Thursday 28 August 2014

Day 419

Day 419;

So it's day 419, and I have remembered some of the shenanigans that happen to me yesterday, day 418.

Semi religious shenanigans as Allergy ad Mich were talking about the inevitability of death, as it will happen to all of us eventually, and they were saying what is the point in of life and as they don't get wheat the point is in all this existence for what? Well Allergy was at least and Mich was playing along, I'm terrible at reading people. Allergy was saying what is the point in all of this as we're all going to die in the end,as to that Mich said it's the great unanswered question,  even though I was thinking that I answered that question a while back, but I signed "That question is what religion..." and then I was was interrupted by Mich and Allergy saying why do you always have to lower the tone and stuff similar, if they'd have let me to finish what I was signing they would have seen "That question is what religion pretends to Answer " but what they are actually doing moving the goal posts on for a supposed eternity but what would you do in an eternity everything that you didn't do in this life probably, but then what would you do for every day after, what things are there to do after that ends you'd be bored stiff and if as soon as that happens what is going to happen to you? Especially as you can't create or invent anything as your dead in the land of the dead the total population can only go up  with people dieting lets just say that everyone has 1m personal space and after every year is gets smaller by 10 squared cm's in a matter of 10 years you'd have no personal space left. But the only explanation to this is the space of the dead = the entire universe expanding at a rapid pace but like everything what is theorised to happen in the end to the universe? it's set to collapse in on it's self with all f it's stars/the great life givers dying relegating the empty space to be just that, empty space, which is only unless all of the stars that are red giants don't implode the way back to another singularity  and then that becomes a start to whole next universe but that is all just speculation as it is improbable that another race as simply designed as us here on the planet that we know as earth will have been created in all 4 of our dimensions, the 4th is our supposedly ingrained universal stupidity, as throughout the galaxies there is many separate planets some of who life may have found a way to evolve as is probable without the rich Oxygen, in this Carbon based atmosphere here this rock as if there maybe other form of life like Argon based creatures but Argon is a non reactive element in it's gaseous form so it would probably be better suited as Silicon based life or Nitrogen based life.

It won't look like us unless they have had the exact same conditions to grow up in and just look around the world different species of animals like dogs and all of there breeds similarly Humans, Cats, Elephants, Bears, Deer, Rabbits each within there breeds, I realise that with humans the separate breeds are called Races but that is stupid as we are all members of the human race Black, White Asian or brown skinned people your all still members of the human race/the dominate species on this rock, for the moment at least.  I'm still awaiting a mutant uprising it could be mutant dolphins that lear to walk on land on they're fins and then they exterminate all humans for fishing tuna and wrapping they're friends up in some nets therefore killing it, so the donjon wants some sweet cool revenge, nothing wrong with that, now is there?

Now what has happened to me today except from imagining the dolphin apocalypse of Mankind I can't really remember apart from going to the Gym getting very sweaty and then later, when I had dried off I got myself all hot and sweaty again by playing Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, but I tend to over act when I'm playing it as it's a Wii game with the Motion+ controller so I get pretty animated when I'm playing the game.

As if Allergy told me a tale of some of her school days as I can't remember much of it as I only ask her to tell me those stories as it stops her from singing and I think it's interesting the way she tells the stories but Allergy told me that it is practically law that no person should go out with a friends ex-partner so I put a question to her which was if one of her Male friends went out with Tom Daley, that is how you actually met him and Tom Daley fell for you at that moment would you still date Tom Daley? She attempted to avoid the question by saying that it wasn't very likely to happen but I think I remember her answer being yes but the friend that she was talking about wasn't a real friend anymore, then she got defensive, and she started stating that she knew in total 5 friends that each went out with 2 boys, 2 with the second and 3 with the first. And what was it that triggered this topic it was this 1 boy whose name is unknown (by me at least), that was asking her to the prom while he was still going out with her friend of which she declined, and the boy dumped his GF, by text message, some time later.

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