Monday 30 June 2014

Day 360

Day 360;

first things first, I'm sorry that this post has been delayed by 12 hours...

No excuses!

Ok iRed, it's just...

I told you once already today, no excuses,

Ok I'll just get on to the point of what happen to me yesterday.

So yesterday I went to see Elton John, but it was after I had completed Hyrule castle in Legend of Zelda: a link between worlds, and into Lorule I go with the master sword, which should mean that Link already was something like the age of 17-19 before the game started, as. In Ocarina of Time the character Link was some age of about 10-12 then when he touches the master sword he traveled 7 years in time until he was ready to wield the master sword.

Lorule is in like a parallel dimension to Hyrule but the Triforce is upside down so it should be like a mirror image but instead of having he mirror placed at the side of it it's placed below of it, but that is only about the three golden triangles which are now black within the lower dimension of Lorure, also the enemy/Yuga has the black upside dow triangle emblazoned on his chest, now the seven sages and zelda have been turned into painting. But why was zelda turned into a sidewards facing painting when she was facing Yuga when in the cutscene before she became a painting?

But that's enough about Zelda at least for now

Elton John and his band of older folks were actually very good, it was the support act that let the gig down. I enjoyed standing up annd acting like a prat, it's fun.

Today in World Cup action;

Netherlands beat Mexico 2-1.

But then in the other match the full time score was 1-1 and then in extra time 0 goals were scored, so you should know what happens next, penalties Costa Rica took 5 penalties ad scored them all but Mexico took 4 penalties and they scored 3. Which makes full time score 6 Costa Rica 4 to Mexico,

Sunday 29 June 2014

Day 359

Day 359;

So today was interesting, I had my opticians appointment,

And by the way my eyes have gotten better since my last appointment, well one eye has at least.

Even if I did accidentally get a D mixed up with an O, or visa versa.

I haven't  made real progress on a link between worlds today as I was too busy cleaning out another dungeon boss on Wind Waker, and obviously more World Cup football today.

The results of the games played were;

Brazil VS Chile the full time score was 1-1, the extra time score was 0-0, and the penalty score was 3-2 to the hosts, who are Brazil.

But then the next game was Colombia VS Uruguay, and Columbia made Uruguay look lost without there star player (Luiz) I wonder if they'd have played so badly if Luiz had actually played with them also as it is there second and final loss of this world cup campaign ad it's the second game that Luiz hasn't played in, curious?

So gamer nerd factor again may the wisdom of Nayru, accompany you on your travels.

Saturday 28 June 2014

Day 358

Day 358;

So today was a day without any World Cup football on it, luckily there was some tennis on instead,

But I would just like to state a congratulations to Allergy, as she managed to complete her course at her college. Her course was something to do with nursing.

Allergy and I played a bit of football today also but Allergy kept telling mr off for hitting the ball too hard,  which got me a bit frustrated not the fact that she was catching up with my score in the game although she attempted to cheat me out of a goal

So I have been playing The Legend of Zelda; a Link Between Worlds. earlier today but I have retrieved all of the pendants, Knowledge, Power and Courage. I have received the master sword also. So if I manage to keep to this ppace of dungeon completion I should have Hyrule's dungeons completed within the next 24 hours.

Friday 27 June 2014

Day 357

Day 357;

So This day has been probably dull.

As I forgot to put my DS on charge yesterday so I couldn't play on some of my Legend of Zelda games.

But I have ben watching some more off the Majora's Mask thing, as well as keep my fitness truing up to date which makes it the 91st day today I think.

But elsewhere today Germany and the USA managed to make it into the last 16 of the world cup, but the USA has Germany to thank for that as the defeat to Germany, of the Portuguese was a pivotal game as the USA ended on 4 points which was the same amount of points as the Portuguese so then it went down to goal difference, of which the USA had a far superior goal difference.

As the results for today's football played was USA 0-1 Germany, Portugal 2-1 Ghana. Algeria 1-1 Russia, South Korea 0-1 Belgium,  I didn't know that Russia counts as part of Europe not Asia. I thought that it classed as part of both, a kind of Euro-Aisa, as id in flux.

Thursday 26 June 2014

Day 355

Day 356;

So woe I'm so close to a tear in days.

Well today I expended a lot of energy, as I went to the gym today and i completed an achievement.

What achievement?

I completed 1000m on the rowing machine in under 6 minutes.

What your calling that at an achievement?

Yes I am.

Pah slow poke.

Cyr also today I have been watching a play through of Majora's Mask, just to allow me a chance to remember the game more clearly.,  And i was actually playing a different Legend of Zelda game earlier.

