Sunday 17 August 2014

Day 408

Day 408;

So yesterday the internet connection that I use went down, as in non functional, so that is my excuse for why my blogpost for yesterday/day 408,

But should that not happen any more due to your fix, for the problem?

Well I have no idea as for a start I didn’t think my plan was being implemented for the moment at least as I had been up into the small hours, which I can’t really see why they are called the small hours when the actual hours are the same length as all of the other hours within the day, but I guess that they could be called the small hours as in the 24 hour clock they are the smallest numbers possible e.g. it starts from 0:00, then it goes in an hour to 1:00 next is 2:00 and so ono.

Sorry I went off on a tangent, but now it’s time to go onto another saying which is to have a healthy lifestyle you should breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and then for your dinner you should dine as a poor-per. Which means you should have a big breakfast, then a smaller lunch and then a smaller still dinner/tea, like a nice cup of tea and some biscuits. The way to rationalise this way of eating is if you eat a big breakfast it kick starts your metabolism and then if you eat slightly less for lunch tut enough for you to get on with your work until dinner time and then Dinner time comes you aren’t going to need to eat a lot as you are just going to go to bed to get some sleep afterwards so as you can get up to a kingly breakfast the next morning.

If you keep to those guidelines and you aren’t of snaking between meals, unless it’s a portion of fruit or vegetables for snack, you should be on track to reach your goal in weight, but I know that when Mich says that too the two non breakfast eaters within our home he’ll then go on and state that he had a friend that always ate a fried breakfast and he was huge but then he doesn’t address the key progression through that piece of information, as he may eat 3 kingsized meals a day.

But i don’t have a problem with fat people, I am just attempting to include some of my best advise possible to live the most healthy life  possibl.

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