Thursday, 30 June 2016

Day 1099

Day 1099;

Breath of the Wild (BotW) looks so good, the FTSE top 100 snd the GBP ended today in almost exactly the place that they were before the vote to leave the EU, I know that I have just put 2 completely different points together.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and some go that orange coloured fruit but it's not onstage.
Lunch: I know that I ate something for lunch but I can't remember what.
Dinner: sausage, peas, carrots, potatoe and I'm thinking that I ate something for pudding but I cannot remember what.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit squash.
Snacks: 4 wine gums.

Today I have been to the gym also I played on Twilight Princess and Hyrule Warriors 3D I completed the Twilight Princess little off shot in the game, you know the one where you play as Lana, I haven't  taken up the Skyward Sword or the Ocarina of Time options in this version of the game yet, but I'm waiting for my 3DS to get charged up. In LoZ: TP I have completed the Arbiters grounds dungeon which I found the mini boss actually more challenging than the main boss (Stallord) as Stallord was a pussy cat,  Not literally, just the first time, when you have to destroy his spinal column you are just whirring around the edge of the rom jumping from side to side to avoid the projectiles  that Stallord spits at you also to jump over the spinners that are on the tracks and to take his head out, which was fun, easy but fun.

Scotland's hopes of remaining a member of the EU took a slight beating today, as there was a member of another country from inside the EU has just come out and said basically not a chance.

I was thinking of LOZ: BotW earlier but then I was thinking about Japan, as it's being made there, and when I was thinking about Japan that reminded me of that all of the currency and stock market figures that as they were always saying the pound is down agains  the dollar and the Japanese thingamajig has beed the one that has been remaining strong. 

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Day 1098

Day 1098;

Today I had a hair cut then I went Skiing, now today I got a slight award for asking, well I got a price of  paper which the instructor, told me was to certify my asking competence.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and
Lunge: sandwich and a piece of cake.
Dinner: pasta bolognese.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of Milk, 2 399ml mugs of fruit  juice, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and a few squirts of my Lucusade drink.
Snacks: 1 sausage roll, 1 Belgium bun, 3 wine gums.
Also today I have continued on from yesterdays  completing a level on "Hyrule Warriors: Legends" from yesterday but my 3DS's battery ran out. So whilst it was getting charged I went to play on Twilight Princess and to defeat the Safols (sp.), skeletons,you have to chop them up then blow them up, not chop them up and grind them into the floor by stamping on them as I was trying fruitlessly today, until I remembered that I must use bombs.

But then today at the skiing place I had fun on the pommel lift contraption, if you know the device that I am about to describe then please skip the following description.

A pommel lift is a contraption where you hold out an arm behind you then you crab the contraption as it comes a round and the device pulls you up the hill until you let go, or reach the top then you should let go otherwise it'll pull you back down the hill, but you don't need pulling to go down hill. it also has a small seat like contraption to go between  your legs.

As I attempted to get on it I had my left arm stretched out behind me I grabbed it with my left hand but I only just managed to grab it, so I attempted to fetch the seat with my right arm, also, in an attempt to drag the seat down to my backside but I failed at that, so I just had to cling hold of the pole to the top, which I managed. I didn't stack it today achievement.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Day 1097

Day 1097:

Today the results iof the football went as I thought they would go, as the day before yesterday there was 3 games 1st game the home team won 2nd the away team won 3rd the home team won then yesterday there was 3 games where the away team won then the home team won then the away team won, so today 2 games the home team won then the away team won.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: I cannort remember.
Dinner: half a p9 inch pizza
Drinks” 2 400ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now in the Euro's today both the defending European champions got knocked out by the worst Italian team...   either ever or for the last 50 years 2-0, and England got knocked out of the tournament by an Icelandd team that were in their first tournament 1-2, thee equaliser came from just after the English had scored, and the second was because Joe  Hart can't stop a ball that he got his hands to, the ball just kept going through his arms.

Today  I also went to athletics, which was fun and I got a  vest to wear when I'm competing, in some more of my crippled athletics meetings. for my third  competition but it's my first proper  one, with my new classification for referral.

