Tuesday 3 June 2014

Day 333

Day 333;

Sorry that day 332 was short and mere uninformative than usual but I'm trying to make up for that today,

As I stated yesterday/6 hours ago that I watched some interesting stuff on Youtube it started from reading a friend of mines blog, it is this blog's article.  Which intreated me as with solar panels you, well I, don't exactly think about driving on top of them. As for Solar panels I think about the think of the flimsy things that you get on roofs. Well from the Youtube video on that page I have got one of the video's that were linked to it,

It's a cool concept one hell of an innovation and it seems like to me that you could just run a load of bumper cars off of it so there would be no need for a drivers licence,  Allergy also came up an idea which wasn't actually connected to the road idea but i have been thinking of a way to incorporate it into the solar roads. Allergies idea was to make all the roads into rail routes, i'm sorry Allergy if I misinterpreted you. but with these solar roads you may be able to get your Sat Navigation data displayed actually on the road before you and just it couldn't get confused about the layout of the road as it has al of the complete layout of the road within system memory and if there was a crash up ahead the road could tell you.

But there is still plenty of problems with it problems with it, most notably the reluctance of the governments to actually pull out their funding for some of there biggest jobs produces, the energy firms. So it looks like the world has got to change quite drastically until this tech could actually be of any significant use to us. But it could have a load of electric car refuelling stations along the side each booked up to a BnB in order to allow the passengers of an electric car to rest up while there car is being refuelled.

But now onto Firefly the TV season and the subsequent film may have been one offs but I hope not the season was great as was the film but in the film instead of the earth that was getting used up we just out grew it e.g. too many people on it. But that was said by a different person to the people that say it in the other episodes not the films.the name of preaches in the fire fly universe is funny as it's true for so many of them in actuality, Shepard's watching their flocks of lambs to the slaughter of reality. But it seems like an impossibillity for there to be more Firefly, at the moment at least as Joss Whedon/the director has still got his 3 year contract with Marvel.

But then I put that I had been watching another Mighty ducks film that day as I had watched the 2/3 Mighty Ducks film As it's funny as the USA is port raid as a standout country within the film unlike the Bullies that I thought they were, which could just be as it's a disney film hence the bias or it could be my personal predaceous. But I don't really understand why American films always attempt to make the americans look better than they actually are, in comparison to other nations?

But now I'm about to get on with whatI have done today which I can't remember the morning of modestly but in the afternoon I went to another All ability Athletics day I got a go in the sand pit again and i got jogging on the track, but my problem with jogging is that my arms won't actually function properly, at least not in a jogging pose as my left arm does a mini punching motion but my right arm just dangles down to my side all useless like.  Long Jump if I only picked my feet up more when I jumped I would probably be able to get more distance on my jump..But my friend is actually known by the the instructor, but the Richard man, that was my teams leader in the the sports day thing who I think that I accidentally blanked. as I had taken my glasses/spectacles off as I didn't want to damage them so I couldn't actually see him when/if he was speaking to me. And the man that organised the event Told us that Richard is the quickest wheelchair racer in the whole of Briton. 

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