Sunday 2 October 2022

Day 2269 - Cycling

 Day 2269 - Cycling

Now today I have been on a nice little 27mi Zwift bike ride I went up 2,362ft and I had an average power of only 125w, and I had burned 825 kcal but I only traveled at a speed of 14.1mph. So I had a pretty pathetic ride this morning I hope that tomorrow's ride will be better.

Now with the cycling, the only thing that I tend to do outside of these four walls; especially now my eyes have got bad once more. I have been doing Zwift rides regularly, and then I have been doing club rides twice a week, the Sunday ride and then a Wednesday ride , the club started off a Saturday ride today, I couldn't go on it though due to Mich's job as he's on strike today.

So the last time I posted on this here blog I stated about that woman that was always half terrified when she spoke to me. Then at the next cycle ride Sunday that had us both there she actually found her voice was she told me that she had... I've forgotten what words she used now, but I can only remember that what she said was nice, I think it was something  like it's good to see me back, but I could have had it mistaken and it could have been how horrific it was to see my face again. Then again that was the last that I saw of her at least until the end of the route as she is a too fast group for Mich and I, then again on the the weeks later ride I saw her stopped along the course as somebody in her group had come off of their bike so they had called it a day. Maybe Mich will go in the quicker group tomorrow? No he won't it's too much like hard work for tired old him, especially not since we went on a faster groups ride Wednesday.

Saturday 17 September 2022

Day 2268 - Back on the Bike

 Day 2268;

Now these days I ain't been cycling. It's because I have had a little benign thing cut out of a testicle. Why have I had a little benign thing cut from my testicle, you may ask? Actually you probably wouldn't but I will tell you anyway. It was because I found a lump in my tentacle and it was irritating me, couldn't have been irritating you that much you still managed to get yourself 240 miles over 3 days on the tandem the weekend before, it was irritating me on the day that we went to the Menin Gate, at least I believe that was the name of the arch. As I can remember myself feeling the discomfort of the thing that I had been told was a 5cm lump in my bollocks. But I just dealt with it, I said to myself I know it is causing a little bit of discomfort but you can still ride, can't you? Yes, and so I did. Peddling isn't the hardest motion to get your legs and feet to move in.

I managed to get myself back to cycling on the Zwift Bike, over the past couple of days, I had some time on the saddle of the actual tandem for a little ride around on some of the streets around my home in a club ride with Mich. 

When I was young I had a confidence crisis, a crisis in confidence I could say that I still have got a bit of a crisis in my confidence as I still haven’t been able to ask a woman out on a date. But my excuse, oh how much I hate that word, is that I don’t meet any women that I could ask out, if I could ask that is. As all of the women that I meet are all old as in something like in they’re 50’s, and married, as the only women that I meet are the women from the cycling club that I’m a member of it’s got a lot of older folks in, like Mich, and then there’s one woman that’s kind of my age. She’s actually a little younger than me every time I see her outside of cycling she acts shy, but I don’t get her. She doesn’t act that way with Mich or even Mars, not the god of war, the other dude that is kind of my age (just a bit older) and then again he’s married.

Monday 18 July 2022

Day 2267 - Today;

Day 22667 - Today;

Now I have decided to title this post today as I titled yesterdays post yesterday, when I assume I typed about yesterday from yesterdays perspective, which should make it two days ago from this stand point in time. So then should I type about today from my current stand(sit)point...

I'm going to start with what I did yesterday today, as I forgot to do that much yesterday. Don't worry it'll only take me a relatively short amount of time to explain, as I went on the back of a tandem with Mich yesterday (there we go done).

Now what has gone on today?  

  1. It’s been a bit warm, 
  2. I did two little rides on the Zwift bike first thing, 
  3. I ate my breakfast, lunch and dinner,
  4. I've opened my window to let a bee out,
  5. I have gone postal, well I've gone to the post box,
  6. If you live in the UK and you've got a Conservative MP please contact them, and get them to vote for Kemi Badenoch in the leadership election; I don't care who it is Boris, Rishi, Suella, Tom, Penney I don't care who just get them to vote for her.
My two little Zwift bike rides were a total of 47.83km in length and they had 651m of climbing, now yesterday's little club ride may have been 59.05km in length but it only had 207m of climbing. The time that it took me to do the 47.83km today was 2:00:26 but my time for yesterdays little excursion was 2:27:20, which should make it about 23.8km/h but then for the ride I did yesterday was at about 24.2km/h but that was a slow ride yesterday on the tandem. As our previous ride on that tandem was a 28km/h ride, but that was a slightly quick one and our average for a Sunday ride is about 25-26km/h. I think that means that I'm a better cyclist with Mich leading me on the front of a tandem if anyone wouldn't mind giving it a go on the front of the tandem with me stoking you along I think that I'd like that; as for Mich I'm sure that he'd also be thrilled if someone could just take me off his hands, if only for a short ride.