Monday, 27 June 2016

Day 1096

Day 1096;

How unfit have I become?... The answer is very. as I only just managed to get the distance of 1.6km on my rowing machine today in under 5 minutes, which is bad, as on my last go that I can remember I managed to get to 1.6 by about the  minute 35 mark which got me to 1.7 a couple of seconds after 5 minutes I had stopped rowing and my momentum pulled me over the 1.7 mark.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: I have forgotten.
Dinner:Sausages, peas, carrots and potato.
Drinks: 2 300ml of milk, 2 300ml of fruit juice snd 1 300ml of fruit squash.

Today my weight weight was exactly on my goal at 67kg's su that has got my BMO to just under 22.

Bn  so far in Euro 2016all off the last 14 games have...

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Day 1095 p2

Day 1095 (P2);

So yesterday/day 1095 I actually did more than actually watch the following:

Yesterday I have also gone to Boccia and that little thing that I go to afterwards, Boccia was funny yesterday as my teamI was winning 4-0 by the final end, I dropped, which may or may not have been as my team deserted me, 1 shot in the "final" end, so It was the time for another final end and the other player beat me by 4 shots to make the score end up as 5-4 to the other player.

But in the thing afterwards the was 3 girls Img,  Rose and Ami and at random intervals during the proceedings the three of them would huddle around Img and they would act as if they were comforting Img I  haven't got the slightest idea as to why but Img looked fine to me later on in the session, was looking suspect to me I couldn't read her face when she was looking at me, as if she was looking at me through rose tinted spectacles, I think that the correct terminology.

Then when I had gotten home I watched the Euro's the football competition not the currency:
Switzerland 1 - 1 (4 - 5) FT Poland
Wales 1 - 0 Northern Ireland
Croatia 0 - 1 Portugal

Day 1095

Day 1095;

So today I learnt just how unfit I was, as in a sports hall I realised that I could only run across the width and back to my starting position 3 times before needing to stop and catch my breath.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: cheese toastie (cheese toasted sandwich)
Dinner: 3 sausages, peas, carrots and potato.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 250ml mug of pear cider,
Snacks: 1 bowl of fruit I think it was peach and banana.

The 6 of the founding nations of the EU want Dave to call into motion article 50 immediately which I can't blame them fo. David Cameron is just wasting time and the British taxpayers money by keeping us in this exclusive club. Jeremy Corbyn is facing a vote of no confidence from some of his MP's but it was there membership that voted him in they probably knew he was a Euro sceptic when he was voted for by them so then that provides evidence of some Euro skeptic feeling in the Labour membership.So the results of this referendum should come as no surprise to the Labour membership.

But who should be the next GB PM? There are 2 options that I can see for the moment at least, They are Boris Johnson and Theresa May, as basically George Osborne/David.s chosen successor has gone off of the rails since the results have been tallied up.

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Day 1094

Day 1094;

So today I was surprised by the results on the EU referendum.

Breakfast: Cereal and I'm thinking that I ate 1 piece of fruit but I can't remember what it was maybe it was a plum?
Lunch: spaghetti hoops on toast which was followed by a Belgium bun.
Dinner: 2 types of chicken followed by 2 types of potato, one sweet one crispy.

GB voted to say seE yoU later to to the EU, the poll had a decent turn out to vote and it remains in favour of an exit, but now Scotland as they voted in favour of a remain, as did Northern Ireland. But both England and Wales both voted with +50% and I have no problem with them leaving, but the thing is they'll want to be keeping the currency again won't they which might be fine if we were all in the EU still but now we are leaving the EU and they want to join it, they are going to have to get on board of the sinking ship called the Euro. But I don't really see how the shared currency  would work if they left GB anyway, as it is called the Great British Pound.

But if Northern Ireland would probably just reunification with the republic. Which I have no problem with either, it's just the next logical step.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Day 1093

Day 1093;

The Clash with a true song on the EU should we stay or should we go,
If we go there will be trouble.
And if we stay there will be double.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: chicken Mayo sandwich and a chocolate mousse.
Dinner: I  have forgot.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: 2 wine gums.

Jo  Cox has been murdered , I had no Idea who she was , before hearing about how she was a Labour MP  that got killed the other day, so lets please have a moment go silence...