But finally the footy results.

Nigeria narrowly lost to Argentina, So please don't cry to me, Argentina.

Also in that group Bosnia thrashed Iran, 3-1.
But then in a separate group'

Honduras got taken to the cleaners by the Swiss in a 3-0 hammering.

Now the only disappointing Game today in terms of final score line was France getting a 0-0 draw with Ecuador.

As I'm feeling weirdly Zeldaish I feel like typing this, may Farore's Courage be with you.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Day 355

Day 355;

So it has ben day numbered 355 of my life, art least my documented life.

So hoe cool would iy be to get a complete history of my life on this, It's impossible now at least as my memory is terrible.

Like what I forgot what I was going to post for todays post;

But i know it had something to do with the Legend of Zelda, games that you have been obsessing over.

Ok... but i have some more information on the World Cup;

Ok, England bow out of the competition on 1 point as does Italy on 3, and 1 bad shoulder for the player that got bit by luis Suarez, apparently.

Meanwhile the the teams that progressed from that group were Uruguay, with mr nibbles at some other players throat, Suarez.  With 6 points and Costa Rica with 7 points.

But in the other two matches today both Greece and Columbia won the matches 2-1 the Greece over the Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivore), and then 4-1 to Columbia over Japan. 

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Day 354

Day 354;

So today has been my day numbered, by me 354 and this morning I have noticed my eyes must be pretty bad now as I can't read some of the writing on my computer screen, but that is with my spectacles on.

Also I have been  playing some of a different Legend of Zelda game today. As well as going to the all-ability athletics thing again, which was fun. The Boss man says that I am a strong, or some other similar words, athlete... But I am not an athlete, I am just a mute with a big virtual mouth which is this blog. Even when I could speak I can only actually remember using my mouth a couple of times and just they were the times that I got detentions; which occasionally really peed me off, like there was one time in math where this teacher was saying that the answer to this question was something that it wasn't so I put my hand up and told him and he refused to tell me how you can get that answer as he was just saying that it's in the answer booklet but then another math teacher came into classroom and he attempted the question on the white board and behold he got to my answer not the answer in the book. Then he just gave me a detention, probably for making him look like a fool, I did a couple go times after the accident but that was with a teacher that was a better teacher and he didn't give me any detentions.

But today in World Cup scores;

 Cameroon got beat quite comfortably by Brazil in the end 1-4 to Brazil.

As did Croatia by Mexico, 1-3 to Mexico.

Which means that Brazil go through as the winners of group A and Mexico go through as runners up with both of the teams on 7 points.

Spain finally managed to get a result, 3-0, but it was agains Australia, in the battle for the wooden spoon of group B (the wooden spoon represents 3rd spot).

The Netherlands VS Chile were playing off for the first and second spots of the group that they, were part of and Netherlands won the match 2-0.

So now in the last 15 we shall have Brazil VS Chile, and Mexico VS Brazil, to watch if you so deem it fit to watch.

Monday 23 June 2014

Day 353

Day 353;

So on this day I have had some things that I have currently forgotten happen to me.

But my teeth have been feeling weak, not as in they are feeling floppy  but it's my gums that are feeling weak, sin my teeth have got new freedom to explore my mouth well almost anyway.

But today in World Cup football scores;

First up was Belgium VS Russia/ the score was 1-0 to the Belgium team.

Then Next up was a high scoring game, it was Algeria who put 3 goals past the opposition keeper before a response of one goal to South Korea but then the Algerian managed to get back to their 3 goal lead until another South Korean player managed to score a second goal making the final score 4-2, to Algeria.

Then in the final match it was a 2-2 draw fin the gam between Portugal and the USA. The Portuguese scored first making it 1-0 to the Portuguese and then in the second half the USA team score 2 goals to make the score 2-1but then it wasn't until the 4th minute of stoppage time until The Portuguese got a second goal to make the score 2-2.

Sunday 22 June 2014

Day 352

Day  352;

it is the day  after the day before.

But it's also a bad Day as England's sport as we found out today as England is loosing at every sport, except cricket.

But that can still go belly up (wrong).

Results of the World Cup.

First up was Argentina who managed  to beat Iran by 1 goal, as the score as 1-0"

Next up is Germany vs Ghana as the score was 2-2. The game started then Germany scored making the score 1-0'to Germany, then the Ghana scored twice to make the score 1-2 in Ghana's favour then it was the Germans that score the final goal of the game to make the score 2-2, it was a good game.

Finally today it was a Nigeria playing Bosnia and the score was 1-0 to Nigeria.

