Friday 1 August 2014

Day 392

Day 392;

Well today is the second day of England's dominance of the Commonwealth medal table with a total of 44 gold medals.

But i have been thinking about the religion of peace today, no I don't mean Islam I mean the actual religion of peace; that has got to be a great oxymoron if you ever hear Islam refereed to as the religion of peace, unless it is being used viciously. The religion that I am typing about is an atheistic religion, or Jainism.

Hang on a second how can you say that in the words of the scholar Heinrich Zimmer 

'A new word was needed: transtheistic, meaning "inaccessible by arguments as to whether or not a God exists".'

But do they waste the time of day praying for a god to never hear listen to them or at least never act on the prayers on no higher frequency than chance. But the reader could read up on the true religion of peace by clicking on the word Jainism to get to it's BBC page.

As the Jains don't believe in a divine creator but they do believe in a divine as in perfect beings worthy of devotion, and it's a guide for us to follow to become divine. Jainism is my favourite religion but I'm not one of their number as I enjoy eating meat too much, next it's the fact that they believe in reincarnation and Karma which I do not and then there's the sectarian divide between two sects 1. the Digambara 2. the Svetambara, Of which I agree more with the Svetambara if I did believe in such a ridicules concept as liberation from these mortal forms, of which I obviously don't.

But the Digambara I believe are on to something, with their naked monks but since women aren't allowed to walk around nude in public, on the grounds of naked women would feel shame and there would be disruptive consequences?

I am thinking that the only shame that they'll feel is the shame forced upon them by the clothed society, as I can remember when my youngest female sibling was younger, she would feel free in what ever she was wearing or not wearing if the mood took her as it did on occasion but now when I questioned her on the topic of her younger times she said how disgraced she is now of her younger escapades. Now that she is older and she's got a lot of social conditioning on her person.

I'm remembering another, female person this time she was a classmate of mine in reception year of school I think which was in the year of our 4th anniversaries of our births, who kept pulling her skirt up, I haven't got a photographic memory so lucky me on two counts then?

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