Sunday, 31 August 2014

Day 422

Day 422;

So it's been the day that I have nubered day 422.

But today I have been traveling in a car for some time like five hours.

But I don't know what I have done today apart from traveling for five hours with something like a couple or three stops and I remember stopping at least once where Mich stopped the car and he got some chairs out of the boot of the car and then we sat on them.

But then I remember me watching a film from 1989 called parenthood and I watched itttrmpting to figure out what it was about.

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Day 421

Day 421;

So it has been the day numbered 421 and I can't remember how interesting today has been,

my only memory of things that haccve happened yo me today has been on the first 2 games chronologically in the lend of Zelda as I started off by playing Legend of Zelda; Skyward Sword, but then I wasn't allowed to use my Wii later on as I had to get myself packed up for holiday that only 3/4 of our usual compliment within our house is going o, but after I had packed my bag I picked up a GBA game which just so happened to be Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Which just so happens to be the game that's second in the Legend of Zelda time line.but then I wonder where the next game that is coming out next month will ft in on the time line? Hyrule Warriors as I know it's not one of the main series games as in the Skyward Sword, OOT or even MM but it should have a space in the chronology as it has got some of the beasts from some of the previous games in human form so it could be that the game is set to be going in about second in the timeline before Minish Cap, but I don't know, the character that you play as if it is link could be the same character you play as in the Minish Cap but you've grown up a bit as your a member of the Hylian Army now and even Zelda has grown up a little to spite Vatti for turning her into stone?

nope that cur scene doesn't shed any light on the chronology of the game.

Except within the GBA game Minish Cap wasn't lady Impa more of a nanny to Zelda?

Friday, 29 August 2014

Day 420

Day 420;

So today was a day numbered 420, and basically a giant why has seemed to be wrote over this day,which is the easiest question to answer and the most complex at the same time .

I prefer the longer more complex and quite often more accurate answers, to be honest, but I still view the use of one word answers as acceptable within the correct context.

But words like pants, I know it's American for Trousers but every time I hear that word I think they are taking about some undergarments, the same as panties and underpants and so on, but today I what I would like to ask is, in actuality what are the purposes of undergarments/underwear? As I remember a while back going into in more detail what good does a bra do? And I couldn't find one from the practical perspective as within the long term if you're applying addition force to your restore tissue to keep it in place the breasts will gradually deteriorate from they're natural constancy, as what that means is the crests will be now need some more support to keep them up, as bra's are a solution to the problem that they create,

But why bra's, why have bras so popular within the modern framework of society?

I have a small probably insignificant observation, maybe it could be a way that women make themselves feel more desirable?


I don't know ask a woman.

But now lets get back onto the point of pants. Ok well I can see why babies and the elderly wear nappies (in American that equals diapers I think) as they have dodgy bladders and the number 2 thing isn't too clever either.

But why does basically everybody else wear at least one of the two items of irrelevant, under normal day to day activities, clothing it just gives you more clothes to wash at the end of the day.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Day 419

Day 419;

So it's day 419, and I have remembered some of the shenanigans that happen to me yesterday, day 418.

Semi religious shenanigans as Allergy ad Mich were talking about the inevitability of death, as it will happen to all of us eventually, and they were saying what is the point in of life and as they don't get wheat the point is in all this existence for what? Well Allergy was at least and Mich was playing along, I'm terrible at reading people. Allergy was saying what is the point in all of this as we're all going to die in the end,as to that Mich said it's the great unanswered question,  even though I was thinking that I answered that question a while back, but I signed "That question is what religion..." and then I was was interrupted by Mich and Allergy saying why do you always have to lower the tone and stuff similar, if they'd have let me to finish what I was signing they would have seen "That question is what religion pretends to Answer " but what they are actually doing moving the goal posts on for a supposed eternity but what would you do in an eternity everything that you didn't do in this life probably, but then what would you do for every day after, what things are there to do after that ends you'd be bored stiff and if as soon as that happens what is going to happen to you? Especially as you can't create or invent anything as your dead in the land of the dead the total population can only go up  with people dieting lets just say that everyone has 1m personal space and after every year is gets smaller by 10 squared cm's in a matter of 10 years you'd have no personal space left. But the only explanation to this is the space of the dead = the entire universe expanding at a rapid pace but like everything what is theorised to happen in the end to the universe? it's set to collapse in on it's self with all f it's stars/the great life givers dying relegating the empty space to be just that, empty space, which is only unless all of the stars that are red giants don't implode the way back to another singularity  and then that becomes a start to whole next universe but that is all just speculation as it is improbable that another race as simply designed as us here on the planet that we know as earth will have been created in all 4 of our dimensions, the 4th is our supposedly ingrained universal stupidity, as throughout the galaxies there is many separate planets some of who life may have found a way to evolve as is probable without the rich Oxygen, in this Carbon based atmosphere here this rock as if there maybe other form of life like Argon based creatures but Argon is a non reactive element in it's gaseous form so it would probably be better suited as Silicon based life or Nitrogen based life.

