Wednesday 31 August 2016

Day 1161

Day 1161;

So today was the 1161st day, of me making this blog thing. But my BMI sunk to a low of 21.81 but I am still a bit podgy.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and purple grapes.
Lunch: sausage roll, purple grapes and a chocolate eclair.
Dinner: toad in the hole (sausage and Yorkshire pudding), peas, carrots, new potatoes and a chocolate eclair.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit squash and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I have gone to the gym, but today the weights on the arm machines had gone up by 2.5kg, I think, well I know it's gone up from 17.5 to 20 which is an increase of 2.5  but I'm unsure about the weight measurement. But I don't think it can be kg as I remember my Wii telling me that I had a body weight of 68kg the other day, but then today I lifted 105 on a legs weight machine which if it's in kg then I have lifted slightly over 150% of my body weight on my legs. but needless to say I was a bit worn out by the end of todays exertions.

Once I had arrived home from the gymI was asked if I wanted a drink, my answer to the question was a nod as you don't need to be a brain scientist to work out why I answered the question with an affirmative response. The drink I had was a 300ml mug of apple juice, so I thought; that's good I've already consumed my 5 portions of fruit for today, as I had eaten a banana and grapes for breakfast and some more grapes for lunch then that 300ml mug of apple juice equals the 5 then for dinner I ate another 2 portions of vegetables which makes it up to 7 portions of fruit and vegetables for today. Congratulations to the people that provided all of that delicious food and drink to me.

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Day 1160

Day 1160;

So today was interesting, as I did 50 laps of my homes garden and I rowed 3.2KM in under 10 minutes, on the rowing machine.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: white bread and butter and I’ve forgotten the rest that I ate for this meal.
Dinner: peas, carrots, roast potatoes, chicken and some tiramisu.
Drinks:more from the bottle of Lucozade Sport, 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and 4 300ml mugs of fruit squash,

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild…Looks awesome, it looks so awesome it makes me want to make another YouTube video. On some of my speculations on the upcoming Zelda title. I would like to call it "Savage Speculations: Zelda Breath of the Wild" or something snappy. 

But then I may have a script for it, but how am I supposed to execute the script? Sure I can get it up as another one of my expressionless, lifeless and emotionless flash presentations of me speaking to you, but if I'm fortunate I could put some actual life into it by having some actual people talk to my audience olike I could get some of my “friends” if I’m still fortunate enough to have any, I won’t hold my breath.

If I made a scripr I would hate for it to be read out word for word unless they had read through it first and thought that's ok I might actually use that in day to day conversations. To make it a more natural (and hopefully more engaging) delivery of the presentation.

II also got myself killed a bt more by Ocelot on MGS: Snake Eater., Ocelot is a challenge.

Monday 29 August 2016

Day 1159

Day 1159;

Now this morning I had a troubled sleep, it was troubled as I  kept waking up.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread), scotch eggs, quavers and mini chocolate rolls.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, sausage and Tiramisu.
Drink: drank a  few squirts of Lucozade sport, 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 300ml mugs of fruit squash.

I hate the summer time, It's all so boiling and I always seem to get colds, as in sneezing/coughing fits and a running noise. As well as all of that the whole world wants to start stinking to highest levels of the stratosphere.and it makes mr feel pity for all of those people that live around the equator that have to spend the whole tear in conditions like this.

But if you know anything about me, even if you don't,  hen I would like to say that I can write a story probably a no good story at that but then why shouldn't I attempt to improve my (more like actually get some) skills. As I was writing an opening cut scene for my hypothetical Zelda game.

The first part goes like this:-
You’re sitting down on the grass looking up at the sky,
Suddenly your hand clasps your nose.
You see black smoke billowing over your head.
Then you hear some screaming coming from behind you.
You spring to your feet and turn 180 degrees.
The screaming is cut short by something.
You run up to the front door to check it out.
The door slams open.
You are knocked away from the door.
You see a dark figure coming out from the door before     the world fades to black,

But then the next part I'm having trouble with as I don't understand how to say what needs to be said in within an effective way. I have even planed out a little quest which has the Minish in I know that the Minish may only be seen by a child but I'm wondering if a bit of brain trauma could do something similar? As the Brain trauma could have happened by Link getting hit  by that door, which allowed him to hear the faintest screams of a Minish, which is getting attacked by a small bird which you could throw a stone at the bird to make it drop the Minish then the Minish asks for help in gathering up all of the stranded Minish. That was a quest idea.

Apollo has won the rebooted series go Robot wars  with Carbide in second place. TR2 3RD, Thor in 4th.

