Wednesday 9 July 2014

Day 569

Day 569;

So it is another day closer to my goal only  a week away from my goal now of 365 and a quarter days but I'm obviously not going to the quarter day otherwise that would probably look like the following; ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ, I'd be asleep for it so i'm going to continue with this tradition thing, if I dare call it such a thing. 

But you must do something special for that day/day numbered day 366.

And I just wanted to state that my comments on the World cup final were only predictions that Germany was to win today and Argentina were to win tomorrow however I hope I'm wrong about the second one as we all need a country that has never won the world before in the final, Yesterday (Tour de France day) I met a person called Elie when I state met I mean virtually quite literally. As when I got home I was informed that I had met a person called Ellie,, via StreetPass,  had helped me to escape from my cage on my 3DS in the Mi Plaza quest who had most recently played been playing Arcade Classics 3D. Her  Preferred Pet is -, she likes -, her Dream is -, her Mii Birthday is on the 25 of the 09, her Creator is Ellie, She has had 79 StreetPass Hits and her Plaza Population is 49.

While I'm Savage.1 my Preferred Pet is Dogs, I like Video games, my Dream is (Other), my Mii Birthday is on the 31 of 03, Creator is Savage.1 StreetPass hits is 93 and my plaza Population is 165 of which I'm unsure how that happened and to be honest my Mii looks almost nothing like myself except it has got spectacles on it's face.

Actually I think that I may have an idea how that happened.

Was that a lie?

Well it was a lie unless you actually read what I wrote which was that I'm unsure that I was unsure of how that had happened but now, I've been thinking about it in more depth I think I have an idea of how it happened, so I wasn't actually lying if I had typed that I have no idea of how it happened and then I typed out an Idea of how it happened without using a word like unless in the gap between the sentence which would then contradict what I had been typing about not having an Idea.

So what's the difference between a contradiction and a lie in that context.

I'm unsure but it's like when your speaking and you say to them I have no idea and then suddenly it's as if an idea hits you, and your like unless a+b=c . But then the majority of that a similar instance happened to me while I was speaking the other people would be like no as a+b=d and d=2c so the was yo answer the problem of what is c would be a+b/2=c ah algebra how I miss thee.

But now actually on the World Cup match for today, the score was 7-1 to Bra... Germany, what happened there? Well the Geri's got the first goal of the game in the first half and then they preceded to slot 4 more balls past the Brazilian goal keeper before the end of the half. So the half time score was a massive 5-0 to the Geri's, the game had gone past the point of desperation for the Brazilians as the Geri's were just about to put a third goal past the Brazilian keeper of the second half when a rare piece of Brazilian magic came quite a lot too late on a counter attack which made the final score 7-1 to Germany, some how i think that only the 1 goal scorer for Brazil Neymar and Silver are going to be allowed into any Brazilian public places after that crushing defeat.

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