It won't look like us unless they have had the exact same conditions to grow up in and just look around the world different species of animals like dogs and all of there breeds similarly Humans, Cats, Elephants, Bears, Deer, Rabbits each within there breeds, I realise that with humans the separate breeds are called Races but that is stupid as we are all members of the human race Black, White Asian or brown skinned people your all still members of the human race/the dominate species on this rock, for the moment at least.  I'm still awaiting a mutant uprising it could be mutant dolphins that lear to walk on land on they're fins and then they exterminate all humans for fishing tuna and wrapping they're friends up in some nets therefore killing it, so the donjon wants some sweet cool revenge, nothing wrong with that, now is there?

Now what has happened to me today except from imagining the dolphin apocalypse of Mankind I can't really remember apart from going to the Gym getting very sweaty and then later, when I had dried off I got myself all hot and sweaty again by playing Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, but I tend to over act when I'm playing it as it's a Wii game with the Motion+ controller so I get pretty animated when I'm playing the game.

As if Allergy told me a tale of some of her school days as I can't remember much of it as I only ask her to tell me those stories as it stops her from singing and I think it's interesting the way she tells the stories but Allergy told me that it is practically law that no person should go out with a friends ex-partner so I put a question to her which was if one of her Male friends went out with Tom Daley, that is how you actually met him and Tom Daley fell for you at that moment would you still date Tom Daley? She attempted to avoid the question by saying that it wasn't very likely to happen but I think I remember her answer being yes but the friend that she was talking about wasn't a real friend anymore, then she got defensive, and she started stating that she knew in total 5 friends that each went out with 2 boys, 2 with the second and 3 with the first. And what was it that triggered this topic it was this 1 boy whose name is unknown (by me at least), that was asking her to the prom while he was still going out with her friend of which she declined, and the boy dumped his GF, by text message, some time later.

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Day 418

Day 418;

So it is suddenly day number 418 and as with a lot of days I have forgot almost all that I have done let alone all that I have thought about.

I have been denied the opportunity to make some money by means of using Google Adsense due to the issue of Insufficient content,  well I can tell that they didn't actually look at my site/this blog, as I think that 416 days on the trot (in succession)should be enough content for you to get enough data about what this blog is about.

But I have watched this afternoon the X-Men: First Class, with Allergy,  but in X-Men: First Class it tell all why Xavier has to use a whee chair or his telekinetic powers to move around which took place around about 1963 but then by the end of the film he is stopped from walking by Magneto for deflecting the bullet from the woman's gun into Xavier's spinal column, but then in the first scene of the film X-Men: the Last Stand you see it say in the bottom of the screen it say 20 years earlier and within Xavier is walking whilst he was talking to Magneto and Jean Grey,  and I don't know when X-Men: the Last Stand is set to take place but I somehow do not think that it was set in the 1980's apart from the first scene that said on it 29 years ago, as Xavier was bald but he wasn't in X-Men: First Class. discrepancies in the time line.X-Men days of Future Past is said to have the majority of it jammed into a time period of slightly more the 10 years after First Class, but if Scott Summers and Jean Grey would have been recruited by Xavier about at that time in-order to make them some of Xavier's first students plus at the start of the Last Stand Jean was looking very young,, too young to have grown up into Jean within the 20 years.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Day 417

Day 417;

So this day was interesting especially as the BBC's top 100 guitar riffs were announces today,  it's great some Nivarna and Bon Jovi got a mention, but it was Whole Lotta Love by Led Zeppelin that got the number 1 slot in the poll.

The Song that got beat into second place was sweet child of mine by GNR (Guns N' Roses) which was followed up by Back in Black by ACDC and Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple but then in fifth was Layla by Derek and the Dominos.

