Thursday 24 July 2014

Day 384

Day 384;

So it has been the next day of my life and today I have been to the gym, well I missed out on my target for the rowing machine by a whooping 6.6 seconds at 5;36.6, so that's one disappointment out of the way.

But today I decided to have a fitness day. As I went to the gym this morninfg and what has just been on the Television,the opening ceremony to the commonwealth games, which was in Scotland, Glasgow, this year=. 

But today I have been thinking about the Legend of Zelda and Ganondorf's seeming to be non-exsisrant parents, well I know that Twinova is his surrogate mother(s) but who is his actual mother and father? it makes sense if his father had died some many years before the events of Ocarina of Time as he was probably the previous King of the Gerudo who had been born in the previous cycle of 100 years and as if my supposed is contract and the Gerudo live many times longer than humans/Hylians so Ganondorth had to kill his father to become the King of the Gerudo people/women and the Hylian men are taken as boyfriends by the Gerudo women as you find out in the tale but it doesn't say that it's voluntary that they they are taken or not so they could be kidnapped and then raped to produce more of their number but only the female ones and then as if when Ganandorf's father got "Horney" he just picked up a Gerudo women and then he did it with her and then once every 100 years it would be Ganondorf that was born the other times if anything it would be a woman Gerudo, supporting this could be the fact that the Gerudo in MM were only women which could mean that without a single male Gerudo it could mean that they are stuck with giving birth to female Gerudo, But this could be interoperated many separate ways as I also never saw any young of the Gerudo in that game so there could have been one young male off hiding somewhere and that isn't even taking into account the theory that Link was already dead for the whole of MM which if that's true which it looks plausible which would mean that it's all from Links dying imagination, hence the creation of all of the familiar characters from OOT.

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