I only had 364 steps by about 5 pm, according to my watch. Before 6.30 pm I had a little jog on the spot to get myself up to 10,000 steps. 

My point 6 there is vital as she is literally the only MP that is talking about immigration, Illegal and Legal, when she has made some great points on the subject. She's got a plan on how to deal with it, which is more than any of her competitors.

Sunday 17 July 2022

Day 2266 - Yesterday;

 Day 2266 - Yesterday;

Yesterday I had an extremely lazy day, as I have only just managed to take just over 3000 steps at 5.31 PM, according to my watch. With my BMI up to 20.11, and a weight increase of 6lbs from yesterday. I think I need to get back out on the bike.

I could still make it up to 10,000 steps on my watch, by jogging on the spot, as I have done in the past when I had been cycling in the mornings. But then I haven’t been cycling during the morning, so you could say that I probably should be able to make it up to the ten thousand in double quick time, if I haven’t been cycling for a couple of hours, I would like to agree with you there, but sadly I don’t think my body works that way. Especially as I have only just past 5,500 steps by 6:01 PM and I should be having my dinner soon… then I discovered that I had an extra half an hour to get 4,500 steps before dinner, it’s possible… I thought, well it should be. achieved my goal of steps before dinner with 4 minutes to spare. Which wasn’t exactly at double speed, as it would have left me with 3 minutes if I had been normally. So at double speed it may have taken me 27/2=13.5, 13 minutes and 30 seconds. Which would have given me 16 minutes and 30 seconds time left over at the end.

I can remember times when my parents were actually thinking of moving home, the properties were epic some of them were at least I mean the size of the gardens were literally something to marvel at. I'm meaning as in some of these properties were Kennel and Cattery's, places for people to leave their dogs or cats when they went away. But in hindsight that may not have been the best of ideas, as Tini is allergic to fur. We just never knew that as Tini grow up living around dogs and she is fine around dogs when she's outside but it's when a dog has been kept locked u in the same room as her for any length of time her eyes go watery. It used to happen with her dogs if she was giving them a hair (fur) cut, but it has since happened in her study with a Cocker-Poo; which is supposedly a hypoallergenic dog. So I have been employed (on no fee basis) to dog-sit with it while it's owner was away, which was successful. I like dogs and cats so that would have been like a dream come true for me to live in a Kennel and Cattery but the bank wouldn't allow them to have the loan, so that goes that dream up in smoke.

If we had got the field's/space necessary to have the Kennel and Cattery we could have grown some electricity, by that I'm meaning grow a plant which makes methane and you can put into a digester thing and it creates electricity, I wonder would that class as solar energy? as the vegetation that the Methane comes from is grown in the sunlight?

Sunday 10 July 2022

Day 2265 - Tandem;

 Day 2265 - Tandem;

Today I have done a little tandem ride, but it was on the mountain tandem, so it wasn't a very quick one, but it was a good choice by me to use the mountain tandem today, I think as Mich was moaning after the ride that we did earlier on this week on his tandem the his leg was hurting him badly after that ride. So I stated that we could use the mountain tandem for a Group 0 ride on Sunday as didn't Ewww say that only road bikes are acceptable in groups 1, 2, and 3. Electric, MTB, gravel and any other type of bike that you can think of can be used in Group 0. As Mich was saying that we would be going in Group 1 on his road tandem (the bike that he was moaning about his leg after riding) as the Orbit tandem had been taken in for repairs, something about him slamming the brakes on too hard.

Flat bread and Moussaka, well a vegetarian version of Moussaka (at least) is what I ate for my dinner today. As Tini is getting bored with cooking once more so she attempts to make it more interesting and varies  the recipes that she uses over the course of her food plan. I'm thinking that her making it more interesting may fall on a full stomach assuming I have finished the Moussaka.

Saturday 9 July 2022

Day 2264 - Dog;

 Day 2264 - Dog;

Today has been a day of Boccia, not a full day just an hour in the morning of playing it, and I did pretty well in playing it today. Well by that I mean that I won, in a lot of the games that I played today. Even the game that I won 6-0 against our teams coach with Jezz, and he was playing with Jezzi, so he got in a strop (speculation) and made Jezz and Jezzi play the final end against me, of which I won 2-0 which made the final score to 8-0; to me. It was a total fluke, I could have another Saturday where I don't make any of the shots that I made today. Even if it was the exact same layout in shot, like there was the last shot of the day the Jack ball was in front of me and I could have done another weaker shot like I had done with my second, third and fifth shots; I was thankful that I had a ball right near to the Jack with my first throw and then my fourth throw went wide then my final throw went straight and true. 