So there was the top 5 on the list, but you can view the list by clicking here.

Now I was just doing a jig while I was listening to the majority of the top 30, well some of it at least.

But what happened to you the rest of the day?

Well I can remember part of what was said at lunch which was that I, as in my blog, as in the thing that your reading now, has a fan and I use the word fan in the loosest possible context,

As in what? 

Not really a fan but anyway they actually read some of my scrawling, so they may not actually like any of what I had to type, but they read it. Another little part of my memory was with people saying that I should get more educated and another was saying no I shouldn't as what I have up here now is pretty extreme with my opinions, and if I had more knowledge at my disposal I probably would offend even less simple minded fools, now I'm steering that as I mean less not by the actual quantity of the people that I'm insulating within my long diatribes I mean less stupid persons that I insult, as the actual intent of my posts aren't actually meant to insult anyone but you have to be of a whole new breed of simple minded fool to believe that any of these posts have been produced to directly insult anyone at least of you unless I state it in my post, like the whole of this paragraph has been only designed to offend you if you are a simple minded fool/a stupid person who doesn't understand the context of which I have wrote it in, pretty much like Allergy who thinks that I'm about to get myself kill every time that I write a bit on the shenanigans of the religious, and yes that was meant as an insult to Allergy.

Religious Shenanigans;

Well the person that was mentioned in the part of this post that is directly above this, but not Allergy, I don't know, what should I call them? Idk Wsict? Ido Wisest don't like the surname but I could work with it as I kew one person that was had the surname of Smart, and no they weren't at least not at the time.

So Ido Wiser was from another county originally she came to this country and she came to this country for reasons of education, in her time in the country she apparently fell, and they got together, for another person but the other person also wasn't from this country and he was from a predominately Muslim part of the world, and he's Muslim and Ido wants to move to the Islamic world in order to raise their children there but the problem is that Ido only understands the bases of the arabic language and the the other the one from the Islamic world doesn't speak Ido's birth language so the only way that the communicate now is by this third language,

Think of the children living in a Arabic country, Ido would be like a sheep to the children's father shopping must be done by the father as Ido is incapable of understanding what the shop people actually say and would she be able to work out there? I think not as the women have to stay at home and look after the children in some IS at least. Then what would have been the point of you spending all of that money on some fancy qualifications?

Monday, 25 August 2014

Day 416

Day 416;

So today was the day that I have numbered the above number.

As today I went out to my great aunts home, which is a bit further west to where I am in the country that I live in again, but also I think it was a bit further north to where I last went to.

But on this day I saw the coolest thing, not literally that'd be in northern Ireland as they hard the coldest august day on record over there on the north of the Ireland, but now what was I actually going to type about.

What you did today.

But what was it?

You ate that egg didn't you?

Oh yes I did, it was a very nice egg also.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Day 415

Day 415;

So it was the day that I have numbered 415 and the new season, but I know it's actually called a series now, of Doctor Who started today, so good bye to Matt Smith hello Peter Capaldi.

Peter Capaldi is the 4th doctor since the restart and he is also the second Scottish Doctor since the restart, and he's playing the 12th Doctor but he's playing the 13 incarnation 14 if you want to include the other Scottish Doctor's hand which he breathed his regeneration energy in to produce his double ganger with the help of his first ginger assistant/the one that forgot.

So something happened to the football team that I support, as they had a match today and they lost, so that makes in 1 point from the first 4 games, which is 1 point of a maximum 12.  Which does slot them nicely at the bottom of the league that they're in.

The new Doctor is very good. His talking to a dinosaur in the middle of old London was a bit inspired by what I can't really remember.

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Day 414

Day 414;

So irt's that day, it's the kind of mirror day, or it has been the kind of mirror day by the time that your reading this blogpost.

So this day was a bit weird from the get go as I thought that I had awoken and then a dream stated how I knew it was a dream I have no idea probably as it had 3/4 of us + Emu and Mr C setting out for our holiday which I knew wasn't today when I went to the toilet and then after that Tini asked me to do something of which I went back to bed still thinking that I was in the dream, little did I know at the time that Tini really had shouted up the stairs for me to come down for breakfast, of which I preceded to get done.