Sunday 28 August 2016

Day 1158

Day 1158;

today I list .1 on my BMI thing so it’s up at 22.07 today, I still need to lose .07 to get myself to perfection.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: margerait pizza slices, mini (cocktail) sausages, mini sausage rolls, potato salad, banana and strawberries.
Dinner: pie, carrots, potato with cheese and tiramisu.
Drinks; 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs and 1 200ml mug of fruit juice.

today I have been playing Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater I started it from the beginning again, but I couldn't remember what happened but then as it started a bit flashed through my mind, It happened when Major Tom/Harry, was introducing my accomplishes for the mission and I thought that the person had already defected but obviously not/

Saturday 27 August 2016

Day 1157

Day 1157;

From the perspective of 2 days ago: I realise that I'm getting fat, even though my BMI says that I'm slightly under having a perfect BMI, having a BMI of 22 is regarded as where your supposed to be, and mine was 21.91 last night.

Breakfast: cereal, purple grapes, green grapes, apple and banana.
Lunch: scotch eggs, margarita pizza pocket, mini sausages, mini sausage rolls and 4 chocolate brownie bites.
Dinner: sausages, chips, peas and strawberries.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk and 4 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Well I only have myself to blame for this post being late, I was too tired to see last night when I was getting this post in order.

So what happened to you yesterday?

Shouldn't you know, seeing as you are me?

Well duh, obviously, I was setting you up to tell the audience.

Ok,,, It was a set up... I'm not sure If I like set ups,

Now just shut up and get on about what you actually did yesterday?

Now yesterday I played, and completed, the final level off Hyrule Warriors Legends. As I completed it the Legend of Zelda theme a more rock version of the classic piece of music which made me think, yes this is why I completed this game, As I like the rock version of the Legend of Zelda music.

Now I know that I haven't actually 100% completed the game, but it's on the list of games that I shall be 100% clearing out when I've completed the other games in my collection.

Today I have drank my recommended daily amount also. But my BMI for last night was 22.17 I'm getting fatter quite considerably.

Friday 26 August 2016

Day 1156

Day 1156;

Now the internet is playing up on me again tonight/tomorrow morning, so it maybe a bit late now.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: bread and butter sandwich, quavers and
Dinner: Macaroni cheese, potato salad and some millionaires cheese cake.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk, 4 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snack: 1 chocolate lamb.

Today I have been playing on Hyrule Warriors Legends first I completed the level that had even giving me hassle, over the past few days, which may have been as I had changed the difficulty level to hard instead of normal so I changed the difficulty settings back to normal and I completed the level simply. then I decided to go back to the first level when I had completed the next level after that then I went back to the first level and with my characters now really powered up i completed it easily in hard mode making sure that i collected all of the pieces of hearts shattered around the level, also.

So today I drank 2..1L of fluid apparently.

Thursday 25 August 2016

Day 1155

Day 1155;

The internet is down again as I'm attempting to get this post online, But the internet is back up and running now I wonder if it'll stay operational by the time that I need to publish this blog post.?

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: I cannot remember.
Dinner: I cannot remember.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice, 1 200ml mug of fruit juice and an almost full bottle of Lucosade sport lite.

Today I had another gym session. my gym session today was extra interesting as Tini talked to Mr P for a relatively considerable chunk of the session, and she didn't come away from the conversation being all "That man just talks,he can talk for the country, doesn't he ever shut up" and stuff like those.

But it is too hot, I even took 2 showers today to cool myself down, the second may have been after I got home from the gym so I was sweating a ton, from that, not literally a ton meta... figuratively a ton.

In the gym today the conversation was about me going into the gym on another day to see if I can make it on a hour long bike ride and I have got to keep my RPM rate at over 100 at all times, especially as I failed to make it over 100RPM for the full 5 minutes of my attempt today, should be interesting and it should be a lot of hard work. It's going to be a challenge for me.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Day 1154

Day 1154;

Today a court has ruled in favour of the IPC (International Paralympic Committee) in upholding the ban on all Rusian athletes from competing in Rio, good, the IPC isn't as weak as the IOC.

Breackfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (brown bread) and a bowl of strawberries.
Dinner: meatballs, pasta and some chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

Today I have heard what has got to be one of the stupidest analogies ever made by a human, it was:
What's life without an entrance, I thought about it and I thought the question answers itself it's just like what's a room without a door, the answer of which is "a room" which is similar to the other analogy as the answer to that "life", plain and simple.

So today I went skiing it was fun but I stacked it once and my instructor for today, was the same instructor that I had on my first skiing lesson which was at this new place that I go to ski, there was also a lot of super small children there who were going for a ride down the slope on toboggans, then when the teacher spoke I wasn't sure where he was from but he was speaking to the children in another language (maybe dutch maybe german maybe a different language entirely). Which got me thinking, if they were a continental European nation they're from wouldn't it be easier and cheeper for them to use one of the big mountain ranges near to them instead of having to come to Britain?

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Day 1153

Day 1153;

So today I had mucked up my foreskin, so today it had got itself jammed on my cock in an uncomfortable position.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: I think I ate 1 meat, carrots and peas followed by strawberries in single cream but that would mean that I'd have ate my 5 a day already, and I don't think that I had eaten my 5 a day by then.
Dinner: 2 pieces of chicken and chips.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snack: 1 toasted hot crosse bun.

