Sunday 2 October 2022

Day 2269 - Cycling

 Day 2269 - Cycling

Now today I have been on a nice little 27mi Zwift bike ride I went up 2,362ft and I had an average power of only 125w, and I had burned 825 kcal but I only traveled at a speed of 14.1mph. So I had a pretty pathetic ride this morning I hope that tomorrow's ride will be better.

Now with the cycling, the only thing that I tend to do outside of these four walls; especially now my eyes have got bad once more. I have been doing Zwift rides regularly, and then I have been doing club rides twice a week, the Sunday ride and then a Wednesday ride , the club started off a Saturday ride today, I couldn't go on it though due to Mich's job as he's on strike today.

So the last time I posted on this here blog I stated about that woman that was always half terrified when she spoke to me. Then at the next cycle ride Sunday that had us both there she actually found her voice was she told me that she had... I've forgotten what words she used now, but I can only remember that what she said was nice, I think it was something  like it's good to see me back, but I could have had it mistaken and it could have been how horrific it was to see my face again. Then again that was the last that I saw of her at least until the end of the route as she is a too fast group for Mich and I, then again on the the weeks later ride I saw her stopped along the course as somebody in her group had come off of their bike so they had called it a day. Maybe Mich will go in the quicker group tomorrow? No he won't it's too much like hard work for tired old him, especially not since we went on a faster groups ride Wednesday.

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