As we had 2 of our small cousins coming around today. But then also today I played some more on Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword again I'm still on the mine but I have just been circling round and around of the same point which was unnecessary, So my mind gets on my nurse so much when that happens, but I get there in the end with my mind which makes it more reliable than my body, of which is truly pitiful as i can know what I have to do to accomplish one part of the game but my arms weren't responding correctly, like in the mine where you have to horizontal strike twice and then you need to stab the creature in it's eye, I cannot get the stab nailed in succession which gets irritating after approximately the 9th attempt.

It's the return of the Doctor tomorrow/today if your reading this from the day that it is scheduled to be posted.

But it's time for a bit more on yesterday/Day 413;

But yesterday I did get offered by Allergy to go with them to the cinema but I decided against it as I didn't want to cramp their style, getting up to whatever two teenage girls get up to in the dark of a cinemas theatre,

 + I thought of this as an afterthought what would it look like if I an old man was escorting two barely of age girls into a cinema theatre, it could it be that I looked like a pimp, or what ever you call an old man that deals in young girls, so on my first and my second thoughts it was a bad idea me going to the cinema with them yesterday, so I stayed put at my abode.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Day 413

Day 413;

So today was the day that I have numbered 413, almost at another one of those mirror, well kind of, days.

But today I have made Allergy watch a X-men film, which was the second super hero film that she watched today, the first she watched with her friend that I call MJ, as she has Red hair like Spider-Mans girlfriend and she took Allergy to see Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy today, and Spider-Man is a comic book creation of the geniuses at Marvel. The Friend of Allergies that I call MJ is apparently the friend of hers that got her interested in these Comic book films which MJ started off by showing her the original Avengers film then Allergy asked me about the Invincible Iron Man (that was just a heads up to the comic book series just as in the X-man film Wolverine gives a heads up to his infamous yellow lycra X-man gear), of which I showed the two at the time, but by now the third one she has seen of the Iron Man films. but Allergy had promised me that I'd never get her to watch the X-men films, so I took that as a challenge and i put it on my computer and then just after I had encouraged her to watch the start of the X-men film she volunteered herself to watch the rest of the film with, I think only a hint of resentment towards me for getting her interested in another comic book film spin off series.

So the series that Allergy is interested in are:

The Avengers
Iron Man
Not so much Captain America

Guardians of the Galaxy


Next up is Spider Man but I think that is going to be slightly more of a challenge, as she's petrified of spiders.

Hold up, what have you done today?

What have I done today? I'm sure I've just told you, haven't I?

Well yes, kind of.

So do you want me to go into about how Tini was a hero today, well it was Tini and a very thorough man (well it's either very thorough or a very thick man) down the other end of the phone, As today they both got our internet back working at very close to optimum efficiency. So I salut you both.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Day 412

Day 412;

So it’s been the second day in succession when I haven’t actually been able to get onto the internet for the majority of but fortunately i have been making notes. to put up here when I next get the opportunity.

So what have you actually been doing today?

Well that is simple as I have been to the gym and I have been writing up issue 1 (episode 1 or part 1) of Tom Time Stop I still haven’t decided what to do with it yet so it’s just a concept at the moment.

I have also been to the gym, but the rowing machine confused me slightly as it was upside down, not literally it was more as in the screen which has got the meters and the clock on was upside down, so I’m unsure of what level he usually has the rowing machine on but it was on level 10 already when I got on and I did 1000M in just under 6 minutes, I am unsure what that means.

Allergy said this funny comment which wasn’t supposed to be funny and her protests about it not being meant as a funny comment just made it more funny, As she stated "when I was younger. I always thought being an ice cream van man/woman would be a  cool job” my mind went off on a tangent when she had said that, as the tangent it went of on was one like a job in a an which the majority of the power produced by the engine is going directly to the freezers in the back, so I should think that it’ll be cold.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Day 411

Day 411;

So today I have been thinking about the Iron Man trilogy and my unexpected find that I’m so glad to have finally found.

First things first I’m sorry about the thing that has gone slightly wrong with my internet connection over the past few days the home hub has gone down the pan, well almost. It starts off by working but then it keeps being unresponsive to me, but not just me everybody using the hub.

