Thursday 28 April 2022

Day 2255

 Day 2255;

Now it’s been the second day of the three days that I’ve been down here staying with Emu, C and F. Zip line time, which was fun Zipping along the wire, however long it takes you to get along a 725m cable, as it advertised that it’s traveling at 60mph. But I’m unsure about that as I know that I didn’t go as quick as my brother-in-law who went on it with me and he went super speedy, potentially as he weighs slightly more than me. But I had my GoPro on to boost my weight. And I still went slowly down the zip wire, I had goggles on as well for my specs protection. Then after we had finished C decided that he’d prefer it if he’d have put a pair of goggles on also as his eyes were giving him a bit of grief, they were getting a bit dry.

So that was what happened yesterday and then it was time for a delicious evening meal, which was cooked by C, it was a tai curry I think. Anyway it was something exotic and tasty. 

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