Today I spent an evening with a dog but it was one of these so called hypoallergenic dogs, some kind of spaniel mixed with a poodle, Cocker-Poo? Which Tini can't spend any time with, indoors, else she'll come up with puffy eyes and an allergic reaction... hypoallergenic, my foot. So the way it went with me and the dog was that it arrived and I chased it around for the first couple of minutes, until it got scared of me, it started attempting to hide from me under the kitchen table. So when that had happened Tini got the dog to sit down in it's bed and she got me to take some of the treats box that had been provided by the dogs owner to feed the dog while she ran away from the dog as of her allergies. it's funny how she can keep close to dogs like Lurchers and then there's no side effects but 2 minutes close contact with a Cocker-Poo (which is supposedly hypoallergenic) her eyes go all haywire. but then the differences that an hour and a half makes from being terrified by me at first, to actually enjoying being pulled around the garden by the end of the time, I take as when Tini came back round to take her back she (the dog) actually showed some preference to me.  But the dogs relationship with me could be described as one where I fed her every so often, when she gave me a side eyed stare.

All in all today was a successful day. I have beaten some people at boccia and I have made a new friend;

Friday 8 July 2022

Day 2263 - Love?;

 Day 2263 - Love?;

So yesterday Allergy and Biolab came over for dinner, and they brought their dog. Which was fantastic, not as in we ate the dog as there’s nothing to this dog, so it probably wouldn’t be enough of a meal for Allergy, let alone me. Now the dog has got itself settled in with it’s new owners it’s happy to be lazing about with anyone. But when we took her for a walk it was great fun as she kept seeing rabbits, becoming alert, and pulling on her lead… apparently.

Now my true love? I never knew that I had one but if I was to state anything about me having one I would probably have to state that it was a girl named Hannah, I can't remember her surname but I know that it happened about 14 years ago, when I was in rehab for my getting hit by a car. She was completely nuts, so nuts in fact that I attempted to stay away from her. She proclaimed her love for me often, I just didn't get her, I mean I would have kind of understood if I was anything to look at, or if I had actually ever done anything for her but no on either of the points. It must have been, for her at least, love at first sight whatever that is. Anyway I had nothing for her, I had nothing against her either, but that still meant nothing to offer and I hate, being told how to feel. Which probably was why I accepted Jewel's offer to me to become her BoyFriend almost as soon as it came up, and you should know that didn't end well, just about 6 month after it had started.

Tini has found a new Love, in Loose (the dog), so that makes it two things that she currently loves, Loose and F, as F is her grandson and Loose is a dog that she isn't allergic to. 

Thursday 7 July 2022

Day 2262 - a Problem;

 Day 2262 - a Problem;

Now yesterday was a problem and I have decided that the best , nay only, thing that I could do about it is move my home. Now you maybe wondering how as I have no way of creating an income and I’m not going to lie, that is a big problem. But something must change and I think that’s it.

So would anyone like a little old cripple to do a Job for them? I don’t know what I am good at, at least not good enough at to turn into a career, I’m a half decent stoker for on the back of a tandem; but I’m no where near any of the pro’s standards, and I do believe that I’m a decent enough skier, well I’ve had three recommendations to become a Paralympic skier, but then again I make too many excuses for my appalling skiing.

Bo Jo is out of his job... in a few months... as he has just handed in his resignation. Which was in order as a lot of his MP's resigned from their positions, since Javid and Sunak resigned (to stop him and from calling another snap election? seems likely). then an avalanche of resignations followed. So who’s going to follow Bo Jo into number 10? Will it be Tom, Suella, Liz, Sajid, or maybe even Kemi, I don’t know but it would be interesting to see whoever becomes the next leader of the Conservative party, and could they be a more conservative official than Bo Jo? I’m betting that anyone could be more conservative than dear old Bo Jo has been especially since he got over the Kung Flu, as he hasn’t been a very conservative leader since he came back.

Tuesday 5 July 2022

Day 2261 - Randall and Hopkirk;

 Day 2261 - Randall and Hopkirk;

Today there was no Indian Pea Fowl to wake me, at least I heard none. but I found a Gastly, Pansear and Meltan, this morning.

What was today about? I've forgotten the m majority of it... or so I think... I woke up, I went downstairs, I ate breakfast, I came back upstairs after realising the device that I use for a Zwifting was running low on battery so I had to put  it on charge. Then Tini got me a change set of bedding for me to put on my bed, doing that took me to lunchtime (3 hours, I know I'm really proud of myself it usually takes me much longer). I had lunch, then I got on a pair of socks and I realised that it's probably my fault that the bike's wheel is broken, as Tina had got a phone call from our bike's mechanic saying that there was a problem with a wheel and it must be sent back to the bike's manufacturer.

That was the morning gone, now onto the afternoon... the plan was to get a little Zwift ride done in the garage, now I thought that this ride was long enough It said >90 on the rides page I think, but it could have stated <90, my eyesight probably playing tricks on me. As it took me 1:08 to do it once so I took a break as in it was time to get myself some liquid refreshment before I did another loop around the circuit, which inevitably took me longer, about 14 minutes longer to get done. Which is only 68 and 82 minutes, both of which are <90, but when added together gets you 150 minutes (or 2.5 hours). So I still have a lot of work to be doing on my cycling.