But then I also had some athletics today which was fun as I did a bit of jogging, a bit of jumping and a bit of throwing,  I had got my little Richard sorted out before I went to athletics, so I couldn't use it as an excuse, for my pathetic display of athletics.

On the radio today there has been a lot of mentioning Sam Allardyce, at least on the radio stations that Mich has on the majority of the times throughout the day. Sam Allardyce is the new England football club manager, and he takes up the helm of the sinking ship which is called England FC for the first time in a game like situation I think it is on the 4th of September for the world cup qualifiers as I am  unsure if he has got any "friendly" games to take charge of before hand.  

Monday 22 August 2016

Day 1152

Day 1152;

So today was the final day of competition in the Olympics, and team GB only managed a silver medal in boxing,

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: lamb, peas, carrots, roast potatoes, minted pears and strawberries in single cream.
Dinner: and apple pie in single cream.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and some of that cream mixed with some strawberry juice and obviously some of my drool.

So team GB only managed to get a silver today but thankfully China also didn't manage to get a gold medal, which meant that Team GB finished second on the Rio 2016 medal table, but the next games shall be in Tokyo so I wouldn't expect the Americans to do as well in them but the Chinese should probably be able to own the Olympics in there neighbouring country of Japan, just as the Americans have done in the neighbouring country of Brazil.

I have just watched the closing ceremony of the 2016 Olympics and the best part of the ceremony was Mario, he stole the show basically.

That is a Sheikah slate it will help guide you after your long slumber? Long... aren't you kind of under selling it a bit, 100 years.

Sunday 21 August 2016

Day 1151

Day 1151;

Team GB's Liam Heath has got  the teams first medal of the day and it was a gold medal as well, so it was a good job in your Kayak over in Brazil; Liam.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: cheese and salad cream sandwich, quavers and a non alcoholic tiramisu cakey moosey thing.
Dinner: pie, peas, carrots, new potatoes and chocolate  trifle.
Drinks; 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and a bit of the chocolate trifle.

Today team GB managed to get some more medals, but there is some confusion over wether the Paralympics are going to take place in Rio.  As I was thinking that they would run this Paralympics due to them winning the right to host the 2016 Olympics and Paralympics like  how GB did in 2012. as when I was at Boccia today the person that runs it was saying that it'd be costing a lot of money to host it the money that the Brazilians don't have. But just I had thought that earlier on during the Olympics they said that they were still going to run the Paralympics but they were going to have to downsize it. As if you look at the venues for the Olympics were almost empty so they haven't been managing to pull in the crowds and that is for the actual Olympics not the cripples Olympics.

Brazil mannaged to beat Germany on penalties 5-4 after a 1-1 draw with them over 120 minutes of play.

GB's Thomas Daily managed to totally muck up his diving semi final which was after managing to win his preliminary round with a new record he then finished 18 and last in the semi final. It is as if he is cursed to only being allowed to win 1 medal per games, and it's a bronze medal from 2012 and 2016.

But fortunately Mo Farah didn't disappoint by winning team GB's 27th gold of the games with 1 day to go Team GB have only got 1 more Gold medal than China who's in 3rd position but they are 4 medals behind the Chinese in total number of medals meanwhile America is still way out in front of GB by 26 golds and 30 medals. But this olympics has been team GB's most successful Olympics in terms of the total number of medals earned, but we need 2 more golds to make it joint in the gold medal standings with London 2012.

Saturday 20 August 2016

Day 1150

Day 1150;

So today team GB surprised me they managed to get 3 golds in one day

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch:I can't remember.
Dinner: scampi, chips and peas.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

1 in Horse riding
Nick Skelton became the oldest British man to win a medal at the olympics for 108 years and 108 years ago it was only a silver medal. So I think he's the oldest Brit to ever win a gold medal.

So today was a good day for that old man and some British women.

1 in Taekwondo
As Jade Jones successfully defended the title that she won 4 years ago, by defeating her opposition that they were saying had the beating of Jones on 3 of the 5 of they're previous meetings, but there's also another Gold medal bout in Taekwondo, which may be as if Muhammad (GB) can beat Cisse (CIV) in his gold medal bout later tonight. in half an hours time from when I've set this to be posted but I'll be off this for then as I have got an early start tomorrow.

1 in Hockey
It came down to a penalty shootout, as in the game GB scored first in the first quarter, then the Dutch scored 2 goals to make it 2-1 to the Dutch then it was almost straight away after they had scored their second goal that GB clawed 1 back to make it 2-2 before half time. Then the second half started the Dutch managed to get the lead before the end of the third quarter third quarter end the score line was 3-2 to the Dutch, but then the commentators were saying that he majority of the GB players were also playing for England in the victory against the Dutch back in the european championships which England were down by 2 gals to 0 before the final 8 minuets and they managed to peg them back to 2-2 and win it on a penalty shoot out, but that's different as Team GB was loosing until the clock ticked down to slightly over 8 minuets when I'm thinking White was the player that managed to get team GB back on terms with the Dutch which ensured a penalty shootout. GB actually won the shoot out thanks to some awesome Goal Keeping skills of the keeper who saved 4 out of 4 shots on her meanwhile the dutch keeper only saved 3 out of 5 shots on her goal.