Plis I'm sorry about  the time being late.

Saturday 21 June 2014

Day 351

Day 351;

So today has been a pivotal day in the footy for England, as the English shall be leaving Brazil without a single win and without leaving the group stages unless something terrible happens to the Italians and Uruguayans; let's just sway a virus was picked by one of the Italian players and then in the changing rooms before kick off for the next match they spread it around their team, then kick off time comes players walk out shake hands virus is transmitted teams play Uruguay, win Uruguayan and the Italian teams fall sick England reinstated.

Allergy was saying today that loads of her grinds at college were saying blaming the referee for England's inadequacies in the match yesterday when I corrected her that he referee we had only made one major mistake within the match so it was a pretty well refereed match, which was for not giving the Uruguayan Captain his second yellow card of the game in the first half as he made a dastardly and cunning challenge on one of the English players when the Player had an opportunity to score which would have taken England to 1-0 if it had gone in, but the referee didn't give him a yellow card, I don't know washy It may have been because he'd already given him a yellow card for handling the ball earlier on in the game which may have denied England another chance to score, only as you'd have to give him a red card, of which you didn't want to do referee but I cannot say how much of an impact that sending off would have had on the game, but it probably would have had the Uruguayans 'shutting up shop' and waiting to strike on the counters.

So first yup today in World Cup scores was the tragic result for the English. players and supporters alike as the underdogs from the group D Costa Rica beat Tally, there was no supper Mario today.

Then it was those Frogs knocking the stuffing out of the Swiss 1-0 Frogs, 2-0 Frogs, 3-0 Frogs, end of first half, 4-0 Frogs, 5-0 Frogs, 5-1 Frogs but the Swiss appear to have stated to make a comeback, 5-2; yes go on you Swiss,  but then the referee blew his whistle which was just as well as just after the whistle was blown the frogs stroke back with a fantastic strike that would have made it 6-2.

For a final match it was Equator verses the hounds of Honduras and Ecuador won it 2-1,  after coming from behind in the match it was 0-1 to the hounds by the end of the first half then after 2 second half goals by the Ecuador team Ecuador won.

Friday 20 June 2014

Day 350

Day 350;

I have got some more time to type about my obsessions which is Zelda or rather the Legend of Zelda, sure Zelda is beautiful but she's only a video game character and my other obsession of the moment at least is my obsession with my personal fitness which gads been an obsession since I got my new Wii fit game, the 30th of March, I still haven't missed a day to do my body test I wonder how long I can keep it up for.

But first up with the following

Ir's about the part which has them talking about Link speaking and it had me thinking "Excuse me Princess" just link link bellow.

Butt it has been yet another Tragic Day in England's camp in Rio, Roy may be thinking over his position I hope not but he might be.

First today it was Colombia getting a 2-1 victory against the Corte d'ivoire team.

But England lost they're second World Cup match today but this time it was against Luiz of Uruguay But if Italy win their next two matches and England win their Game against Costa Rica then they might get into the last 16 of this World Cup, the Score line was 0-1 to Luiz  Then Rooney managed to get back England back into the game with his first ever goal in a World Cup finals to get the score up to 1-1, then  it was a second goal to Luiz to make the score 1-2, to Uruguay. So it's up to Italy if England can stay in this World Cup.

Then lastly it aaas Japan VS Greece which was a game that pitted the 10 men of Greece against the 11 of Japan which ended as it started 0-0.

Thursday 19 June 2014

Day 349

Day 349;

Woe today was the 339th day of my diary experience; first up I decided to contact a friend on my game idea yesterday, I still haven't got round to it.  But then in the football World Cup the highest and the lowest ranked countries, both Spain and Australia, have been knocked out of the competition with only they're first two matches being played, the results of the other matches in that group cannot gain them promotion, and Cameroon getting a 4-0 pasting by the Croatians leaves the Cameroon team without a hope to break into the last 16.

But I should tell you what happened me today, well I firs took my drugs, I know Doberman isn't a drug it's a hormone, but the anti sickness drug is a drug. I also went to the Gym today but I know that I have to sort my stroke pattern out  in order to get my time for 1000m to under 6 minuets.

But isn't the Doberman a type of dog?

It iis but that isn't the drug or hormone that I'm taking I have just realised that it was called something like Cinement be the hormone that I'm taking',I'm sorry for the confusion.

Now let's have a nice enough real doberman

But today in World Cup football scores;

First up today there was Australia VS Netherlands which had the Australian's first going behind, 0-1, then it had them going ahead, 2-1, then it had them loosing again, 2-3, then the full time whistle was blown.