Now the other day I was searching for the following song, but not this version. It reminded me of Bob and Vic, then in turn of Randall and Hopkirk (deceased). I can't remember any of thee story but I can remember that I had a laugh when it was on all those years ago.

Monday 4 July 2022

Day 2260 - Peacock;

 Day 2260 - Peacock;

Our local Peacock has been making a lot of noise this morning, as in I think it actually woke me up this morning, well it was making it's racket at the time that I have my alarms set for me to wake me up in the mornings and the time that Tini usually goes down the stairs in the morning and at the time that I awoke, and there was also the thing that I needed the loo... but apart from all of that I'm sure that it was the Indian Pea Fowl that awoke me.

Then also yesterday to make it an extra special day Allergy got a dog, now it was a rescued dog. Rescued from what I wonder but I have been over to see it this morning and just it didn't seem to be too keen on Tini which is a bit of a shock, seeing as Tini had always lived with dogs up until a few years ago when she developed allergies to a dogs fur. Tini would have liked to have the dog get closer to her but the dog looked frightened of her the dog actually looked a bit intrigued by me, as the dog (I've got to find a better name for her than the dog) so how about I call her Loose, yes Loose the dog that got loose. So as it was Loose was standing in the garden behind Allergy day from Tini and I then I walked up to the opposite corner of the garden and I sat down on the walls there was 3 separate spaces that had us in Allergy and Loose were in the top corner sitting on the garden furniture, then I was sitting on a little bit of wall in the next corner to the left of them from Tini's position who was sitting on a bit of wall which was at the homes end of the garden smack bang in the centre line of the garden. Loose stayed up behind Allergy when I had moved there but she started moving around as in coming towards me for a little bit until she got better acquainted with my smell properly and then she waited around back until Allergy started wandering off a little way, Loose followed her, and I went over to where she was as I saw a pheasant dog toy, so I was wondering about it. Loose put a stop to my curiosity, by steeling it away from in front of me I was just left standing there stroking Loose, so you could say it was a win win. I got to stroke Loose and Loose managed to keep her pheasant away from me.

Now that was this morning, then in the afternoon I decided to give myself a nice little cycle around London on Zwift. It was a little bit up and down, buy only in the second half of the ride as the first half I had completed in under 1 hour the second half I believe it took me about an hour and six minutes, which I probably could blame the Fox and Box Hills, as I was going pretty nicely up until those points.

Sunday 3 July 2022

Day 2259 - Special Day;

 Day 2259 - Special Day;

So today I learnt about why this day to me is a special day, it's not a special day as anything good nor anything bad, today is the 15th year since I became like me now, as in a cripple; physically- I got hit by those cars on this day 2007.

 I am still a nutter, but I have learnt something. It could be that I probably shouldn't step in front of cars while crossing the road, if that was even what I had done 15 years ago, as by the reports I had crossed over the road and I turned back into a car. but I can't remember that in actual fact I can't remember the final week and a bit of my life before the incident as I was a little depressive kid back then, I thought that every time that I'd get into an argument with one of my parents and then I'd get sent to bed by them I'd be buzzing from the excitement of the argument so I'd strangle myself to get me off to sleep, I'd use my hands so that I'd black out and then my hands would release and then I'd wake up in the morning; or that was how it was supposed to work but it never did I never blacked out. I would just get bored and fall off to sleep. Which was how it had been and then I didn't wake up until Jailey and I was attempting to find out what had happened to me. I finally had it I had been hit by a car on this day 2007, which had knocked me into another car and I had been conscious for all of that until hey put me into an induced coma at the hospital and  then I got transferred to another hospital which was before I had been transferred to Jailey which was when I, as in me the person typing to you, woke up. But I had woke up from the coma in the meantime as in before but that wasn't me...

Ok so you see I am the one that's typing this message, but the other me isn't here at this certain time he hasn't been here for quite some time I do believe, but then if I was to become him again at any certain point I wouldn't even know he would be me. It's as if I have got multiple personalities inside this skull of mine or at least I had two personalities. And the other personality is the one to blame for my self-destructive tendencies, but then again how was he unleashed in the first place? It was from one of my self-destructive tendencies unless you were to say that me threatening to strangle myself wasn't self-destructive  which I would argue is the very definition of being something that is self-destructive. 

Day 2258 - What Should I Do With My Life (3);

Day 2258 - What Should I Do With My Life (3);

Now I’ve been wondering what I should do with my life for a while now… by that I mean many years, I’m not sure if it comes to decades yet but certainly about a decade, maybe more years than that but I’m not sure of whether I’d classify anymore as anymore, as back then it was a very dark place in my skull. Not that you’d realise it as I had this permanent grin basically plastered to my face, like the Joker in a way, which I’m unsure if I still have.

