Monday 1 August 2016

Day 1131

Day 1131;

So today was the day that I have decided  to number 1131, but today for my dinner I have eaten a McDonalds double cheese burger as I had gone skiing.

Breakfast: cereal. banana. green grapes and purple grapes.
Lunch: chicken, potato and carrots.
Dinner: double cheese burger and profiteroles..
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and a small amount of Lucozade Sport Lite.

Now today I have done a 5 minute row I attempted to get me going for another 5 minutes but I noted that the rowing machine had broken, and I took the resecutive decision to stop rowing as I could no longer row to anything close maximum efficiency. As I attempted and I only managed 30 seconds and 1 minute I am so weak.

Skiing today was interesting as I was accused of taking out all of the snowboarders by my "helper" for today, my helper was called Charlie but this Charlie was a female, which confused me and on my first time up the slope, on the pommel lift I had gripped hold of the lift but I failed to place the seat position in-between my legs, Which meant that I had to cling onto the seat till I got myself up the hill. But today I only noted 1 type of event that made Charlie have a mini heart attack, which I thought was called a TIA, which was as I cut up another skier, but by cut up I mean skiing directly in front of them at an almost right angle; as directly in-between 2 skiers because I had seen the gap and I was a choice between me doing a hockey stop and risking spraying snow into they're eyes or for me to put my head down and just to get through.

Which I did and no collisions today, also there was no times when I staked it today.

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