Tuesday 26 August 2014

Day 417

Day 417;

So this day was interesting especially as the BBC's top 100 guitar riffs were announces today,  it's great some Nivarna and Bon Jovi got a mention, but it was Whole Lotta Love by Led Zeppelin that got the number 1 slot in the poll.

The Song that got beat into second place was sweet child of mine by GNR (Guns N' Roses) which was followed up by Back in Black by ACDC and Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple but then in fifth was Layla by Derek and the Dominos.

So there was the top 5 on the list, but you can view the list by clicking here.

Now I was just doing a jig while I was listening to the majority of the top 30, well some of it at least.

But what happened to you the rest of the day?

Well I can remember part of what was said at lunch which was that I, as in my blog, as in the thing that your reading now, has a fan and I use the word fan in the loosest possible context,

As in what? 

Not really a fan but anyway they actually read some of my scrawling, so they may not actually like any of what I had to type, but they read it. Another little part of my memory was with people saying that I should get more educated and another was saying no I shouldn't as what I have up here now is pretty extreme with my opinions, and if I had more knowledge at my disposal I probably would offend even less simple minded fools, now I'm steering that as I mean less not by the actual quantity of the people that I'm insulating within my long diatribes I mean less stupid persons that I insult, as the actual intent of my posts aren't actually meant to insult anyone but you have to be of a whole new breed of simple minded fool to believe that any of these posts have been produced to directly insult anyone at least of you unless I state it in my post, like the whole of this paragraph has been only designed to offend you if you are a simple minded fool/a stupid person who doesn't understand the context of which I have wrote it in, pretty much like Allergy who thinks that I'm about to get myself kill every time that I write a bit on the shenanigans of the religious, and yes that was meant as an insult to Allergy.

Religious Shenanigans;

Well the person that was mentioned in the part of this post that is directly above this, but not Allergy, I don't know, what should I call them? Idk Wsict? Ido Wisest don't like the surname but I could work with it as I kew one person that was had the surname of Smart, and no they weren't at least not at the time.

So Ido Wiser was from another county originally she came to this country and she came to this country for reasons of education, in her time in the country she apparently fell, and they got together, for another person but the other person also wasn't from this country and he was from a predominately Muslim part of the world, and he's Muslim and Ido wants to move to the Islamic world in order to raise their children there but the problem is that Ido only understands the bases of the arabic language and the the other the one from the Islamic world doesn't speak Ido's birth language so the only way that the communicate now is by this third language,

Think of the children living in a Arabic country, Ido would be like a sheep to the children's father shopping must be done by the father as Ido is incapable of understanding what the shop people actually say and would she be able to work out there? I think not as the women have to stay at home and look after the children in some IS at least. Then what would have been the point of you spending all of that money on some fancy qualifications?

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