I had been thinking of things that I could do, but what are they? I ain’t got a clue, now I’m a man, male human, I’m not the biggest nor am I the smallest man. I’m also a bit thick, but then again I don’t generally get asked too complex questions, as I cannot speak and it may take me a while to answer which sometimes gives me longer to think about a response. I’m not the strongest but I think that I’m one of the weakest as while I am out there cycling many of the other cyclists are out there chatting away to everyone while I’m peddling as hard as possible to keep myself in touch with them. Then there’s Mich who’s on the front of the tandem, he can speak so he’s excellent for all the talking with other cyclists, and his eyes actually work which is a positive thing if you need to know the way you are going on the bike which you ultimately do, whereas mine do work some of the time; but by no means enough for on a road with cars, motorcycles, busses, or even other cyclists not to mention the occasional pedestrian.

I have thought about becoming a Paralympian of which I would like to become one but then in what sport? Cycling…? No I couldn’t I’m no way near good enough to become one of the Paralympic cyclists, especially not for Team GB, or should it be Team UK now to show our solidarity with the Northern Irish? Oh politics if you were a woman how much I would not like to date you. But now I know that I have actually been told that I should be a Paralympic Skier on multiple occasions by multiple people but sadly none of the people actually have the correct status within the institutions of Team “GB” to actually do anything about it and then there’s me who’s stumped on the question “how?” I asked a Scotsman (or was he Irish), and he basically told me to get into a local ski racing team and so this is how far I have got on that; looking at the local ski racing club and waiting on Mich as he has said that he’ll do the talking for me.

Then again my life could mean something if I was to father some children, but that comes with some additional difficulties as I would need to find a woman that likes me enough to have me father her children, and then I’d also need to get a job that pays enough to support my new family; which is a difficulty. So I had another idea which I thought of after they were saying on the radio the other year that what a child needs is a actually family unit, as in with 2 parents, it doesn’t matter what the two parents are as in a mother and father, two mothers or even two fathers, there was none of this 150+ genders lark back then, at least not in the mainstream. So I was going to ask some friends of mine who were reportedly Lezzbo’s if they and their partners wanted to have children as I could help them with that. I asked one and I got told that she had a BF now and she blocked me from her social media, so that didn’t go well and then there was another but I found out that she had a BF before the conversation got that far, so I fortunately still have her as a friend.

Now it was about 3-4 years ago and Tini started suggesting interest in becoming a Grandparent, I thought that's strange she's never really been the type of person for the getting old that it would enevitably entail. So I was looking for a girl/woman that I could perhaps get with in order to facilitate such things happening and the result would be children... but I couldn't think of any that would like to have some, with me. Then I was typing with a friend of mine, who I'm going to call Lily, she told me that she would like two children; one male and one female. I told Lily that I've got some things to do first but assuming I pull them off I'd attempt to help her out if I could in getting the children. As it would be an answer of both Lily's and Tini's dreams, killing two birds with one stone, and then I may get to learn what love is by the end of it, so bonus? Especially as a person that we both knew used to say that I loved her, but I didn't know what love actually is and still don't. Anyway I have been told not to bother by the person I was attempting to help with my crazy idea as she likes me as a friend; so I think I have been Friend Zoned.

Then later on that year I found out why Tini had been getting all giddy over Grandchildren it was as she had one coming along in the form of Emu's and C child which arrived with us just about 27 months ago. Do any of you know the old children rhyme (I think) which goes...

"First comes love 
Then comes marriage 
Then comes baby 
In a baby carriage!"

I don't really think that would work for me, however if the baby was to come first, as to show the necessity of the two people staying together. Then the two people were to get married as there would be a child, a new life, into this godforsaken cesspit of a world which you should be trying to make better for the future; for your child's future at least. Finally it should be love, if you can find any, be it in the new life that you have helped bring to this world, or be it in the arms of your partner in matrimony; or be it in both.

Saturday 18 June 2022

Day 2257

Day 2257;

I guess it's day numbered 2257 today as the last day that I numbered was 2256, unless you wanted to insist that "What Should I Do With My Life (2)" was numbered which could be technically correct. but it wasn't a numbered day.

Last Sunday I did a Sportive, which was a 100mile cycle around Cambridgeshire, you can see my Strava page below.

Nothing too spectacular it was just a little ride on the flats of Cambridgeshire, and I believe that Mich has finally got the idea behind going at speed, which I think went a bit like this; "Wow, we've done that 100miles an hour and 39 minutes quicker than our first, and I don't feel as tired after doing that 100miles" well what you could say to that is he's got fitter in the the between 5 years or so long, but he hasn't, he said that he enjoyed this ride so much as he didn't have to do anything other than steer, chat and apply the brakes occasionally; as it was on closed roads so less waiting for the traffic. The speed that we did it at was 18.4mph which was  2mph quicker than our first which was at 16.4mph, the main difference between the two rides in training have been as followed I have been training almost daily and Mich has been training occasionally on Sunday's and Wednesday's (whereas we got out almost daily before the first 100mi ride), we have got 2mph quicker, but it was on a lot flatter course so that probably means that we have got a lot slower if it was over the same course, which had 4,082ft of climbing in it whereas this one only had 1,319ft.