Then there was Spain VS Chile, but the results for this game were a lot simpler and less dramatic. 2-0 to Chile which was Chile sealing the Spaniards fate to have to play in the match for the wooden spoon in the group,

Finally it was Cameroon getting torn apart by the Croatians within a 4 goal thriller pity all of the goals came for the Croatian team; But if I could just state this about they're performance today. it seemed ro me as if the Cameroon players just didn't know when to say they were beat as they kept pushing the ball up the other enf looking for the foal that never came.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Day 348

Day 348;

Well this morning I had a dream it was a dream in which a tooth had fallen out of my mouth and if was keeping my tooth in my hand until somebody asked for it then instead of giving it to the person that asked me for it I attempted to put it back in my mouth and I was attempting to dig the roots of my tooth back into my gums, while I am thinking shouldn't this hurt. The other person said to me "the other way" referring to my tooth so I attempted to put the tooth in the other away around and it slowed into my mouth.

Ok my idea of a game is called WWI Scrolls.  There is 38 battles to choose from that happened in the first year the rest we could release as free Downloadable content as soon as we finish them, at least there is from this website. How the game play could wonk is by the main screen you could have the view of the in game ovation and then on the second screen you could have a map from which you could select the squad/individual that you wanted to control. I've got an idea of how I could more correctly show all of you how this game play system would work which will be by use of flash to create another Youtube video, so I may get it done by the time of the new year I just don't know.

Finally in World Cup scores today:

So the first game of today was Belarus VS Algeria which shocked the system when Algeria took a first half lead against Belarus, but then in the other half Belarus managed to get themselves 2 goals after trailing fro just shy of half of the match.

Brazil VS Mexico was the first game of the second stage of the group competition and the score in was unusually dull for this competition especially as it had the hosts/Brazil in it. As the score was 0-0 it was only the second game this tournament to end with that score line.

But then in the final game of the day it was Russia VS South Korea which ended  in another draw but their was 2 goals, yes the score was one a piece each of the goals were scored by the respective sides substitutes in the final half of the game.With the first goal being scored by a South Korean as he struck the ball at the Russian Keeper the ball hit the keepers hands bounced up and over his head, twas a fiasxo for the Russian.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Day 347

Day 347;

So it is the day numbered 347 this day has been decidedly eventful without having to revert to the football.

As what happened tpo me today was I face planted the stairs while I was thinking about walking up the stairs  which left me with a title cur on the bridge of my nose, I realised as it gave off the sweet scent of my own blood. Later on I realised that there was a small chunk of skin missing from the top of my nose where the metal bar of my spectacles had dug into my nose.

But in football results for today their was the first nil, nil result in the compassion, but that was after the Germans demolished the Portuguese which wasn't as impressive as the was that the Dutch destroyed the spanish but the results were equivalent.

Results for todays World Cup Germany 4 Portugal 0; as I said it was not as impressive as the Germans only got 4 goals in the whole game the Dutch got their 4 goals in the second half, and in the German Game the Portuguese were left with 10 men on the pitch while they were left with the full complement of 11 from the first half If the German team wanted to equal the Dutch from the position that they had worked themselves into they should have carried on the momentum into the second half by scoring 3 more goals, to make it equal the number of  goals scored by both the Spanish and the Dutch as Portugal had a man sent off really early on in the game.

But then it was the dullest 90 minutes + stoppage time of football so far, with the first goalless draw of the tournament. It was between Iran and Nigeria.

But then for the final match of the day it was USA VS Ghana and it took 31 seconds for the USA to score they're first goal of this completion since then Ghana had the best of the chances at least up until they scored to make the score level at some time 80+ minutes, so the score was tied and USA got a corner kick and the USA player shot it into the penally area where the ball connected with a head of an American player and the ball soared into the net, to make the score 2-1 to the Americans..

Monday 16 June 2014

Day 346

Day 346;

To start today I. Didn't cover the Côte d'Ivoire vs Japan match which was on TV at 2:00 am GMT when the score was 2-1 to the Côte d'Ivoire team, such a shame you'd have thought that playing as Mario on that intend football game would give then some inventive ideas of hoe to win.

And then there's my calamari outs coming together with a clock, which smashed the glass on a clock. So how did it happen I'm not 100% sure but from my recollection I was sitting on Allergy, Allergy was making a fuss and I got off of her so there I was attempting to get my bearings when allergy said something to me and then she made physical contact with me with her hands it could have been that she only tapped me or she could have hit me, I'm then traveling backwards into the glass that was on the clock and I hear the- shattering sound of glass from my backside.