Friday 19 August 2016

Day 1149

Day 1149;

So today team GB gt the gold that they should have got yesterday and they got a Taekwondo gold medal thanks to Jade Jones, and the Brownlee brothers also got a 1, 2 in the Triathlon which is a gold and silver.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: cheese and salad cream sandwich with some chocolate cake for pudding.
Dinner: sweet n sour chicken with jacket potato and a slice of chocolate cheesecake for pudding.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 2 300ml mugs of milk.

So you probably already know of the 3 more golds that team GB got yesterday, which is exactly the same number of golds that China got yesterday and today, which maintains the lead of 2 gold medals over China from 2 days ago, but the US is still 13 gold, 12 silvers and 19 bronzes ahead of team GB. With only more 3 days of completion team GB need to average at least 4 golds a day to stand a chance against the Americans, I'm not even sure that team GB actually has 4 more athletes/teams that could medal before the end of Rio.

I mean I know that Team GB have a chance in the gold medal match for women's hockey, Tom Dailey is going to be attempting to upgrade his bronze medal and Mo Farah has another race, but other than that I'm unsure.

Thursday 18 August 2016

Day 1148

Day 1148;

So today I went to an old folks home and while I was there I was picking up all of the gnomes that had fallen over, while we were in an outside area. 

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: I cannot remember but I can remember that I ate a chocolate cookie for pudding.
Dinner: I cannot remember.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice, 1 200ml mug of elderflower presa? and almost a whole bottle of  Lucozade sport.

But today team GB’s women have guaranteed themselves a field hockey medal by winning the semi final that they had to play, as if they have almost done as well as the pair of women that are competing for team GB who just have to compete in the final, gold medal race, which was set for today but they weren’t allowed to race it today, there was some problem with the wind which meant that there was no racing today, so the pair of them will have to get their competing done whenever it is rescheduled. So it means that Team GB have still got 2 medals to claim from today, 1 gold medal and 1 undecided at either gold or silver.

Also there oppositions will be the Netherlands as they managed to knock out the Geri’s in a penalty shootout today 3-4 I think. The Geri's are usually very good at penalties.

But the Football team that I support have got off to a good start with only 3 games played so far this season, as they are close to the top of the league with 7 points.

Yesterday being only the second day that team GB accuired no medals allowed China to close in on them but thanks to the superior number of silvers of team GB they have managed to stay in second spot on the medal table.

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Day 1147

Day 1147;

Team GB's Medal tally rose once more, but now we are only beating the Chinese into third thanks to out superior number of silver medals.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and purple grapes.
Lunch: chicken goujons, peas, new potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Dinner: the second half of the pizza
Drinks: 2 300ml muffed of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Why don’t they bring in inline skating as a Olympic discipline they could have all of the cycling events like the road race and all of the velodrome events figure skating and obviously some hockey. There is so much you can do when your on skates you could just get rid of the equestrian, tennis/golf and probably boxing then they would have enough room for inline skating in the summer Olympics.

As why do they have the equestrian events in?I know that it takes skill to ride a horse, but what does the horse get out of it, an extra bale of hay? Then tennis/golf why are these two sports even in the Olympics, they already have they’re pinnacles of the sport which exceed the Olympics. Finally boxing why is that sport in the Olympics it’s just hitting each other but then roller hockey which you could have fights break out during the match, but then everyone is fully kitted up to whether the assaults, so therefore much safer.
Jason Kenny won the Keyring event which had 2 false starts before getting underway. The first of which I thought that Jason had made the infringement, but another gold for team GB never less which puts them 2 ahead of the Chinese in terms of gold medals.

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Day 1146

Day 1146;

So Team GB's medal tally rose by +3 today which was 1 gold 1 silver and 1 bronze, but they are managing to "pull" away from China who have still only got 15 golds, but only slightly as GB only have 16.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and purple grapes.
Lunch: I have forgotten what I ate for my lunch.
Dinner: 1/2 of margarita pizza and some chocolate from my chocolate box (stuff that I haven't eaten from 1 easter).
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk, the second half of that bottle of Lucozade sport, 1  300ml mug of fruit juice and a 150ml mug of fruit juice.
Snack: Maltloaf.

So today I had myself another go at the long jump, but I was terrible at long jumping, today, and I took off and I landed face down in the sand, it was as if I had just last week off so "H

Monday 15 August 2016

Day 1145

Day 1145;

Supper Saturday? Superior Sunday, is more like it. 