Now lets get back on about the football as during yesterday  the day that the last of the Euro games were being played it looked  like the English were going to have to play Portugal in the last 16 as they had kept coming back from 1 goal down to draw with Hungary in an epic 3-3 goal thriller of a match which was how the game ended, so we were watching the other match in  the final group to be played and Iceland in the last minute managed to squeeze out a win against Austria to get second in the group and for the right to play England in the last 16.

So the last 16 games line up looks like:


Thursday, 23 June 2016

Day 1092

Day 1092;

In the news today if we decide to of through with Brexit it cannot be  undone says one of the people on the inside of the EU, what makes you think that we would want to get back in the EU,, if we were voting to leave?

Breakfast: cereal and I'm thinking that I also ate fruit salad.
Lunch: Potato salad, mini sausages, mini scotch eggs, and  some mini sausage rolls.
Dinner: meat pie and carrots.
Drinks 2 300ml mugs of milk and 4 3000ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snaks: 2 wine gums and a bowlful of chicken and dough balls which Allergy got as freebies which came with her dominos pizza.

We got some rain to end the night of one of the hottest days of the year, so far. Which is followed by the most important day, of my life, as if tomorrow it's the day of the vote  it's the day which could see the UK lifted from the shackles of the EU's oppressive grasp 
All we have do is put a cross in the box next to leave the EU, and we could have our democracy back and we could negotiate out own way in this would not just get turned down by some faceless organisation that the people we elect to govern it have no clout when it comes down to actually proposing the laws to govern the people of the UK, I'm not against the equal rights of women in the workplace, and just because we're leaving the EU it doesn't mean that all the laws that are protecting woman rights are just going to vanish. if they were the government would have a riot on their hands, as I am thinking that the total number of women in this country outnumbers the total number of males.

This day I went to the gym,and I think I did ok today, my gym instructor I think was impressed with my effort. Which reminds me of when I went skiing properly  I got a little medal like thing which said on it "Best Effort" it had naught to do with my actual skiing ability, I'm thinking it was for beven though I stacked it a lot I just got back up and continued skiing.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Day 1091

Day 1090;

So today I had 4 football games to  watch one of the games result was shocking, and it leads to Italy playing Spain in the round of 16, which means that only 1 of them can reach the quarter finals.

Breakfast: cereal, mango, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.
Lunch: I can't remember.
Dinner: mash cheese, meatballs and pasta, I think.
Drinks: 2 300ml of milk and 2 300ml of fruit juice.

today I completed the final level in Super Mario 3D Land, and It ended with Luigi getting himself captured by bowser, so I'm thinking that I should do that later.

But in the meantime I was playing Kid Icarus Uprising which was going fine until the game told me to Jump but I can't remember so there I was pressing all of the buttons and nothing happened, then something happened wich looked like a jump but then ,no, nothing would work.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Day 1090

Day 1090;

So today was disappointing from an England  football perspective.But I got some letters fromm the vote remain and vote leave sides of the referendum., which is on Thursday.

Breakfast: cereal and a bowl of fruit.
Lunch: macaroni cheesee.
Dinner: mini sausages, mini sausage rolls, mini scotch eggs  and grapes.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: 1 slice of sponge and raspberry cake and 1 wine gum.

Now today on Super Mario 3D Land I have just reached the final boss fight World 8-boss battle 2, as you should know you have 8 worlds to complete. now the first 2 worlds have 4 levels and a bosses castle then from world 3- world 7 you have 5 levels and a bosses castle  Then in  world 8 I completed the 5 levels and the bosses keep, just after Bowser is dropped into lava he is back he kidnaps Peach again so I have to get after him and it's world 8 level 6and there is one more final boss keep I think, As that was how far I got before my 3DS's battery ran low on me so I  decided to call it a day. so when I pick it up tomorrow I will just need 3 more big coins the it's my turn to save Peach one last time.

So the Welshies topped group B1 point ahead of the English  who were 1 point ahead of the team that is in 3ed spot with 4 points, but I'm thinking that Slovakia is looking pretty likely to progress as a best runner up team.

Monday, 20 June 2016

Day 1089

Dy 1089;

Today saw France and Switzerland confirm they're spots in the last 16 of the Euro's and Albania manage to get their first points of this campaign and their first win, ever in the Euro's.