So I've had a little ParkRun on the first Saturday of this month, I had a 29:59 little jog. The run was a little 5k around a park, obviously, but I was doing it with my sister, Emu, and a friend of hers, I'm calling 10, who were the two people who actually did the London Marathon together the other year. I ran it quicker than both of them, but in fairness they have both become parents in the mean time, Emu is a mother and 10 is a father but not to the same children. I think that 10 may have ran it quicker in the past but Emu has never ran it quicker than I, then again Emu had only actually ran it before once, and on her first time of doing it she may have got it done quicker than the second attempt, which was expected as she hadn't ran in about 4 years; and it was before she'd had a child.

Friday 10 June 2022

What Should I Do With My Life (2)

 Now I’ve decided that I needed to do myself a follow up to the first one as I didn’t actually answer the question, I just stated somethings, of which only the first thing that I stated was actually something I could do in the future, the second was my statement about something that I did last weekend and the third was also another thing that I could do but it was mixed with something that I am doing.

So then the first thing that I have stated I could do with my life was become a Paralympian, which I would like to become as I enjoy fitness and making myself more fit and strong, pity that I am so weak, it would be a good extension to what I do on a usual basis, to become a Paralympian. But then I am unsure about how I could actually make money in doing that as a job. As aren't the Paralympics only every 4 years, well it's them every 2 years but it goes from summer to winter alternately, and the sport that I am trying to get good at is for the winter Paralympics so then I'd only be making money every 4 years. Well there maybe world champs and stuff similar for the disabled as I have been to some of the similar type of things for disabled athletics much lower down on the tables of importance. 

Then the next thing that I stated I could do was father some children, but I’d have to find a way to become financially independent first so that I could afford to raise a family. As I can’t have the state raising my children, as who knows what they’ll teach them? Some of the affirmative action rubbish? Gender Identity and Biological Sex sometimes not matching up, trans issues? I'm sorry but NO, I'd be home schooling mine, if I had any, if that rubbish was what they are pushing down the children's throats at school. I'm worried for FJM as his mother/my sister is a progressive type of person. The friend that I was conversing with also said that jobs in the Digital Industry make a decent amount of money nowadays. wow the digital I would have liked to have got into that, but I failed and nowadays I'm more interested in the real world... “Change into digital champions to save the digital world… Digimon digital monsters…” now weren’t those the days.

Then there’s those three people that think I should be a Paralympic skier, I’m very flattered by your compliments, I would seriously adore to become one- it's just I ain’t good enough for that. I never have been I can remember going to the dry ski slope with Mich all those years ago must’ve been about 19/20 years ago when we both put on skis for the first time. I was terrible at first but through perseverance I got better and then after about one year since going skiing on a dry slope I went on my first proper ski trip and I went on 4 in total at first and then I carelessly got myself struck down by a car, which led to me being put on a lot of drugs, but I don’t think that was me as I only started to come around after the doctors started weening me off from the drugs. 

So my first memories from the time after the accident were from Jailey and my home I was in a Jail bed in both as I was attempting to get myself walking again first, when my legs were very weak as I was getting pushed around in a wheelchair which I was locked into, to stop me escaping. I eventually escaped from jail, when my time was up.  

Then I had been getting fit in the gym up by my old school I had been doing that for years and then one day Mich found out about a charity, DSUK- Disability Snow Sport UK,  and he asked me if I'd like to have another go at it, which I did so I went to see James Sterry and Peter Thorpe, for tutoring, to get me skiing again which was successful. But then later on I progressed to going on another actual ski trip, with DSUK, and this time it was with Mich in tow. We did three trips with DSUK; 2018, 2019 and finally 2020, before the pandemic got in the way.

After the Pandemic so earlier on this year we were supposed to go on two ski trips, one was with DSUK, which ws cancelled due to the kung-flu, and the other was with a woman who was loosely affiliated with DSUK, but the lose affiliation went as far was she's disabled and she from the UK who used to work with the charity but since France kicked out all tuition from non French sources DSUK has stopped going to France, as they like to get their instructors around the place but then on that trip it's just a group of friends that go to ski together (no tuition needed), and this time it was with us two tagging along, as Mich had found out about it from some DSUK source. Mich prefers to go with the actual charity running the trips, but then I had my two greatest days of skiing ever on the trip that we had earlier on this year, he prefers it to be ordered chaos, where as I prefer it to be chaotically ordered I'm guessing.