So there was 3 other football matches today and each of them ended with only 3 goals being scored, two of which ended up with the same score line as the earlier game. The other result was Frogs VS Dogs, well hounds.

I know...

But lets move on ro the scores :

Ecuador VS Switzerland  where Ecuador scored the lead goal in the first half but it was over turned by a Switzerland team that scored 2 goals in the second half of the game to bring the scores to 2-1.
Honduras VS France so this is the game that I described as dogs VS frogs and guess what the score was' the score was 3-0 to the frogs.

Bosnia-Herzegovina VS Argentina, it was Bosnia's first game of  in the World Cup and they where against one of the teams that are one of the favourites to lift the cup by the end, and the Bosnian team managed to get a goal against pity that they were already 2 goals behind at that point if they hadn't concede tthat early own goal.
H damn it I seem to have scheduled this post for the incorrect year one that isn't set to come round any time soon. well the date was today but the year was 20141 sorry about that.

Sunday 15 June 2014

Day 345

Day 345;

This is how one of the football matches made me feel today pity that it wasn't the one that I wanted it to be from the start of the day.

So today it's the 3rd day for World Cup football, and it's the day of my countries first game, by the terminology my country I don't mean it's mine as in I own it I mean it's mine as in I was born upon a hospital bed in a ST John's hospital inside of the borders of the country, that I support in World Cups,

Ok , how convoluted can you get? But anyway what were the results of the games?

Columbia has beet Greece 3-0

Then it was a surprise result for pretty much everyone as the highest ranked team in the group that the team that I affiliate myself with got beat 3-1 by the lowest ranked team in the group that has the county that I was born in, in,  That was Uganda was beet by Costa Rica.

But in the match that I was dreading England vs Italy the score was 3-1 to Italy. But the first half of the game was even by the score, it was the second half that decided it for the teams as which makes if exceedingly difficult for England to progress from the group stages as they are going to win against Uruguay and Costa Rica to stand any chance of making it through.

Saturday 14 June 2014

Day 344

Day 344;

So today has been a day with 3 separate football matches on.

Well the first game was a close 1-0 victory to Mexico.

But it was gue to the line officials of the match,

Mexico vs Cameroon, Mexico getting the ball in Cammeroon's net 2 but they were both disallowed so I was stating that they line official favourites were Cammeroon. As there was two offside calls by to the same official even though the player wasn't offside.

The second game was the shock result, as it was Spain 1 the Netherlands totally dismantled the Spanish with their epic 5 goals, the favourites for the completion have just been cut down to size by an dominate Dutch team.

But then it was the ending match of the day it was Australia vs Chile, and by the 15 minutes mark of the game Chile was 2 goals up. But then before the end of the first half the men from down under got 1 goal back to bring the score line upto 2-1 to Chile. But then in the 92nd minute of the game Chile got there 3rd goal. Final score 3-1 to Chile but it was a close game.

Friday 13 June 2014

Day 343

Day 343;

Well today I was going to cover the E3 press conferences from the other day, But then Mich reminded me today that the foot all World Cup started todayI was the first mach between Brazil and Croatia the fina; score was 3-1 to the home side aka Brazil, but all 4 of the goals came from off of the boot of a Brazilian.

As Brazil went behind after one of the Croats passed the ball across the face of the Brazilian goal which was supposed to be intersected by another Croatian player and powered into the goal, but the ball only made a glancing touch with Croatian player and it was up to the Brazilian defender to tap the ball in the correct direction past his own keeper into the bak of the net, he wasn't attempting to but the ball just hit his foot as he was rushing back to his goal.

But then the second goal that was scored by a Brazilian was in the Croatian end and the third which was scored by the same person that scored Brazils second goal but this time from the penalty spot thanks to the most dubious bit of refereeing that I have seen in recent times, the chaps weren't putting any actual pressure on each other when the yellow chap decided to dive in the box which got the penalty for the Brazilians,. which brings me to the 4th and final goal by the Brazilians which came in the games additional/injury time which happened when Croatia was on ton a break in the Brazilian half and the ball got intercepted by the Brazilian team and the Brazilian counter attacked and then Goal number 3 or 4 to Brazil.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Day 342

Day 342;

So here comes the next thrilling instalment of my life.

Was that lie an attempt at humour?

Well yes how did you know?

You used the term thrilling  if anyone thought that any one of the last 341 days was thrilling I am thinking that they should go to see the doctors, as you may have somehow got brain damage.

Hey what's wrong with people with brain damage?

Well there brain is damaged, what's correct about that?

Urmmm... shut up... you're just picking on me as I got struck by those cars which caused me brain damage all those years ago.

