Saturday 17 September 2022

Day 2268 - Back on the Bike

 Day 2268;

Now these days I ain't been cycling. It's because I have had a little benign thing cut out of a testicle. Why have I had a little benign thing cut from my testicle, you may ask? Actually you probably wouldn't but I will tell you anyway. It was because I found a lump in my tentacle and it was irritating me, couldn't have been irritating you that much you still managed to get yourself 240 miles over 3 days on the tandem the weekend before, it was irritating me on the day that we went to the Menin Gate, at least I believe that was the name of the arch. As I can remember myself feeling the discomfort of the thing that I had been told was a 5cm lump in my bollocks. But I just dealt with it, I said to myself I know it is causing a little bit of discomfort but you can still ride, can't you? Yes, and so I did. Peddling isn't the hardest motion to get your legs and feet to move in.

I managed to get myself back to cycling on the Zwift Bike, over the past couple of days, I had some time on the saddle of the actual tandem for a little ride around on some of the streets around my home in a club ride with Mich. 

When I was young I had a confidence crisis, a crisis in confidence I could say that I still have got a bit of a crisis in my confidence as I still haven’t been able to ask a woman out on a date. But my excuse, oh how much I hate that word, is that I don’t meet any women that I could ask out, if I could ask that is. As all of the women that I meet are all old as in something like in they’re 50’s, and married, as the only women that I meet are the women from the cycling club that I’m a member of it’s got a lot of older folks in, like Mich, and then there’s one woman that’s kind of my age. She’s actually a little younger than me every time I see her outside of cycling she acts shy, but I don’t get her. She doesn’t act that way with Mich or even Mars, not the god of war, the other dude that is kind of my age (just a bit older) and then again he’s married.

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