So today I decided to be kind to Allergy and she decided to watch Iron Man 3, which completes the trilogy of Iron Man films that we have watched which is within my attempt to turn Allergy into less of a chav, but if Allergy is reading this blog post I would like to point out I said less of a chav because if you take a good honest look at yourself in the mirror you are about 50% no I’d say it’s more of 45% chavy. And that was highlighted by how you didn’t understand how Tony Stark could still be Iron Man without hid chest piece, which is the same way that Rodey is still War Machine, I know he’s got a new paint job and he has been rebranded so it’s Iron Patriot now but just lay the lame gimmick of a name off of him for a couple of moments, As the only reason that he originally had to make the thing that was in his chest was as a bomb had blown up which sent shrapnel, parts of the exploded bombs casing into his heart but then when the people that were going to use him realised that he was almost dead due to shrapnel perching his heart and the doctor that they had already kidnaped to help then made the first prototype of an electro magnet to stop the metallic shards from piercing Tony's heart which was powered by a big old battery now with that tech he decided to miniaturise it and put some radioactive isotopes in it to generate an awful lot of power for it, A bit like a battery for the magnet to pull the pieces of shrapnel away from the heart, but in the end of the 3rd film Tony gets the shrapnel removed from his chests he can get rid of the devices that have been keeping him alive, but with him saying "I am Iron Man” at the end he means that he will attempt to protect all of the citizens of his rock from anything that the government  isn’t capable of and there should be at least one more Iron Man film, as well as "Avengers 2: Age of Ultron” As we still have to see Rescue, which is be Tony’s girl friend, but she has a suit, just as Tony, War machine and the rest of the US military.

Now just my unexpected find is left for me to wrap up todays post , and it was my iPad that I found and where was it, nowhere if not almost literally under our noses the whole time but Allergy should have pretty much found it earlier today as she was looking for my phone in almost exact ally the same place as I found it in.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Day 410

Day 410;

Now on this day my medication was supposed to run output thanks to a technicality, which is that I have to be gradually weened off of them it looks like I am going to have to go throughout another box before they admit that they aren't working but fortunately they going to make the tablets that I have got now/3 of them last until tomorrow so it means I only have to take half of a tablet per each meal time instead of a whole tablet.

Robin Williams Legend of Zelda cameo;


I have got an idea and it could just be wishful thinking but Robin Williams could be the mayor of Termina, in a game that takes place potentially many at least one generation before the Ocarina of Time and therefore before The Majoras Mask

So if his NPC could have a daughter called Zelda  as well It could be the Legend of Zelda; The two Zelda's Robin Williams could be the King of mirror Hyrule/the final resting place of the fourth piece of the Triforce/the black central piece but it has been seen on the Hylian shield, that is in Ocarina of Time, see the forth triangle on the bottom of the shield it could be the Termina piece of the Triforce, which could represent spectrum as the people of Termina have got loads of that.

Hylian shield

So the game that I'm proposing should go in-between  Minish Cap/Four Swords and Ocarina of time, but I also know that it is theorised that link is actually dead in Termina, when termina actually means ends in spanish according to this google translate page, but I thought it was she ends/finishes, as in ella termini la juego  (she ends the game) and the masculine version of the phrase would be el termino el juego (he ended the game) but I'd be a liar if I was to tell you that I was anything better the terrible at Spanis, even before the incident that had me making a Richard of myself on the internet.

But back onto the game idea as we all should know that he didn't die from his falling the opening sequence of  Majora's Mask as we all can meet him again in Twilight princess the heroes shade, didn't he /imply that Link was a descendent of his, which means that he hadn't only grown up since his exploits in Termina and he actually managed to find a woman of which he made some children with, but yesterday I remember stating that I think he got together with Malon which could explain his location of work for when you start the game working (at Ordon Ranch) from Lon Lon ranch just a couple of hundred years in the future but if I am correct about this fact the tale could be about why the Ocarina of Time shield, has the 4th piece of the Triforce is the only version of the Hylian shield has it on as the lord of the 4th piece of the Triforce/Robin father of Zelda protector of the missing link to make the triforce into a whole triangle, was was fatally wombed, or so it seemed to his daughter, when she rushes out of termini and accidentally bumps into Link. When Link was wandering around the lost woods as an adult many years before the hero of time was born as he was a Hylian knight when he stumbles across the great Deku tree and the great Deku Tree gets him lost in his woods to hopefully turn him into a Stalfos but then Link, of which is an ancestor of the hero of time. But he escapes with the help of elsa 2 by following her into Termina, before clock town is built you have some younger of the builders working along side of their parents to attempt to get the clock town completed, but you can travel further than you could, as if it's a new open world,  and within there is new dangers as well as new areas to visit, not just the 4 that were in MM game, I know I've still got loads of blanks to fill in but anyway it's a start. 