Breakfast: : cereal, banana and plumb.
Lunch: i have forgotten in it's entirety but i can remember peas and carrots.
Dinner: again I have forgotten in entirety but I can remember it was a buffet with grapes.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of elderflower drink.
Snacks: 2 wine gums.

Tonight saw the frogs not bing able to score against the Swiss, and Albania managing tom put 1 past  their opposition. to make it to the third spot in their group, will it be enough to see them advance  in the completion?

1. France 7
2. Switzerland 5
3. Albania 3
4.  Romania 1

I was also playing Supper Mario 3D Land I have finally got enough of the big coins to progress past Worldd 5so i'm on W6 at the moment.

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Day 1088

Day 1088;

Now today was a day that

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: egg sandwitch which had a lot of cheese.
Dinner: prices of chicken, chips and a chocolate mousse.

Boccia practise, and apparently my new glasses ,made a big difference in my ability to play the game, and we had 4 of us playing today but there wasn't any D man today. I had also brought my hockey gear to wear afterwards but hockey wasn't on which wasn't fun. But i did a bit of running today between two points and I did an obstacle course.

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Day 1087

Day 1087;

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: Spaghetti hoops on toast followed by a combo of out of sate cheese cake and chocolate cakee.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas and I’thinking that I ate something else with this but i cannot remember what.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 3300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now my shoulder my shoulder has been irritating me today, as yesterday just after I had finished watching England beat the Welsh, I went to the opticians, to pick up my new pair of specs. The whole world loss smaller to me now, and the picture is decidedly sharper. But the tale about the shoulder happened  on my walk to the opticians  as I was on the  down hill section  of  the walk so i was jogging down the hill and then Mich realised it was raining so he told me to stop and put on a coat. So I was attempting to stop and i tripped over my right foot,  I nobbled my left knee which made me limp for a couple of minutes, or more likely 1 minute, as i was stepping down with my left leg for about a minute to gather back composure with my left leg which I did. Then I did  notice a couple of scratches on my flesh and I felt some damage to my shoulder but it couldn’t be any more than a scratch, now could  it? So I  had got my Specs come home and I was getting into my bed clothes before I noticed my scratch it was quite the scratch, I had scraped off a few layers of my skin on my shoulder. So that was interesting showering this morning.

Today I completed Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, which was my first time of completing it.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Day 1086

Day 1084;

So today is the day, the day if England can beat the Welsh in a football match. Now it's just a game to see how humiliating the Welsh make it for the English.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: jam sandwich and a chocolate mousse.
Dinner: jumbo sausage, carrots, peas and new potatoes.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now today I awoke and I sat up playing around on my computer for a while, I was looking at another little play throughs of LoZ: Breath of the Wild not the whole game but instead the first looks at the Nintendo E3 presentation demo.

I have some positive news on the Euro's (if you're supporting England that's) , as today was a day of firsts, as not only did England win a match the at Euro's, but thy did it for the first time, and they conceded a goal before they stated and they conceded a goal from a Bale free kick, which the English goalie should have saved. Then it was half time 0-1 to the Welsh, England had never before come from a goal behind to win a match in the euros Vardy was on or Kane  and Sturage was on for Sterling,  from the start and there was alsoo that young man, Rashford,  who was subbed on during the second half Vardy managed to ge a goal from an offside position but he was played onside by the head of a Welsh defender.  Then Sturage got England's second in the 92nd  minute of which I think is kind of poetic as England was denied a victory in the 92nd minute of the first game they played. Elsewhere in the Euros today those Geri's were held to  the first 0-0 draw with the Polish and Ukraine were beat by the Northern Irish 0-2 so come on Northern Ireland your next game is against the Geri's piece of cake, shouldn't it be? No but don't tell the Irish that, as they have goy yo walk over the Geri's.

England and Gerri's groups from website (just kick see more beneath Albania).
Northern Ireland3210121

When I was younger I actually thought about becoming a priest, or any old member of the clergy, as u thought that all you have to do is tell everyone how worthless they are but then before you finish you have to say words to the effect of; but it's ok God loves you. But then I didn't like lying to anyone so that was my initial reason for not, a secondary reason was that I always got headaches when I was in churches. Now that I realise that touching up little boys is part of the job description I have realised that the job isn't for me, not in the slightest. I only had that idea as when I used to go off to my grandpa's home, that lived a way off from where I lived, he used to do some work for the small church that was by his home, as far as I could tell he wasn't religious he just enjoyed his wood work craft so he'd make stuff out of wood for the Church and anyone. When he was  younger he'd built that house that he Lived in, and he got us to scatter  his ashes somewhere wooded.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Day 1085

Day 1085;

So it has been the 1085 day of my documented existence.