Breakfast:apple, banana, strawberries and purple grapes,
Lunch: pork pie, cottage cheese, bread and something else but I can't remember what it was.
Dinner: new potatoes, peas, carrots, lamb and strawberries with cream. 
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice, a small amount of water and mint and then finally a small amount of cream,

In the Olympic medal table team GB is in second spot for the moment thanks to minty man (Murray, murray mints) for managing to beat the number 1 seed and Nadal. But the game was a first to 3 sets Instead of first to 2 which made the match longer,

Jason beat Callum in the 2 bicycle sprints which all totals at 15 gold medals 16 silver but then only 7 bronze.

Sunday 14 August 2016

Day 1144

So today I traveled back to my home. Which was good apart from the whole traveling part, I dislike traveling unless it's by foot.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: bread and cheese roll.
Dinner: chicken and garlic elcolope thing, peas, carrots, new potatoes and I know I ate something else for pudding but I cannot remember what.
Snacks: 8 American hard gums, 1 jelly baby and 1 Turkish

Today in the Olympics it has been a big day apparently, but it was apparently super Saturday as the last Olympics which was as Greg, Mo and Jess all earned, gold medals, but this time only Mo managed to receive a gold, then Jess managed to get a silver and Greg got a bronze. So not quite so super Saturday/Sunday morning more like it this Saturday/Sunday morning.

But before the above event even started team GB had already got some golds and a silver, in the velodrome and had garenteed at least at silver in the Tennis, thanks to the Murray, as he us in the final of the men's Olyimpic tennis for the second time, and GB is a has also secured both the gold and silver in another of the men's track cycling by having the final being between Jason and Callum. Which in total means that there's 3 medals for team GB to collect latter tomorrow (today from the time that I get this out).

Saturday 13 August 2016

Day 1143

Day 1143:

Now today I have watched some more of the Olympics as well as going to a "posh" house which was really ruins.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, green grapes and purple grapes.
Lunch: bread and butter roll, Pringles, chocolate bites and a French fancy.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas, Tiramasu and strawberries.
Dinks: 2 300 mugs of milk, 3 300 mugs of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and lemonade.

In the Olympics today Team GB have been  decent in the track cycling by taking 2 gold medals, I can't remember what the third gold was in, for the moment at least.

But then also today we were watching the heptathlon and this morning they were doing the high jump, I was remembering my High Jump exploits from school I mentioned that I thought that I had jumped 120cm and Allergy was stating that she thought that it was humourious that I could remember that which must have happened a long time ago but I couldn't remember what I had eaten at meal times today, as I had to ask her.

Friday 12 August 2016

Day 1142

Day 1142;

Today I have been to a castle, which was impressive upon it's own, but then we also watched the donkey's as it was their job to pull up the buckets of water from the well, for the people that lived in and around the castle.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, purple grapes and green grapes.
Lunch: bread butter roll and quavers.
Dinner: sausage in Yorkshire pudding' peas, carrots, new potatoes and apple pie with cream.
Drinks: 2 300ml of milk, a bottle of Lucosade sport (mango) and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Team GB managed to get another 4 medals, 1 gold and 3 silvers, including 1 silver in the Rugby 7's.

But there are many sports that aren't in the Olympics which probably should be in the Olympics, like roller hockey and inline skating, but there are also some sports that shouldn't be in the Olympics, football, tennis and golf are the first 3 that spring to my mind.

Just to state that I don't want tennis removed from the Olympic Games as Team GB is useless at it, as I know that Konta got knocked out of the competition today but there is also Murray that GB has in the competition (the Scotsman that won his match today), I want it to be removed from the congested Olympic schedule as the Olympics is not a flagship event for tennis, there is a lot of other global tennis competitions already, like the open's.

The Olympic stadiums have been deserted for the most parts, of this Olympic Games, but what is the Brazilian culture like? Boo everyone, I just can't understand them.

Thursday 11 August 2016

Day 1141

Day 1141;

So yesterday didn't turn out to be as bad as it was in the medal stakes, since I left the TV at what ever the time that I posted last nights post team GB managed to get 2 silvers, to make it be 1 gold, 3 silvers and 2 brome medals.

Breakfast: poached egg on toast, grapes, strawberries and banana.
Lunch: bread and butter roll, quavers and chocolate chip vanilla ice cream.
Dinner:pesos, new potatoes, probably some meaty thing, one kind of pudding pie and one quater of another pudding pie thing with cream,
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 bottle of orange Lucozade sport and 1 150ml mug of fruit juice.

This morning I heard about this story which was on sexual harassment in the workplace, it had a woman on the show, who apparently was an expert on sexism in the workspace; as I was listening to her I was just thinking you really need to grow thicker skin. Especially when they were attempting to complement you and you should have told them that you found it offensive and inappropriate else wide how are they to know that you're a sensitive little flower and you can't take a compliment.

Chris Froome didn't manage to pull off a Wiggins today in the time trial, as he only managed to get another bronze medal in the time trial, I am stating another as he got 3rd at the last Olympics 4 years ago.

But today in the Olympics so far, by the time that I have gone to bed, today GB have got 2 more golds and 4 more bronzer. But then earlier tomorrow/later tonight there is at least 1 more medal opportunity in the pool.