The first person to give me the compliment that I should be a Paralympic skier was my Doctor who is a cray Italian woman. Well I say crazy it my just e an act to get me to relax, but who knows? Anyway she is the one that pokes my eyelids with needles, and she had been watching some YouTube video of me skiing and from a video she believes that I should become a Paralympian. Now that was before the current time of reference now I am going back to the ski trip that I went on earlier on this year, not earlier on than that first compliment, now we are going onto the ski trip that I came back from in April. The second compliment that I had came from two of the men on the trip so It's the second and third which was much the same as the first compliment, the two were both of the misconception that I should become a Paralympian. 

How am I to become a Paralympic skier? Well I know the three things I need to become a Paralympian are; 

  1. Hold a British Passport
  2. Becoming international classified so that you can compete in WPAS (World Para Alpine Skiing) sanctioned events
  3. Qualify from the criteria set out in the qualification document produced by GBS (Great Britain Snowsports)

Tuesday 7 June 2022

So what should I do with my life?

 If I was to say that I have no idea that would be partially a lie, as I have got an idea of what I could do if I'm talented enough at the thing that I have been suggested to do that is. Because I have been told that I'm a decent enough skier to become a Paralympic skier three times now, well by 3 different people but the second and third were sitting around after skiing talking about it and the first was a Doctor that had never actually seen me ski apart from on a phone's screen, I believe that it was a little YouTube video, but my beliefs are probably wrong, just as my beliefs of the route that I did for ParkRun Saturday were, I got myself lost on the route basically.

But the actual ParkRun hinge I managed to run it in 29:59, which was amazing for me, as it usually takes me between 35 minutes and 45 minutes to get a 5km course done on Zwift Run, but then I did my first 5km ParkRun, and it was ran in under 30 minutes, and today we (Mich and I) have been down to the location of the course so that Mich can gather info on the course to give me a hand with my eyes in the spots that might be quite hazardous to have an effectively blind man charging around the course, for others and myself.

Now there’s a conversation that I’ve been having with an old friend of mine it’s about children and I know that she wants to have two children, but she doubts that she will ever get them, so I offered to help her out with getting them but she has declined something about her health.  So I have been researching into the creation of the artificial womb.

Friday 29 April 2022

Day 2256

 Day 2256;

So I have got out of the salty air of the place that I was staying at over the past two nights, to where the air tastes nice. But I’ll give the salty air one thing, it has finally sorted my tooth out, which tooth am I typing about you may wonder, and I would probably have to state my tooth tooth that I had a wisdom tooth which was tunnelling into the back of the tooth, and then I had that wisdom tooth removed and I kept getting a slight irritation from when I was eating food that when I was eating my food with the tooth in question it’d slip down into the little crevice which is on the back of the tooth. Which is a little bit uncomfortable.

MNow what I did yesterday was I went for a swim to check out my new goggles, which was fun as I was doing my own thing in the pool which included some of my swimming on my back and some on my front whilst attempting anything that I could think of to propel myself forward. Then again I was also asked to chase F in the swimming pool but that’s it for my swimming adventures until I get my trunks back as they have been taken to wash by Emu just as I returned from swimming. Then I had to go home before they were finished being cleaned, so I think that Emu is going to return them to me in a week or two. So then when I have them returned to me I can go swimming as often as I would like, providing my trunks are in order .

Thursday 28 April 2022

Day 2255

 Day 2255;

Now it’s been the second day of the three days that I’ve been down here staying with Emu, C and F. Zip line time, which was fun Zipping along the wire, however long it takes you to get along a 725m cable, as it advertised that it’s traveling at 60mph. But I’m unsure about that as I know that I didn’t go as quick as my brother-in-law who went on it with me and he went super speedy, potentially as he weighs slightly more than me. But I had my GoPro on to boost my weight. And I still went slowly down the zip wire, I had goggles on as well for my specs protection. Then after we had finished C decided that he’d prefer it if he’d have put a pair of goggles on also as his eyes were giving him a bit of grief, they were getting a bit dry.

So that was what happened yesterday and then it was time for a delicious evening meal, which was cooked by C, it was a tai curry I think. Anyway it was something exotic and tasty. 

Wednesday 27 April 2022

Day 2254

 Day 2254;

So yesterday I was subbed out, by the term subbed out I mean moved from my current abode to a new place which is just for three days, or two nights.

Today  I believe that I am going on a zip wire and then tomorrow I will be trying out my new prescription swimming goggles, which I tried out for a few minutes earlier on yesterday  but that wasn’t in water. But I’m thinking that I actually stayed in the goggles too long as Mich stole my specs as he was dropping me off down here, but I managed to get them back before he left.

Amber Heard apparently dropped a Grumpy in Depp’s bed, which I think is appalling as I don’t think that my nephew has done that, at least not when I have been around him, and he’s slightly older than two years of age. Just so you know he’s a male little boy, and yes I used the correct gender for him, it’s insane that tons of those left’s have the moral authority to tell us what we are allowed to call young people these days.

