Saturday 9 July 2022

Day 2264 - Dog;

 Day 2264 - Dog;

Today has been a day of Boccia, not a full day just an hour in the morning of playing it, and I did pretty well in playing it today. Well by that I mean that I won, in a lot of the games that I played today. Even the game that I won 6-0 against our teams coach with Jezz, and he was playing with Jezzi, so he got in a strop (speculation) and made Jezz and Jezzi play the final end against me, of which I won 2-0 which made the final score to 8-0; to me. It was a total fluke, I could have another Saturday where I don't make any of the shots that I made today. Even if it was the exact same layout in shot, like there was the last shot of the day the Jack ball was in front of me and I could have done another weaker shot like I had done with my second, third and fifth shots; I was thankful that I had a ball right near to the Jack with my first throw and then my fourth throw went wide then my final throw went straight and true. 

Today I spent an evening with a dog but it was one of these so called hypoallergenic dogs, some kind of spaniel mixed with a poodle, Cocker-Poo? Which Tini can't spend any time with, indoors, else she'll come up with puffy eyes and an allergic reaction... hypoallergenic, my foot. So the way it went with me and the dog was that it arrived and I chased it around for the first couple of minutes, until it got scared of me, it started attempting to hide from me under the kitchen table. So when that had happened Tini got the dog to sit down in it's bed and she got me to take some of the treats box that had been provided by the dogs owner to feed the dog while she ran away from the dog as of her allergies. it's funny how she can keep close to dogs like Lurchers and then there's no side effects but 2 minutes close contact with a Cocker-Poo (which is supposedly hypoallergenic) her eyes go all haywire. but then the differences that an hour and a half makes from being terrified by me at first, to actually enjoying being pulled around the garden by the end of the time, I take as when Tini came back round to take her back she (the dog) actually showed some preference to me.  But the dogs relationship with me could be described as one where I fed her every so often, when she gave me a side eyed stare.

All in all today was a successful day. I have beaten some people at boccia and I have made a new friend;

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