Hockey women's it was Argentina Vs GB it was team GB's victory, but it's GB men Vs Australia men tonight in hockey.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Day 1140

Day 1140;

I went to the isle of white needles today. I had been to see them before but that was 18 years ago, or something like that.

Breakfast: sausages, eggs and toast.
Lunch: sausage in a bread roll, quavers and Jaffa cake flavoured ice cream.
Dinner: chicken, new potato, peas and strawberries.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 bottle of Lucozade sport, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I have whitenessed team GB not being able to get any medals, but team GB men's side have managed beat Brazil 9-1 in hockey, which is a first win for the British men's hockey team, after they drew the first with New Zealand .

Also today within the Tennis there has been another 2 good results for Team GB as both Konta and Murray and there has been a great shock in the women's game, as the number 1 seed (Serena Williams) had been knocked out by the Ukranian, in straite sets.

But within the Brazil Vs GB match Brazil had 1 shot and they scored it. Meanwhile GB had a lot more shots but they only scored 9 of them but in the final quarter of the match GB subbed off their Goalkeeper so they had an extra outfield player on the pitch. Belgium is beating Australia in the hockey match between the two of the teams but there is still 30 minutes left to play.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Day 1139

Day 1139;

So this morning I got up 4 hours after I had gone to bed, so it was from 4 till 8 about when I slept from and until.

Breakfast: egg, sausage, toast and banana.
Lunch: sausage in a bred roll quavers.
Dinner: chicken tikka masala and nann bread.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 bottle of Lucozade sport.

So today GB got 2 more medals 2, 2 more bronze medals, 1 by Edward Ling who was shooting clay pigeons, I think, with a shot gun and he shot more targets than his opposition and it was the other 1 was the 2 British divers, which were Thomas Daily and Dan Goodfellow. But the other 2 bronze medal oportunitities of today fell flat.

Then today I'm slightly remembering a British woman's success, in tennis, and also a defeat to the other British woman, I am thinking that happened today. As I am not going to be staying up as late tomorrow morning as I did stay up this morning so I'm just going to watch the conclusion of the USA Vs Frogs as it seems that USA is going to wrap it up shortly I have decided to get myself ready and off into bed after the conclusion of the match, as Tini doesn't like me staying up in the morning to 4 o'clock.

Serena Williams of the USA managed to wrap the game up, pretty easily in the end so I'm off to bed, now. 

Monday 8 August 2016

Day 1138

Day 1138;

Last night I was sleeping in a bed which was small, too small, for me I think.

Breakfast: poached egg on toast, apple, banana and grapes.
Lunch:cheese + ham roll, quavers, grapes, 1 chocolate French fancy and 2 mini chocolate bites (1 orange +1 mient).
Dinner: pasta bolognaise, portion of Tiramasu and a chocolate moose.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So today I have gone on 2 separate short walks, I have also had some sneezing fits and I have watched a bit more of the Olympics.

Lizzie Armestage didn't manage to win in the road race, she could have at least got a bronze medal seeing as how you shouldn't have been in the competition anyway, but no she came 5th. In the end of the race there was a leader a chase group and the peleton the chase group of 3 managed to take over the leader basically on the line, actually a couple of seconds before the line but the 3 of them managed to deny the British woman a medal.

Team GB men's hockey team have got 1 point so far for this Olympics out of 2 games.

The Williams sisters have been knocked out of the Olympics, which should leave the women's doubles, tennis, wide open for any of the countries which are still in the competition.

But the number 1 seeds for the men's doubles tennis already look like they have been eliminated from this years Olympics can the number 2 seeds (the Murray's) stop the third tennis upset from happening in this Olympics.

Tonight in the pool there is 2 opportunities for GB to get some medals, in swimming.

The Murray brothers are out of the Olympics, in strait sets. The tennis for today was remarkable as Djokovic the world number 1 got knocked out of the Olympic tennis men's singles.

Adam peaty won Olympic gold with a new world record which is GB's first medal of the games. Then it was also a silver medal for Jaz Carlin, in the pool just after Adams indomitable performance.

Sunday 7 August 2016

Day 1137

Day 1137;

Up today was a trip to another island, But I have also gatheredsome knowledge that I also missed out a bit on yesterday's opening ceremony, as I didn't watch it to that point, the formalities of welcoming all the athletes was boring me, so I decided to go to bed.

Bewakfast: cereal, yellow plum and strawberries.
Lunch: 2 cheese + pickle rolls and a pack of quavers.
Dinner:chips, chicken, peas and a sundae.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 bottle of mango flavoured Lucozade sport and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.
Snacks: 2 American hard gums and 2 cookies.

In the Olympics today they had the men's road race, for bicycles which was interesting, as the favourite for the race crashed out on the final lap, as did Mr Thomas/the Welshman that is part of team GB could have capitalised on the incident between the favourite incident he crashed also, silly.

