Friday 22 August 2014

Day 413

Day 413;

So today was the day that I have numbered 413, almost at another one of those mirror, well kind of, days.

But today I have made Allergy watch a X-men film, which was the second super hero film that she watched today, the first she watched with her friend that I call MJ, as she has Red hair like Spider-Mans girlfriend and she took Allergy to see Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy today, and Spider-Man is a comic book creation of the geniuses at Marvel. The Friend of Allergies that I call MJ is apparently the friend of hers that got her interested in these Comic book films which MJ started off by showing her the original Avengers film then Allergy asked me about the Invincible Iron Man (that was just a heads up to the comic book series just as in the X-man film Wolverine gives a heads up to his infamous yellow lycra X-man gear), of which I showed the two at the time, but by now the third one she has seen of the Iron Man films. but Allergy had promised me that I'd never get her to watch the X-men films, so I took that as a challenge and i put it on my computer and then just after I had encouraged her to watch the start of the X-men film she volunteered herself to watch the rest of the film with, I think only a hint of resentment towards me for getting her interested in another comic book film spin off series.

So the series that Allergy is interested in are:

The Avengers
Iron Man
Not so much Captain America

Guardians of the Galaxy


Next up is Spider Man but I think that is going to be slightly more of a challenge, as she's petrified of spiders.

Hold up, what have you done today?

What have I done today? I'm sure I've just told you, haven't I?

Well yes, kind of.

So do you want me to go into about how Tini was a hero today, well it was Tini and a very thorough man (well it's either very thorough or a very thick man) down the other end of the phone, As today they both got our internet back working at very close to optimum efficiency. So I salut you both.

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