Breakfast: cereal banana and peach.
Lunch: pasta and a donut.
Dinner: I ate a meat pie, carrots and ew potatoes.
Drinks: 3 mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and half of a bottle of orange Lucozade sport.

Cor blimey Mr Lab Rat:

Halt privatisation? you mean you want to renationalise certain services? Isn't that what the EU doesn't want, Doesn't the EU want all of the governments assets controlled by private companies?

It could be that you decided to conform with the rest of the major political parties just because you got the top job of the Lab Rats, and because it is your obligation. To protect a broken union, just because it serves your purposes now; are you really that much of an opportunist?

But today in the Euro's the Frogs managed to keep there 100% win record going by beating the team that they were uo against today 2-0 I think It was a country like Albania or something like that. But then also in the Euros It was Slovakia's turn to play against the Russians, of who they were beating 2-0 by the end of the first half but then the Slovakia's managed to get 1 back so the game ended 2-1 to the Russians. Then it was the turn of the other 2 teams in group A which ended in a 1-1 draw., I'm thinking it was Switzerland and... Bel... no... I'm sorry bur I can't remember ().

My Mii character was getting himself all dolled up in some of the new LoZ gear including the classic green tunic and the new blue tunic from the "Breath of the Wild" which is looking naught short of spectacular, from the trailer, chop down trees to cross ravines, It's looking awesome, the land of Hyrule looks so magnificent, you can even steal a horde but I'm thinking that the horse was a wild horse, from the state on it not having a saddle at the time of Link's mounting. Plus the new game is one with some actual voice acting, which should be great, as I won't have to read the screen all the time of the talking. There's some deer wandering around also which will be interesting to see all of the wildlife that is around the place, not just birds, and small creatures, like there us a few of the other games. Notably Skyward Sword and Wind Waker,

I went to the gym on this day also, which was fun, even if I get very hot and sweaty.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Day 1084

Day 1084;

Today in the Euro's there were only 2 matches. two matched that didn't go the way that we were thinking they would go before the start of today, also. As the first game  as Hungry beat Austria 2-0, but the big shock was that Iceland managed to draw with Portugal, but Portugal actually had Ronnieldoh playing for them as well.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: chicken mayosandwich and chocolate cake.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise.
Drinks: 2 300ml of milk and 2 300ml of fruit juice.

So this is Thuunder00t making a case for Britain not to leave the EU,

How stupid, WW3? Britain minus Scotland  against the world? How short would that war be? 30 days? at a stretch, probably.

Now I found the above video, on at the before video after the previous had finished, and I clicked on the photo  had finished

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Day 1083

Day 1083;

So today I have watched more of the Euro's  and I have ran around a bit and I have got myself a bit confused.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: macaroni cheese.
Dinner: spaghetti hoops and sausages on toast.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300mml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: a slice of chocolate cake.

Yesterday Mich asked me to get the washing in if it rained, as he had hung it out on the line. I went off and had a shower before noticing that it was raining so I came out of the shower and get dressed in some boxer shorts before going downstairs to check on the state of the washing, the back door was locked and I couldn't see the key anywhere, so I went upstairs and i contacted Tini asking for the location of the key, and to get more dressed. I had got my trousers on by the time that Tini messaged me back saying that the key was on the table, I thought of sending her a stroppy message back saying no it's not don't you think I'd have checked, but then I stopped myself and I put on my specs before going down a second time and I found them on the table, just as Tini had informed me. I went outside and I gathered up all of the items of washing from the line, and I took them all inside.I messaged Tini with my apologies for allowing to let the washing drenched.

As you probably know that the England Male team is doing terribly in the UEFA Euro's 2016 with only 1 point how ever the England Female team has been doing excellently in the qualification for the 2017 Euro's, as next year it is the Female Euro's and the English Women have now qualified with an immense score of 7-0.

