Friday 18 July 2014

Day 378

Day 378;

So this day was this day an  I remembered something that happened to me yesterday, as I didn't realise but we had an Alien around yesterday, well I mean someone of a different race, of which we are members of the human race so what was he? A martian?

I don't really understand the whole concept of there being more than one race of people on this planet but aren't we all people, black, white, brown and even yellow? We are all members of the human race there isn't a master race, that was just a dilution of the people called thee NAZI's, there is just the human race, and there are also many other races of creatures and mythical races like Elves, Angels and Unicorns, but they only belong in works of fiction, like the bible, the Harry Potter books or the Lord of the Rings books, unless you have some testable proof of their existence.

But apparently this ma that came to the door of the house was of another race or so said Allergy, this man that came to the door he knocked and was waiting outside of it he looked to me like a nicely tanned skin headed man and he said hello to me so I hummed for Allergy to come to the door as I would be having difficulty to communicate with him as I cannot speak, but I could listen to his voice and he was foreign sounded as if he came from the middle east about. When Allergy came to the door he started chitin to her about his charity and he wanted here to sign up for giving 26p a month and Allergy calmly clearly stated I am not comfortable to give you my personal details, but then while he had been sitting down on a chair as he was exerting pressure on Allergy attempting to get her to pass out her details which didn't succeed he asked for a cup of water as to obviously Allergy obliged and I moved to the doorway to watch him as I knew that Allergy wouldn't be comfortable doing his bidding unless I did that thing and then he drank his drink This is after asking Allergy the most nonsensical questions seeing as it was me that answered the door to him about whither she knew anyone with disabilities, Excuse me princess,, referring to the man at the door, but did you not see that big oaf that let you in do I need a disabled badge tattooed to my forehead?

and I honestly didn't notice anything different about his skin colour to my own he was slightly more tanned but other than than that I got naught. Just with him pulling the victim card out of his pocket by saying I have been rascally abused by your neighbours, if it was true then call the police why don't you don't go along to the next house along and bitch about the neighbours and just one of our neighbours is actually registered blind so I live on a blooming healthy estate with a cripple like me (with spectacles on) and a blind person both living on the same estate and your a man from a charity called See Ability obviously seeing through the disabled.

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