Monday, 18 August 2014

Day 409

Day 409;

Sorry about yesterday's post internet connection failed on me, but not just m. it was as if the Wi-Fi had malfunctioned.

But that is enough of that little apology.

Top 15 Legend of Zelda fan theories according to the presenter.

I like these theories but especially the Majora mask ones, but there is one point that the person making this video doesn't add into his Legend of Zelda theories, as in the Twilight Princesses  he never gets around to the hero's shade, who many people say Link actually died at the beginning of that game, for falling between the dimension. Which should make the hero's shade still be a child like he was in the Majoras mask,

I have just gone to this Zelda Wiki page to read up a moment on the fate of the hero of time, the dead  adult hero of time (you can read the part of it that I'm referring to bellow);

The Hero's Fate
Before leaving the land of Hyrule, the Hero of Time warns Princess Zelda about Ganondorf's plans and what the future would unfold if the King of Evil was not stopped. The princess entrusts Link with the Ocarina of Time to prevent Ganondorf from entering the Sacred Realm, and the young hero then departs from Hyrule with the ocarina in hand to seek his fairy companion, Navi. In the process, however, he stumbles into a parallel universe known as Termina, which was being threatened to be destroyed by its Moon. With the aid of the Ocarina of Time and the fairy Tatl, Link saves Termina from its imminent downfall and soon after leaves the land. Despite this, the Hero of Time continued to lament the fact that he was not remembered as a hero after he was returned to his original time upon defeating Ganon.] After his death, he was unable to go to the afterlife because of the regrets that kept him tied to the world of the living, feeling regret that he was unable to pass on the lessons of his life to the younger generations. In order to ease his regrets and finally pass on his knowledge, he teaches the seven Hidden Skills to his descendant, the Link of Twilight Princess.



I'm sorry nostalgia of me playing that eminence game but I would just like to state that if he died in Majoras mask how would he get descendants?  I mean that if he got on the bed with Saria after saving the whole of Hyrule that would probably come to nothing as they're different species, Saria is a Kokiri and Link is a Hylian, they're different species, the same goes for princess Ruto whose a Zora, Which leads me with Zelda and Malon of which it can only realistically be Malon, as if it was Zelda he'd still be related to the Hylian royal family, and on Taillight Princess he starts off as a farm hand.

But in other news Robin Williams should be getting a NPC named after him in a new Legend of Zelda game, you can read the article here and support the movement if you would please.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Day 408

Day 408;

So yesterday the internet connection that I use went down, as in non functional, so that is my excuse for why my blogpost for yesterday/day 408,

But should that not happen any more due to your fix, for the problem?

Well I have no idea as for a start I didn’t think my plan was being implemented for the moment at least as I had been up into the small hours, which I can’t really see why they are called the small hours when the actual hours are the same length as all of the other hours within the day, but I guess that they could be called the small hours as in the 24 hour clock they are the smallest numbers possible e.g. it starts from 0:00, then it goes in an hour to 1:00 next is 2:00 and so ono.

Sorry I went off on a tangent, but now it’s time to go onto another saying which is to have a healthy lifestyle you should breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and then for your dinner you should dine as a poor-per. Which means you should have a big breakfast, then a smaller lunch and then a smaller still dinner/tea, like a nice cup of tea and some biscuits. The way to rationalise this way of eating is if you eat a big breakfast it kick starts your metabolism and then if you eat slightly less for lunch tut enough for you to get on with your work until dinner time and then Dinner time comes you aren’t going to need to eat a lot as you are just going to go to bed to get some sleep afterwards so as you can get up to a kingly breakfast the next morning.

If you keep to those guidelines and you aren’t of snaking between meals, unless it’s a portion of fruit or vegetables for snack, you should be on track to reach your goal in weight, but I know that when Mich says that too the two non breakfast eaters within our home he’ll then go on and state that he had a friend that always ate a fried breakfast and he was huge but then he doesn’t address the key progression through that piece of information, as he may eat 3 kingsized meals a day.

But i don’t have a problem with fat people, I am just attempting to include some of my best advise possible to live the most healthy life  possibl.

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Day 407

Day 407;

So it has been day numbered 407 and I have been thinking about Freemasons and they believe in one deistic god, which is a requirement of them so there is no Atheists in Freemasonry. You can believe what ever you want to about a theistic god(s) e.g. you could believe in any of the gods like Horus, Venus, Aphrodite which is also incompatible with Christianity which views those gods as demons.

