Saturday 9 August 2014

Day 400

Day 400;

Finally I have done it,

What have you done, now?

What's with your being all italic Yellow, are you disapproving of me finally getting round to correcting all of the days that I had -10 on their number?

Well yes I am disapproving of your lax attitude about the place.

I'm sorry Yellow that you feel that way try listening to the following piece of music to make you feel better.

But what happened to you today, is the question?

Ok thank you for that, Red, what happened to me was I had to go out of my home today but alas not to do something even vaguely sport relegated nor was it anything games related, it was not actually anything to do with any of my obsessions. I had to go out to leave Tini alone with her friends that were coming around for a fancy dress party.

Oh how embarrassing.

Excuse me Yellow, meant in the same way as Links excuse me princess, see below.

I know that is how Allergy reacts to that happenings but not I, I think it is amusing with them all dressing up as something to do with the sea side I think that one of them should have dressed up as fish n' chips, But instead there was today some a person dressed up as Mr Punch from the Punch and Judy show, they came with there own theatre cut out and a crocodile also including some sausages. So I had to take 2 photographs of all of them which were only mediocre at best but Tini overreacted to them making out that they were better than they actually were.

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