Saturday 6 August 2016

Day 1136

Day 1136;

Now today the "sad" news about my GAK was rescinded but we're still awaiting more news, on her condition.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: macaroni cheese, sponge cake and strawberries.
Dinner: 2 crumpets.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice. 
Snacks: 2 of Percy's Pals (1 sheep and 1 cow).

Today I had another lazy day, but today I lost some weight, which confused me.

I have also been playing the Wind Waker first level on Hyrule Warriors Legends, as I am thinking that they are the first levels since the levels from the original game, minus the Linkle levels, so the Cia levels were all included on the original game.

But now at the moment of me typing this it is the opening ceremony for the 2016 Rio Olympics, but I'm unsure about the origin story of Brazil but it looked to me like there was many of the native Brazilians then the "white" men came over, slave etc, cities sprung up and with it parkour then building a wall then knocking it down, next up was a plane, 14 BIS, next up was a was a man on the grand piano, the piano man was singing until he was interrupted by a woman with some of that new pop music like tripe and then her and her posse continue from there until they start doing something funny with the lights and floor. Next up was something that is very strange, have I been taking drugs or have they only just discovered the power of technicolor television?

And I have forgotten to mention the little Rio fireworks, the starting screen which was the floor that was impressive as it was a sea lapping up along  a shore which changed to ground and then had some giant mini beasts walking over it as the people were holding parts of a giant scaled up mini beasts. Also I forgot to mention the red flags that were being waved about art one point within the history of Brazil part, I'm unsure but it could be back tracking to when Brazil was a communist state, has Brazil ever been a communist state?

Then it tells us all about the dangers of the rising CO2 levels in our atmosphere. Which means the polar ice caps are going to melt which will introduce a lot of water into the sea causing water levels to rise which in turn causes the coasts of countries to sink therefore making the land masses smaller which in turn is deadly for life that has to live on land.

But now it's the athlete what could I say about that, other than the boating old same as usual, then with all that has been said and done about Russia and drugs, I believe that Llizzie Armistedge shouldn't have been al owed to compete this year in Rio, not as I think that she has been cheating it was as she missed 3 tests and if you miss 3 tests you shouldn't be allowed to compete, they are the rules.

Åšo if I had been selected to go to the 2018 Winter Olympics and I had missed 3 drugs tests, I am thinking that I'd understand the implications of my actions, or rather failature to act especially with this big todo over Russia I think that I'd sit it out, there's always next time. I might not make the cut next time, I know but then I could use that as a greater incentive to make myself better still.

Friday 5 August 2016

Day 1135

Day 1135;

Why do I do this? Why do I write up a recount of what I can remember myself doing each day? I don't know but  I'm guessing it's for the same reason that people write diaries.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: I have forgotten wat I ate for lunch today.
Dinner: sweet and sour chicken, noodles, strawberry short bread/cake and strawberries.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

The reason being that I have the time.But today I was extra lazy today I didn't get any minutes on my rower today as I didn't, I can't use the excuse of I didn't have the time as you'd know that'd be a lie.

As I have been playing Hyrule Warriors Legends today for the majority of today but now my eyes are a bit tired from looking at that little screen for many hours today. 

Thursday 4 August 2016

Day 1134

Day 1134;

Today I learnt of some sad news, about GAK.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese + pickle sandwich, slice of cake and cherry Bakewell.
Dinner: pasta Bolognese, strawberry short bread/cake and a bowl of strawberries. 
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice, 1 300ml mug of lemonade and 1 300ml mug of fruit squash.
Snacks: 1 Percy pig and 1 pal (it was a sheep).

I have been to the gym and I have done a 5 minute stint on my rower, I was rowed myself 1.7km within the 5 minute mark, Next up for myself will be seeing if I can get to 3.4 within the 10 minute mark

For today I also completed the first 2 of Cia's quests on Hyrule Warriors Legends, but I'm thinking that I have done them before. Cia is hot it may be due to the lack of any substantial clothing on her character throughout the game(s). But her powers are powerful and I still can't see the resemblance between Cia and Lana.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Day 1133

Day 1133;

So today I decided yo have myself a 10 minute row as I stopped rowing at 10 minutes it was saying the distance I had rowed was 3.3KM but then after I had put down the oar and the machine was at rest by 10:17 minutes it had my distance at 3.4KM.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, green grapes and purple grapes.
Lunch: half a margarita pizza and some of my chocolate box.
Dinner: chicken, potato, carrots and something else that I have forgotten.
Drinks: milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and I had 1 300ml mug of fruit juice + lemonade.

Now Allergy asked me today "who wants to know what you have drunk in a day?" I was thinking how odd why did you decide to pick out that one small insignificant line from my blog to point out that probably nobody visits this blog for that piece of data, then I pointed out that probably nobody visits this blog to find out about my life either, but I still type up what I do on each day. For anyone, mainly Russians, to see. I only typed that as I have looked at my traffic sources recently and I have found that the highest proportion of my traffic comes from Russia, Vera all I have to say to you is that I didn't know you, as a friend, I only knew you as my form tutors niece so no hard feelings, apart from my penis when some of the other boys from my class made those lewd stories up about us, the lewd stories that you never probably heard. But they included a lot of banging and screams of random words like Misska/the name of your aunts cat.