But then today in the Euro's Southern Ireland (Republic of Ireland) managed to get a 1-1 score against Sweden, they were winning the game until they scored an own goal, and Italy managed to beat Belgium 2-0  which is kind of unexpected, at least if you were expectingBelgium to win as they have got a team that was the second favourite for the complete tournament, meanwhile Italy's manger was saying before the match  that it was the worst Italian team for 50 years. So don't be surprised if Italy win the competition now. 

Now just me running around a bit is ass I went to an athletic thing and then there was the thing that I got confused about . As Rose called me an orange and black striped cat, yes you got it, she called me tiger.

Well she actually said tome easy tiger, which I was thinking was something that Mary Jane Watson said to Peter Parker. But the chances of that being her reasoning behind sating that is astronomically huge, as we are just friends if that. by stating "easy tiger" as she did it suggests that I was getting over excited but then I wasn't realising that I was getting even the slightest bit excited, and neither did Mich. So that is one of the things that I am confused about.

Monday, 13 June 2016

Day 1082

Day 1082;:

Today have had a super lazy day, as I have just watched a lot of TV, and I was feeling fat just after I had finished my dinner, but my weight today was down.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: crumpet with raspberry jam.
Dinner: pie, peas, carrots, new potatoes followed by an after 8 mousse.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: 4 Jaffa cakes.

Bellow I have a very important lesson for anyone that wants it.

The majority of TV that I have watched today has been the Euro's and the Geri's kicked of their European Championships with as result which was quite flattering to them as they won it as simply, by the seemingly comfortable  margin of 2-0,

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Day 1081:

Day 1081:

Today England got their Euro campaign started as did the Welsh, 2-1 to the Welsh and 1-1 to the English, so you can  tell that the Welsh  are doing 3 times better than the English at this stage of the completion.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: sausage roll, bread, cottage cheese, potato salad and a Belgium bun.
Dinner: sausage, roast potatoes, peas, carrots and chocolate mousse thing.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

But today I had  some more Boccia practise, today it was some extra long and receptive Boccia practise. as I was thinking that Mr D had told us the last time that we played that a game should end after either 6 or 7 ends depending on how many people were playing, as the game started off with 2 players per team  so then the game should have lasted 7 ends,  but then people left the game which restricted us to 2 players so 6 ends, and we had finished our 6 ends with the score at 8-8, But we just kept playing,by we I mean she kept playing and I was just sitting there kicking or throwing the balls with little enthusiasm, and interest, so the score ended 16 - 8, to my opposition.

Then after that did dome more of the multi-sports thing,but then after that I couldn't go to hockey today as Tini was having her hair cut, but I saw Mr R14.  Today also, I can't remember anything else that happened to me today.

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Day 1080

Day 1080;

In my game idea called Run-Escape, it's that idea that was inspired by both Parkour and the MMORPG Rune Scape.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: sausage roll and an Aero mouse.
Dinner: the other half of the pizza, potato salad, cheese stuff and Aero chelate mousse.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: 4 Jaffa cakes.

Parkour I don't know what the collective term for a set of parkour practitioners(?) actually is, but as Mr Sebastien Foucan, the frog that is credited with inventing the physical activity of Free Running. Free Runners? so I know that mr Seb Fou likes cats when he's describing how to move  for this physical activity so I searched for what a group of cats is called and I preferred the word colony, or in French colonise., 

Typing of frogs they have managed to beat Romania in the opening match of Euro 2016., 2-1 to the frogs, but the frogs failed to show their dominance.

II'm thinking that Donnie Trump should win  theUS presidential election.

Because thoseYoung Turks don't actually know what they're talking abut.

Bu I  liked Jerry Springer's idea which was we should leave the EU join up with the USA and then we could elect Jerry Springer as President.

Friday, 10 June 2016


Day 1079;

This day has been the 1079th day, so what have I done?

Breakfast: cerea, apple and banana.

Today I have been thinking about my game idea which I had from at least the 28th of January 2015, but I probably had the idea initially about a decade ago, if that short. period of time ago (meaning I probably had it initially a little bit before a decade, potentially 15+ years ago), As it it a fusion of two of the things that I really would have enjoyed to get more into out of my past.