Hang up your morally outraged clock on that there bonfire,


And watch it burn, as both you and i know that we are both the same person behind the Red and Black text and we just act out different parts of your personality.

Erm what about Yellow?

What about me?

Well that there is a good question, as I would probably have to state that he represents a part of me that I have kept under figurative lock and key for the past however long, so long that I couldn't even remember until my knock of my head and brain damage.

How old?

So old that that you only believed in the world that you had seen. And how tall must we have been then?

Oh. I don't know about 3 ft.

But when are you going to be going on about E3?

Ok thank you yellow, Now I watched all of the press conferences on this website. but to explain my bias away from the start I personally enjoyed the nintendo press conference the most which might be because I personally favour Nintendo, but I didn't think that aaas the case, as in the Microsoft press conference they kept repeating how good there console was having all of the new titles first/before everyone else, and they mixed it in with some beautiful graphical displays for a couple of games, and the new track that is exclusive to the Xbox One which looked breathtaking, and the Halo Master Chief Collection.  Now with EA and Ubisoft they each had some beautiful games with some impressive game play to boot.  Sony and there PS4 is the console with the best graphics on the market and they have apparently got a method of playing all of their games in theIr back catalogue, all for free so they said, but the key words for them was innovative gameplay and I can't really remember any time that  t hey displayed any. Nintendo didn't actually turn up they had got this animated press conference which was fun and their key word was fun which started off with an epic battle between the two main hosts of the press conference and they used a bit of innovative tech to decide the battle, and the new Zelda game that should be coming out in 2015 sounds immense with the new open world, and CN Hyrule Warriors also looks awesome.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Day 341

Day 341;

Now it's here the next day of my documented adventure of the boring kind.

Now what was so special about Tennant I mean of the David kind,  the tenth doctor or the eleventh doctor if you including John Hurt. But why was he supposedly the most desirable doctor, It may have been as he was the last doctor that I could actually speak to other people at least.

But now I am about to publicise the New World Cup song for England this year 2014.

It's called the Macaroney, and it's a play on words from the Macarena.

The Macarena is the below song,

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Day 340

Day 340;

It has been the next day, and what have I done?

You have eaten that garlic bread with cheese!

And a Margarita pizza.

Ok i know that I have eaten those items of food for my diner, but I have also had some more  athletics today mostly jogging but sombre throning events, but then the rain came down, on out heads. But the people there I don'r quite think they realise just how blind I am without my glasses (spectacles) on I actually am, maybe they should ask to borrow my spectacles some time to get the view that I have that I have without them on, I am stating this as before I had my spectacles I back when my eyes were still healthy I can remember borrowing Mich's spectacles and looking throughout them and my vision through those spectacles, but they had deteriorated with them on, so much that my vision went fuzzy similarly to how they are now without my spectacles on.

But I have some solemn news for all who deem it fit to read this blog. Rik Mayall aka Lord Flashheart as well as many other aliases ha died at age 56

You can watch the following to see the tribute to him.

Monday 9 June 2014

Day 339

Day 339;

So it is now the day after the day before again.

Ok we all know that, but what has happened to you?

Well I am unsure... But  I think I have remembered something that I wanted to type about.

Oh goodness, more on religion?

Not strictly, but it is a bit about America which could be confused.

As I heard about on the radio about Solar Freakin' Roads 

The BBC speaking about the above video, but I like the idea and I am just unsure of the many practical implications of having it implemented on such a large scale,as thinking of all of the jobs that will need to be shut down and I know what they are saying about it producing many more jobs but that may only be short term jobs as the tech gets more used there should be less that needs doing to it over time until you only need one office in the centre of the road network monitoring the whole road network and say if one of the solar panels becomes nonfictional then you just have to get one of the road engineers to go and fix it at the place that it is effected.

Thinking further into the future you could have the road automatically fixing itself like if there was one solar node not working on say Road M1, Junction 4 the 41st till the 45th solar panels aren't transmitting the electricity to the correct junction box, they may have been knocked out or any kind of road accident could have happened on then the main CPU for the road may dispatch some robots to investigate and fix.

But now that maybe not actually be feasible as the amour of people that you'd have to lay off, would be a nightmare. But using that technology you could make road raffia accidents a thing of the past as well and the need of a drivers licence.