And then today I also attempted another 10 minutes on my rower, but part, about the 3 minute mark, of my way through my row the machine the rowing machine broke, well it didn't actually break but it stopped functioning properly and I had to do the following 7 minutes more calmly, so that I did and I only got to 3.2KM.

Today I have also watched this thing on Britain's Pompeii, but there was no volcano, as what apparently happened was there was a fire that was probably started by an enemy of the people that were there all 3000 or there about years ago they were living in homes like the below one/on water. Bronze age Britain.

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Day 1132

Day 1132;

Today marked the start of another month, and I actually remembered to turn my calendar over today, at the start of the next month instead of leaving it a few days before changing it or someone else comes o change it for me.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple, green grapes and purple grapes.
Lunch: sausage roll and sponge cake.
Dinner: Turkish chicken, chips and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: sponge cake, 1 percy pig and 1 pal (from the bag of percy pigs and pals I ate a cow).

Now up today I had some more athletics, during athletics we had a go at the shot put, as I enjoy dashing about making a nuisance of myself, or not as the case happened to be, as no-one was actually bothered about going to collect the shot puts in as they'd throw a shot put then they'd just leave it out there waiting for I don't know what, so I decided to take it upon to myself to speed up proceedings and go to collect the shots in and then either hand it to the next person that had to throw it or put it down on the floor for the next shot putter to collect or to swap the shot put around and hand it to the next putter of the shot, nice and efficient. But at the shot put today there were 2 shots to be thrown, or to be putted as in the shot put throwing isn't allowed, apparently, there were 2 separate shots the first was a real metal shot (even if I thought it was a bit small) and there was a lighter shot which was made out of plastic which looked a bit like the below one in the top left hand corner of the bellow picture.

So I was keeping myself busy during that exercise during that exercise the woman that was taking us through the exercise after my first few pathetic puts of the shot she got me to use the blue one, and then she realised that I was one of the really weird people that can actually throe it better if it's got more weight on it, I didn't know that, so I learnt my new thing of the day then.

But today I also got my new cheeper pair of specs and apparently they make me look like Buddy Holly, so apparently I look similar to the man below:
I can't see it honestly, all I gave as my requirements for a new pair of specs were they had black frames and they were cheep, and I don't care who they make me look like just as long as I can see through them.

Where had I got to when buddy got in my way oh yes that was it, my problems with my new specs, as my head which my face is part of and on which my nose is positioned on and my nose is a key obstacle to keep my specs on my face so when it is raining slightly and I'm running in athletics I really needed a more secure way of keeping my specs on my face as these new specs are fine if your only attempting to run a minuscule distance say 10-20m but then as soon as I was attempting to run any further they'd just loose the purchase on my face and slip down my nose.

Which was why I have started to use my old hockey glasses tie to give my specs some much needed additional support for staying on my face within my final 2 5+ minutes on my rower for today. as I did my first one which was my rush  to see how far I could get in 5 minutes, I think it was 1.7km's but then my final one was to see how long I could get rowing before I got bored and the timer stopped at 6:18 I'm thinking, so I'd imagine that about 6 minutes is my limit, so lets see me attempting to beat it, over the next few days, weeks, months, years, decades I don't think I'll live centuries, as I'm not immortal, at least I don't think I am I maybe immoral from some peoples perspectives, but I'm not immortal.

Monday 1 August 2016

Day 1131

Day 1131;

So today was the day that I have decided  to number 1131, but today for my dinner I have eaten a McDonalds double cheese burger as I had gone skiing.

Breakfast: cereal. banana. green grapes and purple grapes.
Lunch: chicken, potato and carrots.
Dinner: double cheese burger and profiteroles..
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and a small amount of Lucozade Sport Lite.

Now today I have done a 5 minute row I attempted to get me going for another 5 minutes but I noted that the rowing machine had broken, and I took the resecutive decision to stop rowing as I could no longer row to anything close maximum efficiency. As I attempted and I only managed 30 seconds and 1 minute I am so weak.

Skiing today was interesting as I was accused of taking out all of the snowboarders by my "helper" for today, my helper was called Charlie but this Charlie was a female, which confused me and on my first time up the slope, on the pommel lift I had gripped hold of the lift but I failed to place the seat position in-between my legs, Which meant that I had to cling onto the seat till I got myself up the hill. But today I only noted 1 type of event that made Charlie have a mini heart attack, which I thought was called a TIA, which was as I cut up another skier, but by cut up I mean skiing directly in front of them at an almost right angle; as directly in-between 2 skiers because I had seen the gap and I was a choice between me doing a hockey stop and risking spraying snow into they're eyes or for me to put my head down and just to get through.

Which I did and no collisions today, also there was no times when I staked it today.