If I want to call you a little troll then I will call you a little troll the only thing that you can do about it is by adjusting your actions to be more human and less like a troll. It’s the same as with he she it whatever I personally perceive when I see you is what I’ll call you, which funnily enough hasn’t ever been a they/them person, I have used they/them to characterise groups of people but just no individuals.

Saturday 23 April 2022

Day 2253

Day 2253;

The other day I went for a walk around the Zoo, what have I done since... other than my regular fitness stuff, which has changed, probably many times, since I last mentioned it on this here blog. So I probably should get back onto that topic. Another topic that I'm going to go into a bit of data on is going to be a bit on the Paralympics, more of me becoming a Paralympian, as I have had a couple of nice things said to me in that respect over the course of my last ski trip.

So my regular fitness regime has changed no longer am I doing what I last advertised on here, which was something that I have forgotten about, but I believe that it consisted of me doing 15 minutes of something...? which has changed as I no longer do 15 minutes of anything, as on the 22nd of April, I first did an hour on a Zwift Bike, then I did 20 minutes on both the Trampoline and the Stair-Stepper before taking a break which was time to get more fluid into the system and for me to get in a 20 minute Strength Jog on the treadmill.
But on another day of this week I missed out on the treadmill exercise, and on others I missed out other shenanigans.

Now I have got some interesting news about the Paralympics, which isn't really news, it's just something that two of the blokes told me on my last ski trip, which was that I should become a Paralympic skier. Of which I would like a lot to become a Paralympian, as I could prove myself to myself, and... but I'm unsure if I should mention her here, especially asI'm unsure of whether she actually likes me, in that way. But the goal to become a Paralympian was my goal and I typed that if I achieved it I would ask her out, but it was many years ago now I'm half expecting that she's forgotten, but I gave her my word and I want to keep my word, especially to her. Now that was a fun little tangent that I distracted myself with now let's get back on point. Well there was two blokes on the ski trip that told me I should be a Paralympic skier, of which I responded I would like to be but I'm just not good enough to be a professional skier of any category be it disabled or otherwise. If I was a disabled skier what would my classification be? LW9 as I have got full body dystonia? or LW5/7 as I wouldn't compete with ski poles? But my plan is to go to my local "dry" ski slope to hopefully improve myself at skiing, so I would stand a better chance of becoming a Paralympian.

Friday 8 April 2022

Day 2252

Day 2252;

Now it's probably a later than Day 2252 but I have just decided to post some of Mikes's GoPro footage of last Friday, when we were skiing in France, La Plagne.

Well I was skiing, and filming, Mike wasn't doing the filming as he had hurt his ankle, I do believe, the day before so he has resigned himself to making these videos to see what he missed. But he did get out onto his ski's later on in the day.

Now this is some more of my skiing which was also filmed last Friday, the Friday that has been dubbed Black Friday.

It was a great way to finish off our week of skiing, well mine at least. I'm sure that Mike didn't hurt his leg/ankle on purpose so that Jim would have to take me away to do the Black run without him...

Friday 25 March 2022

Day 2251

Day 2251:

It’s day 2251 of my documented life, and I should probably be on the Eurostar train about when I have set this post to go live, which will be a first. But now that’s not interesting. What is interesting is my reasoning behind me going on the train, to France, but then again it’s probably only for me that it’s interesting. As it’s interesting that we are going skiing down in the south of France if the trip goes ahead which the previous ski trips haven’t.

Bear in mind that there was supposed to be one ski trip last month, in Andorra, which never went ahead. So I will only be believing that it’s actually happening when it is actually happening be that sometime tomorrow morning, or today the 26th of March, by having a pair of skis on and actually skiing or not, but then if that happens I would probably be able to get back to fix this before it goes live.

TApparently it's mothers day in a couple of days also... As all the people were going around the room saying what they'd got for there mothers for the coming Sunday I just typed out well Mich and I won't be in the same country, so is that a good enough present? Or words to that effect, Tini laughed and she stated that'd do nicely so that's one gift sorted. So I'm hoping that the former mentioned trip goes ahead now otherwise Tini will get a rude awakening come Sunday morning.

Now I have actually managed to get on the train, and we have gone through the Channel Tunnel, so we’re at this moment travelling through the French countryside just a pity we can’t actually see the French countryside as it’s black outside of the window. Darn it is 23:11 local time as I’m typing this text, which I know should make it 22:11 back at home. But I survived the little trip down into the tunnel by eating and drinking. As for dinner I had a little EuroStar plate/bowl full of sausages and mash, which was followed by a second little food container of Macaroni Cheese, then I ate my dessert which was a pot of gateau and some anglies sauce, I do believe. 

Now the trick that I have to perfect in this trip is falling asleep in a couple of minutes, then waking up at half four, local time, tomorrow morning for breakfast before I go out and ski in France, La Plagne.