Wednesday 27 April 2022

Day 2254

 Day 2254;

So yesterday I was subbed out, by the term subbed out I mean moved from my current abode to a new place which is just for three days, or two nights.

Today  I believe that I am going on a zip wire and then tomorrow I will be trying out my new prescription swimming goggles, which I tried out for a few minutes earlier on yesterday  but that wasn’t in water. But I’m thinking that I actually stayed in the goggles too long as Mich stole my specs as he was dropping me off down here, but I managed to get them back before he left.

Amber Heard apparently dropped a Grumpy in Depp’s bed, which I think is appalling as I don’t think that my nephew has done that, at least not when I have been around him, and he’s slightly older than two years of age. Just so you know he’s a male little boy, and yes I used the correct gender for him, it’s insane that tons of those left’s have the moral authority to tell us what we are allowed to call young people these days.

If I want to call you a little troll then I will call you a little troll the only thing that you can do about it is by adjusting your actions to be more human and less like a troll. It’s the same as with he she it whatever I personally perceive when I see you is what I’ll call you, which funnily enough hasn’t ever been a they/them person, I have used they/them to characterise groups of people but just no individuals.

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