Well you could get in your car sit down select a destination by the road map and then your car will tell you how long it is going to take you to get to your destination on via the interconnected road map as if all the cars that go on roads would now be electric cars that fed off of the roads electricity as it's going, along the roadie something stepped out in front of your car then the road would know immediately and it''d know that it'd have to stop the cars that were about to crash into it as it could just magnetise the roar berth all of the cars that were about to crash into an object and it could for all of the collision victims only releasing them when the creature or thing is removed from the road. , and the thing about not needing a licence is simple as anyone would be able to get into a car and tell the cars CPU where you'd like to go the cars CPU would then plot a route and then as long as you're in the car safely the car would just precede to get you to your destination, safely for you and all other road users; therefore eliminating one of the problems with driving, the driver, so it'd be like you were on a train but your in a car.

Sunday 8 June 2014

Day 338

Day 338;

So it has been day 338, and I am still not an athlete.

What, like when did you ever want to be one?

No need to worry Red, it was just something I was thinking about in my dream this morning, which happened after I had woken up once and I had dozed off, again before being awoken.

Why what happened?

Ok so in the dream I was getting ready to either commence with the news people after doing an event at a winter/summer Paralympics or before taking place in the winter/summer Paralympic event which was probably as my Gym instructor was saying stuff similar to he's so strong to one of my parents/carers, referring to me,  as he said that he stated that I should attempt getting into sports, As a method of channelling that strength, Then he mentioned something about the Paralympics, I suppose if I somehow managed to get in to them 'I'd be a giant advertisement for him, and his services that  he provides to people like me i.e. the disabled.

How cynical can you be?


Correct I am sure he only meant to push you, onto a new goal, not for his own gain..

Saturday 7 June 2014

Day 337

Day 337;

Now on this day I cannot really remember much of what has happened to me,

So what's the difference from normal?

Nothing but I can usually think of something that i have done the day to write about, but I have no stand out memories nor do I have any memories of the day that was today.

But I shall take this lapse in memory to inform you people of a little idea I had a couple of days ago. It is for Firefly season 2, if it shall ever be coming. As there was a big fund to get it back on television screens or on the internetI think it was an Indiegogo fund for Nathan (Mal the main character) to buy the rights of Firefly and for him and his crew to make a new season so then they could realise it online, And I think the total was raised but still no signs of the Firefly season 2 a new season with no Shepard Book or Wash (pilot) unless they want to go about they're  future business in-between the end of season 1 and the film, or they're having a flashback. Like from the end of the season 1 to the place that Anora has to go to get picked up from in the film, And then after with the Miranda incident explained so the Alliance is now attempting to kill Mal and crew by telling all of their citizens as with the consensus of the allied people that it was a hoax cooked up by the independence or some lie like that.

But I have found something that I was looking at today in the bellow video.

Friday 6 June 2014

Day 336

Day 336;

So upon this day Allergy said one of the daftest things to me.

Which was?

"I  don't understand how you're doing this whole posting at 5am, and how I was still wide awake and actually doing some excursive on my Wii Fit while sure was drifting off to sleep" this was before I forced her into eating an apple which appeared to rejuvenate her, so much for that Mississippi Mud Pie, some chocolate thing, which didn't seem to have the same effect.

Woah how did you force her to eat it?

Well there's the thing I didn't force her physically at least, all I did was sit downstairs with a knife and an apple and then I sliced it into pieces on a plate then I took it upstairs to Allergies room and then she ate it'

What about her not liking apples?

It appears that statement is as was a lie. But I got myself a little side tracked so Allergy hadn't realised that I that I write these posts during the day/night before this post is supposed to go live and then I set it on a timer to be posted at 5.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Day 335

Day 335;

It has been day 325 today and I can't remember what I sid today apart from go to the gym and be getting told about a load of sporting  disciplines (I think that's the word) that he'd like to see me at the Paralympics doing, to which I laughed at his absurd statement, as they are what they are.

I'm not stating that I wouldn't qualify on disability, if that was the only thing stopping me, but alas I personally believe that I am too slow for the running disciplines the only jumping one I cannot bring my legs up high enough throwing objects I suck at seriously, but as with horse ridding I can get the horse ovine at slow speeds swimming I can still swim but I'm still terrible at it. Bowls/Boccia I've tried Boccia once i was terrible and I have an acquaintance that played it in the London 2012 and I think he did incredibly well now my gym instructor spoke about disabled skiing to me and that interested me as 'I probably would still be too slow.

Oh but there'd be a visually impaired marathon that I might qualify under if I remove dmy glasses/spectacles;

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Day 334

Day 334;

On this day I have watched Serenity, the firefly film, twice, and I have recede easily managed to contact the help desk at Apple to get some of my funds back as I spent it on something that I had already purchased. The customer support at the Apple store is very helpfull and accommodating so I informed thrum off my thanks within another email message to them which I hope they received.