The 2 things were MMORPG's and Parkour (Free Running) within my previous life, how it seems to me, I did the long jump and the 800m at sports day, I never was very good at the long  jump, as I was one of the shortest male students in my year,so I was one of the shortest 30 shortest males in a year of approximately 120 males; give or take a heap.

For at least year 7 /year 1for secondary school. as my probably longest jump back in those days was probably only slightly better than my current best jump.

Today I also went to the gym but I didn't get to go on the lateral trainer today, but my eyes were a lot better today.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Day 1078

Day 1078;

On this day I have done a lot of walking., the eye doctor, not the optician, was acting like an OT for today as well.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: ham, cheese and mustard toasty.
Dinner:pasta Bolognese, raspberry pannacotta and chocolate trifle.
Snaks: chocolate thing and a slice of chocolate cake.
Drinks; 2 300 ml mugs of milk, 3 300mml mugs of fruit juice and a bottle of Luvoxzade sport orange.

Today I was first told that I have blue eyes, then I asked the person that told me  that what colour was my eyes because I knew that Allergy wouldn't agree with her. Then she came back and told me that my eyes were more of a grey with little flakes of green in. But that was after r she had pumped a small amount of rat poison into my eye lids, neck and a couple of the muscles in my right arm. Which makes it funny how I was called Rat on Monday, now that's over with lets fill myself with rat poisoning.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Day 1077

Day 1077;

So today I have had a lazy day, and a day thinking about fruits.

Breakfast: cereal and a bowl of fruit.
Lunch:  chicken mayo sandwich.
Dinner: gamón (ham), pineapple, carrots and jacket potato.
Drinks: 2 30ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So there's a thing about Werewolf's I don't understand, it is the whole thing about how even if you get scratched by a Werewolf you get infected. How can you get infected by a scratch, unless it pierced your skinned on the point of contact you had some other substance like saliva on it to get caught in the current of your blood stream; as if I get how bites do it, saliva and all that glorious stuff into your blood stream but how from the could you possibly catch something from a dry claw, surely claws aren't brittle so they crumble into someones blood as  easily as something that is very easy, besides if they attack with such savagery as it's told with the extra heightened sense of smell wouldn't they catch every smell of every single sweet sent of  human blood spilt and proceed to eat them all. So how are Werewolf's supposed to reproduce? Could it be like the Werewolf gene is a dominant or a recessive gene within our gametes? I would think they would probably be more recessive in the gene pool.

Now the thoughts I have been having about fruits all derive from the bowl of fruit I had for breakfast, Now there was 1 fruit which looked as if it should taste delicious, it was as red as blood, but instead it tasted like a tomato; which I find repulsive.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Day 1076

Day 1076;

Today was the next day of my continued existence, and what I have done today is... played a bit more on Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and I went to athletics.

Breakfast: cereal and a banana.
Lunch: fish finger sandwich and chocolate cake.
Dinner: chicken balls, chips and some sweet and sour sauce.
Snaks: 1 sour cherry sweet.
Drinks: 4 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

At athletics today I discovered that my reaction time is seriously lacking as we were playing this little game where the 3 players were given an animal, I was given Rat, Rose was given a Rabbit and little miss 13 was given a Racoon and so every time that the Instructor call out an animal then you had to run run to your bean bag and the other two had to catch you before you got to your been bag. every time she said 1 of the 3 animals names I would just be stood there for about 2 seconds before springing into action, which was plenty of time for Rose and Miss 13 to either get surround me or get away from me,  I suck at those kinds of games.

Roses trouser choice today was interesting as was some athletic material but it was un the shape of a pair go hot pants/short shorts which was interesting.

Ok, now that is enough about today.  Now more on the subject of what I did yesterday on the other side of he country as it was after a dreaded 3 or 4 hour car journey which I didn't enjoy, too long in a car is approximately 30 minutes. But then when I had got there I had some lunch and then I ran around a bit in the garden but the only reason that we only went today was because GDR had a new dog and it nips quite a bit so I almost had to wear it down a bit before we could have a polite conversation, which doesn't help whenever I attempt to run I get told off as I might step or fall on it, squishing it as it is only small and young.

