Thursday 23 June 2016

Day 1092

Day 1092;

In the news today if we decide to of through with Brexit it cannot be  undone says one of the people on the inside of the EU, what makes you think that we would want to get back in the EU,, if we were voting to leave?

Breakfast: cereal and I'm thinking that I also ate fruit salad.
Lunch: Potato salad, mini sausages, mini scotch eggs, and  some mini sausage rolls.
Dinner: meat pie and carrots.
Drinks 2 300ml mugs of milk and 4 3000ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snaks: 2 wine gums and a bowlful of chicken and dough balls which Allergy got as freebies which came with her dominos pizza.

We got some rain to end the night of one of the hottest days of the year, so far. Which is followed by the most important day, of my life, as if tomorrow it's the day of the vote  it's the day which could see the UK lifted from the shackles of the EU's oppressive grasp 
All we have do is put a cross in the box next to leave the EU, and we could have our democracy back and we could negotiate out own way in this would not just get turned down by some faceless organisation that the people we elect to govern it have no clout when it comes down to actually proposing the laws to govern the people of the UK, I'm not against the equal rights of women in the workplace, and just because we're leaving the EU it doesn't mean that all the laws that are protecting woman rights are just going to vanish. if they were the government would have a riot on their hands, as I am thinking that the total number of women in this country outnumbers the total number of males.

This day I went to the gym,and I think I did ok today, my gym instructor I think was impressed with my effort. Which reminds me of when I went skiing properly  I got a little medal like thing which said on it "Best Effort" it had naught to do with my actual skiing ability, I'm thinking it was for beven though I stacked it a lot I just got back up and continued skiing.

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