Tuesday 7 June 2016

Day 1076

Day 1076;

Today was the next day of my continued existence, and what I have done today is... played a bit more on Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and I went to athletics.

Breakfast: cereal and a banana.
Lunch: fish finger sandwich and chocolate cake.
Dinner: chicken balls, chips and some sweet and sour sauce.
Snaks: 1 sour cherry sweet.
Drinks: 4 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

At athletics today I discovered that my reaction time is seriously lacking as we were playing this little game where the 3 players were given an animal, I was given Rat, Rose was given a Rabbit and little miss 13 was given a Racoon and so every time that the Instructor call out an animal then you had to run run to your bean bag and the other two had to catch you before you got to your been bag. every time she said 1 of the 3 animals names I would just be stood there for about 2 seconds before springing into action, which was plenty of time for Rose and Miss 13 to either get surround me or get away from me,  I suck at those kinds of games.

Roses trouser choice today was interesting as was some athletic material but it was un the shape of a pair go hot pants/short shorts which was interesting.

Ok, now that is enough about today.  Now more on the subject of what I did yesterday on the other side of he country as it was after a dreaded 3 or 4 hour car journey which I didn't enjoy, too long in a car is approximately 30 minutes. But then when I had got there I had some lunch and then I ran around a bit in the garden but the only reason that we only went today was because GDR had a new dog and it nips quite a bit so I almost had to wear it down a bit before we could have a polite conversation, which doesn't help whenever I attempt to run I get told off as I might step or fall on it, squishing it as it is only small and young.

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