What would a Secular version of the Freemasons be called the  Freeermasons? Freer as they don't subscribe to any Gods or Goddesses.

Friday, 15 August 2014

Day 406

Day 406;

So it has been the next day of my adventure, that everyone tends to call my life, which is probably the least adventurous thing that has ever been called an adventure.

So I had a pitifully dismal diet today as I only just had my 5 a day today, especially with my lunch today being at healthiest cheese sandwich at least probably my pudding which was basically a lump of chocolate, on cake. I know what I should have done with it; i should have given it to the starving children around the world, or at least one of them.

Also I saw another Magpie.

So In my head I was saying "Hello Mr Magpie hows your wife and children" and then I saluted, old habits die hard.

One for sorrow,
Two for Joy,
Three for a girl,
Four for a boy,

But I have to say that I only ever seem to see one at a time, so I'm a very sorrowful.

So are the founding fathers of the USA Christian? In short No, in long watch the above YouTube video's.

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Day 405

Day 405;

today I have been to the gym and I have also noticed my age, it must be over taking me or I just haven't ever done any squats like I did today at the gym before... ever.

As today at the gym I had a go on the Smiths machine, it's like a machine for doing the clean and jerk on but you have to roll your hands either forwards or backwards to release it from the clip things and you have to do the opposite motion to reattach it to the bars, but needless to say I couldn't use the machine properly and my gym instructor got me to do squats on the machine by first putting a neck protector thingy across the bar and then he got me to squat, that was the only change in the routine this week so I'm wondering if doing that alien excursive this week is that made my back ache a little? As if I was an older man that I actually am? but I already know my actual age is incorrect especially with the approximately month that I spent my time on twice;it was really like De Ja Vu except from the first time it happened I died in the end, I'm still waiting for that to happen to me this time also, but it seems to have been averted for now at least.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Day 404

Day 404;

I also did a little athletics thing yesterday/day 403, but I decided that my yesterday's post was already too long, so I'm about to put it in this post as well followed up a piece of terrible news that I saw yesterday and heard this morning I think.

As I'm thinking that I saw saw on an email that Robin Williams final Instagram post was a post to his daughter Zelda, so I just have this tribute to Robin Williams which isn't really a tribute. But Robin Williams will be missed by the people that knew him, like Zelda. Flubber is probably my favourite film of his immense collection. But I know that my memories of the film will probably have got rose tinted in all the time since i saw it last, which must have been late 90's early 00's I couldn't stop myself laughing throughout.

Now there was also another notable death but this time it was a Mr JJ. Murphy, so if your unsure of whom it was I was also. He was to play Ser Denys Mallister character who is an elder member of the Night’s Watch, the men who guard the Wall in Westeros, who has commanded the Shadow Tower for 33 years and has been a candidate for Lord Commander. At this time, it is not known whether Murphy’s role will be recast or if his scenes will be rewritten.

He was cast to be in the forthcoming season but sadly he died 

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Day 403

Day 403;

Now today was day number 403 and I have a question which is 'is it possible for a woman to touch her belly button with both of her elbows" it wouldn't have bothered me if I hadn't seen a YouTube video on the subject the other day.

Now just as I'm thinking yes obviously they can, well I can at least, true I may not be a woman, but then it hit me  don't have large breasts so that may be the reason that I can and women can't. So I searched the internet for an answer to the question, and if you'd guess I can't find the answer, but another page sprung to my attention, not as in it physically sprung out of the screen, I just mean I noticed it.

It was a page on how to Touch-a-Girl, well the thing that I do is generally poke someone if I have to get their attention, but I don't generally like doing that unless it's Allergy whose belly flab is fun to poke in actual fact anybody that has any flab is fun to poke, as long as they can see the brighter side of the situation and don 't sit on you afterwards, *cough*Wettam Eleets*cough*.

It's much like life in that respect, as you are always having to look on the bright side, 

Now back on the page of how your supposed to touch a girl it says you've got to be a gentleman and it has terms like chivalry well I hold doors open for for pretty much everyone that I meet when I get to a door. but I don't think that is exclusive enough to be classified as an act of chivalry.

But so the first step of the 22 is the act of maintaining eye contact which I found slightly confusing.

