tell me what I have done today, of which I am very thankful of. Now we walked back the cottage and I then ate a portion of sausage in batter and chips as the cottage that I was staying in has a fish n' chips van that comes around every Friday and sells food, I've had better, but it was cheep. Finally today we drove to the west coast to see the sunset but it was very cloudy on the coast, so I could only see a yellowish ball through the clouds but I got Allergy in the correct position to take the desired photograph by the people that wanted there photo taken as Allergy was about to take one with just them on the white background of clouds instead of with the setting sun in the back ground.

Friday 5 September 2014

Day 427

Day 427;

So today I forgot what I had done for almost the whole of the day but then I asked Allergy, and she filled me in on what I had done, which was:

I went to port Isaac then I went to where Doc Martin was filmed, which is some comedy TV program I think, after that I went to some other Padstow, which isn't an Irish stowaway/a paddy stowaway, but it could have got it's name as it's on the south west of Britain and if you look on a map you see Ireland North and West from England as if before the thousands of years of costal erosion Britain, Ireland as well as the rest of Europe were all one giant landmass, as well as Asia, and all, probably, of the nations that are on the same tectonic plate.

But we were playing board games also tonight, my first was another defeat at chess but it was this time to Mich which could have been as I was playing stupidly as I got confused between my king and queen and that was only the stat of my board game troubles.

As then up next we had monopoly to play of which I managed to get the 4 stations and that's it I did have the electricity broker or the water broker but I swapped the one of the two and a property for my second station, but I can't remember how I got my third station, but the forth station I bought for 200 and Pal Mal, so that is how I got all of the stations (at least all of the ones that I can remember. But the player that I first made a deal with went broke first and the person that I made a  deal with second was the second person to leave the game as she landed on my stations and she couldn't pay her debts. But then Mich declared that he won.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Day 426

Day 426;

So today was another day of my holiday and I' thinking that I finally got to have a go doing the ice bucket challenge, well I think it was today.

So my adventure doing the ice bucket challenge consisted in me sitting in a chair then the bucket of icey water was dumped over my head my face was what people were actually looking at as I can't speak and apparently it was a picture, but I'll tell you why it was a picture, it was as I was expecting something properly cold to go on my head as it was supposed to be ice, and I'm being totally serious here when I am stating that the shower that I had afterwards was colder. I was wearing my PJ's when I was doing my ice bucket challenge as I didn't want to get my jeans stuck to me. I wonder if I get it onto the internet what kind of introduction I can add onto it, with me thanking everybody for my nomination, and my nominations for doing it, and all that jazz.

Tintagel castle was the place that I visited today on my Holliday Mich was saying that it's how castle's should be, and to that I wanted to say "like this? In ruins?" As it is a. Pitiful sight of a castle especially one of such myths like the myths of KingArthur, Merlin and the knights of the round table.

Which all stem from the part of the world that I was trampling around today.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Day 425

Day 425;

Ok so today I can't remember what happened to me today, except a lot of walking.

But I remembered some more things that I did yesterday it was on my zip wire experience without the zip. It was that Emz said that the person that was there with me actually strapping me onto the zip wire apparently asked whiter I had done it before, of which Emz answered truthfully, no, my thoughts were that I  must just good at following some instructions.

Some of the walking that I did today was some walking along the acorn path in Devon, I think, well it's either that place or Cornwall.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Day 424

Day 424;

So today I went to the Eden project, it was interesting especially as it had nothing to do with the bible, apart from the name.

Including a whole  load of stuff that I have forgot that I have done today, at least I had by the time that I came to write tis.

So what can I remember that I actually did I can rember going on the longest high wire thing either in the country that I live in, the continent or the world. But the thing was it was a zip wire without the zip/speed. 

Monday 1 September 2014

Day 423

Day 423;

So today was day number 423 proper this time, unlike yesterday when I knew it was day number 422, hence the title, but I then typed today twice in the text, below.

But today I discovered that I didn't sleep very well in a foreign bed to usual, it was super uncomfortable, I much prefer my usual bed to this foam mattress, I am thinking about sleeping on the floor, as I had give or take five hours sleep last night as I went to the room that I was sleeping in at one am and then I had to brush my teeth and get change into my pjs, but then I was up again at six in the morning after I had rolled back onto my back, but I rolled back onto my front and I got back to sleep for approximately half an hour.