 But new lets have a bad touch as I touched the mouse while it was over the bad thing that said the prive of something

And the following tribute/a tribute to all of the people that work in the Apple store community help desk.

Buy I know rgat they'll have some much more important stuff to do other than looking at this obsessed freaks So I shouldn't send a link to the email agrees, this bl. as it coiled get me band. from using the service, as that may actuay offend some peiople.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Day 333

Day 333;

Sorry that day 332 was short and mere uninformative than usual but I'm trying to make up for that today,

As I stated yesterday/6 hours ago that I watched some interesting stuff on Youtube it started from reading a friend of mines blog, it is this blog's article.  Which intreated me as with solar panels you, well I, don't exactly think about driving on top of them. As for Solar panels I think about the think of the flimsy things that you get on roofs. Well from the Youtube video on that page I have got one of the video's that were linked to it,

It's a cool concept one hell of an innovation and it seems like to me that you could just run a load of bumper cars off of it so there would be no need for a drivers licence,  Allergy also came up an idea which wasn't actually connected to the road idea but i have been thinking of a way to incorporate it into the solar roads. Allergies idea was to make all the roads into rail routes, i'm sorry Allergy if I misinterpreted you. but with these solar roads you may be able to get your Sat Navigation data displayed actually on the road before you and just it couldn't get confused about the layout of the road as it has al of the complete layout of the road within system memory and if there was a crash up ahead the road could tell you.

But there is still plenty of problems with it problems with it, most notably the reluctance of the governments to actually pull out their funding for some of there biggest jobs produces, the energy firms. So it looks like the world has got to change quite drastically until this tech could actually be of any significant use to us. But it could have a load of electric car refuelling stations along the side each booked up to a BnB in order to allow the passengers of an electric car to rest up while there car is being refuelled.

But now onto Firefly the TV season and the subsequent film may have been one offs but I hope not the season was great as was the film but in the film instead of the earth that was getting used up we just out grew it e.g. too many people on it. But that was said by a different person to the people that say it in the other episodes not the films.the name of preaches in the fire fly universe is funny as it's true for so many of them in actuality, Shepard's watching their flocks of lambs to the slaughter of reality. But it seems like an impossibillity for there to be more Firefly, at the moment at least as Joss Whedon/the director has still got his 3 year contract with Marvel.

But then I put that I had been watching another Mighty ducks film that day as I had watched the 2/3 Mighty Ducks film As it's funny as the USA is port raid as a standout country within the film unlike the Bullies that I thought they were, which could just be as it's a disney film hence the bias or it could be my personal predaceous. But I don't really understand why American films always attempt to make the americans look better than they actually are, in comparison to other nations?

But now I'm about to get on with whatI have done today which I can't remember the morning of modestly but in the afternoon I went to another All ability Athletics day I got a go in the sand pit again and i got jogging on the track, but my problem with jogging is that my arms won't actually function properly, at least not in a jogging pose as my left arm does a mini punching motion but my right arm just dangles down to my side all useless like.  Long Jump if I only picked my feet up more when I jumped I would probably be able to get more distance on my jump..But my friend is actually known by the the instructor, but the Richard man, that was my teams leader in the the sports day thing who I think that I accidentally blanked. as I had taken my glasses/spectacles off as I didn't want to damage them so I couldn't actually see him when/if he was speaking to me. And the man that organised the event Told us that Richard is the quickest wheelchair racer in the whole of Briton. 

Monday 2 June 2014

Day 332

Day 332;

So it has been the day numbed 222 and again today I have watched some interesting stuff on youtube as well as some Firefly  on my computer, the first 3 episodes of the original and so far only season, and then I watched the second Mighty Ducks film.

Sunday 1 June 2014

Day 331

Day 321;

So if you know anything about the football world cup you should know that it can only be won by 1 team but which team is anyones guess from the 32 that have qualified, but the favourite is Spain.

But that's enough about the World Cup, which starts in in something like 11 days. I'm unsure go it's actual start date,

Why don't you check it our, after all you have just been on the Fifa Website?

Ok well if I was just to tell you that you can see the countdown timer on this website.

Ok, now what I have been doing today is watching the Mighty Ducks which is an Ice Hockey Disney FilmI had a team shirt of theirs back when I could still play Inline Skater Hockey which was basically ice hockey apart from their was no ice.

What else did you do today? 

I went to Tini's school and I filmed the chickens a bit. Then I myself a friend in the pet food shop it was a Jack Russell, a dog

It should have looked like the following dog

Jack Russel

But it didn't, as the one in the shop was female for a start.