Monday, 6 June 2016

Day 1075

Day 1075;

So today I have traveled to the opposite side of the country and I have watched Murray get beat again by Novak.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: peas, carrots, roasted potatoes, mashed potatoes, chicken and for pudding I ate two pastry typed things but one of them had some fruity centre.
Dinner: 1 cheese burger from McDonald's, half a pork pie and some ready salted Pringles.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fizzy orange and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

Ok, but yesterday I remember playing a bit more of the way through of Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, as I reached the part where *Spoiler Alert* Zelda Dies *End Spoiler* that plot development actually took me by surprise whether I hadn't got that far in the game before or whether I had just forgotten about it, but I'm thinking it's the former of the two options as if I had noticed that happens in this game I would have been seriously reconsidering the state of my favourite Zelda Game, with it being Majora's Mask, I know that one theory has it down as Links dead for the duration of that game but then the phantom hero from within Twilight Princess dispels that theory
Today I have traveled quite some distance in the car, which isn't my favourite activity; to say that I have put it mildly may be a slight understatement.

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Day 1074

Day 1074;

So it has been the day that I have mentioned above but today I have forgotten what I have eaten for the majority of my meals. As I wrote the following I was thinking about it  and this is wat I got...

Breakfast: cereal well I know I are something for breakfast but I cannot remember if I ate any banana, apple or grapes with it.
Lunch: cheese and salad-cream sandwich and I had a plate of danishes for my pudding.
Dinner” pea, carrots, jumbo sausages and tiramisu.
Drinks: 2 300ml of milk, 1 300ml mug of ginger ale, it tastes quite like ginger beer but it has a stronger kick to it, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

It was Boccia practice today and me and D lost our first game But we won our second game, my tactic for beating the 2 girls worked, A on my end my tactic was to blast the white ball up to the other end so and then i would follow it up with another ball and the girls couldn’t get there bowls closer than the 6 of our balls so we had got the full house which was amazing. I wasn't even intending that but I knew that my team mate could judt hammer the balls up the other end of the course and he told mr to put the jack ball anywhere, so I did. 

But a song was really irritating me tonight, but I like the song. So anyway here goes.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Day 1073

Day 1073;

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: macaroni cheese and ham.
Dinner: sausage, chips, (peas?) and Tiramisu.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I received a new hockey stick, now the thing is this one is a left handed stick, which means that the blade is curved the opposite way to the stick if it was a right handed stick. If you had a right handed stick and you held it by the butt end out in front of you, the blade should curve right, which helps you to wrap your hockey stick around it and push the ball threw the air. A left handed stick has the opposite properties but for the same result using the left hand to power the stick instead of the right.

But now my iPad's internet connectivity has just bit the dust. or so it seems.

Plus I ordered a new pair of specs my astigmatism level has gone from level 1.25 to 2.25, apparently, which is supposedly bad.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Day 1072

Day 1072;

Now how should I start off my writing's for today?

Breakfast: cereal, apple and grapes.
Lunch: egg, toast, scotch egg, mini sausages, mini sausage rolls and raspberry jelly
Dinner: peas, carrots, potato, chicken in barbecue sauce and tiramisu.

Today I have witnessed an English victory in a football game, which was strange as even though England was the only side that showed up for the vast majority of the match, which may have been as the Portuguese team only had 10 players on the pitch for the majority of the match and Ronaldo wasn't playing, for them. 

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Day 1071

Day 1071;

But so tonight I'm thinking that my PJ trousers are starting to get slightly small on me, they must have shrunk, as I know that I stopped growing a long time ago..

Breakfast: cereal, banana and grapes.
Lunch: crumpet and raspberry jam.
Dinner: carrots, peas, potatoes, pie and tiramisu.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

 Are the iron islands one of the 7 Kingdoms? As I have been thinking for a while now that the world of Westerious  actually matches up with the UK pretty nicely. The Wall- Hadrian's Wall then come a bit south and your got the North, South,East and West. then you've got the Midlands and Wales. But that is only 6 of the 7, which is when we come down to the Iron islands/Ireland, Ireland Iron land, Iron island.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Day 1070

Day 1070:

So today I stared off by doing nothing special and I ended it doing nothing special.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple,
Lunch: buffet.
Dinner: pasta. quorn balls and trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So what gave I done today?

Nothing important.

So there goes I have done nothing of any impatience as of today. I can't even remember any thoughts I have had today.

But on my weigh in I managed to get exactly the same as yesterday, for my score.