Saturday 30 August 2014

Day 421

Day 421;

So it has been the day numbered 421 and I can't remember how interesting today has been,

my only memory of things that haccve happened yo me today has been on the first 2 games chronologically in the lend of Zelda as I started off by playing Legend of Zelda; Skyward Sword, but then I wasn't allowed to use my Wii later on as I had to get myself packed up for holiday that only 3/4 of our usual compliment within our house is going o, but after I had packed my bag I picked up a GBA game which just so happened to be Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Which just so happens to be the game that's second in the Legend of Zelda time line.but then I wonder where the next game that is coming out next month will ft in on the time line? Hyrule Warriors as I know it's not one of the main series games as in the Skyward Sword, OOT or even MM but it should have a space in the chronology as it has got some of the beasts from some of the previous games in human form so it could be that the game is set to be going in about second in the timeline before Minish Cap, but I don't know, the character that you play as if it is link could be the same character you play as in the Minish Cap but you've grown up a bit as your a member of the Hylian Army now and even Zelda has grown up a little to spite Vatti for turning her into stone?

nope that cur scene doesn't shed any light on the chronology of the game.

Except within the GBA game Minish Cap wasn't lady Impa more of a nanny to Zelda?

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