"If she likes you, she will either hold your gaze for a long time or pull away immediately. Either of these signs could mean that she likes you."

So any old woman on the street could want to touch you if your as funnily looking as me and then they may want to throttle me also, but the reason that they'd probably be looking at me is as I'm a one man freak show probably

Monday, 11 August 2014

Day 402

Day 402;

Well I found out that Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) has got a load of songs, or rather parodies of other songs?

If you hadn't you can listen to them, if you want to, by clicking on this link.

Some of the music is good on that page and some of it isn't so,  from what I have listened to so far. But I think that the messages of the songs are accurate according their narrow but honest interpretation of the biblical scriptures, such a shame that they don't have any of the parts which include Unicorns or Other phantasmagoria from within the bible.

But today I had a very uncomfortable experience, as I got hugged by a tiny little cousin C, well he attempted to hug me at least, the last time we met he was still cautious when meeting me, as his Kat had only just told him off for afraid of me so he wasn't being openly terrified towards me. But I don't like touching people at the best of times, so no thank you little C.

But when we were driving off GD-R muttered a load of things to GM-N, but he muttered them quickly so I couldn't understand what he said, I like GD he is always great fun and he brews his own cider and this time he gave me a keg of the stuff it is such a shame that I am on medication at the moment so I couldn't have a mug of some. I should be off the medication in approximately 11 days, as it should run out by then I think. But the medication is doing nothing for me, from my perspective, Allergy did mention that my face seems to have got looser since taking the medication, as I was making more different facial expressions; but lets be honest here those responses are more likely to be as a result of the rat poison that I having pumped into my face to stop me eyes from closing all of the time.

To get to this GM + GD's house I had to go west, but not as far as the original singers of the bellow song, the Village People, but I believe that the bellow song is by a more appropriate band for the two persons that I have made the above statement about, as it is by the Pets Shop Boys and GM + GD are two very good pet owners, with them in the past owning many cats, many dogs, a donkey and many other different types of animals, of which I'm thinking even included slow worms, at one time.

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Day 401

Day 401;

So this day has gone from ok to good to bad and then finally to ok, all within the space of 90 minutes plus stoppage time.

If you already knew where the second half of my former statement came from then congratulations, noes you can have your cake and eat it, 

But now apart from that cake eating statement something else has been concerning me, It's the nature of that Isis terrorist group, but not for the obvious reasons; being they are a F*ing terrorist group. What bothered me was the whole premise with them being called Isis, and who is Isis?

Thank Bing for the full answer.
"Isis is a goddess in Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs, whose worship spread throughout the Greco-Roman world. She was worshipped as the ideal mother and wife as well as the patroness of nature and magic. She was the friend of slaves, sinners, artisans and the downtrodden, but she also listened to the prayers of the wealthy, maidens, aristocrats and rulers. Isis is often depicted as the mother of Horus, the hawk-headed god of war and protection. Isis is also known as protector of the dead and goddess of children."

So basically it's a long since dead goddess of Ancient Egypt, so with it being linked to the Islamic State uprising in the east is really quite amusing as didn't Muhammed apparently destroy all of the Idols to the separate gods and goddess' when he invaded Mecca or so the fairy tale goes. Now that an Islamic militant group has taken up the name of something that Muhammed really doesn't like and it's in the process of doing something that Muhammad really wouldn't like according to his BBC profile at least, I'm typing about them, the Islamic State people threatening 300 Yazidi families on pain of death to convert to Islam.

Please look at this Yahoo article to find the story, in it's abridged form.

But what are Yazidi? 

Now it was a new term to me today as well, but I that discovered so I'd like to thank Bing again for the following answer.
"The Yazidi are a Kurdish-speaking ethno-religious community who practice an ancient syncretic religion linked to Zoroastrianism and early Mesopotamian religions. They live primarily in the Nineveh Province of northern Iraq, a region once part of ancient Assyria. Additional communities in Armenia, Georgia and Syria have been in decline since the 1990s, their members having migrated to Europe, especially to Germany. The Yazidi believe in God as creator of the world, which he has placed under the care of seven "holy beings" or angels, the "chief" of whom is Melek Taus, the "Peacock Angel." In Zoroastrian-like tradition, the Peacock Angel embodied humanity's potential for both good and bad acts, and due to pride temporarily fell from God's favor, before his remorseful tears extinguished the fires of his hellish prison and he reconciled with God. Some followers of other monotheistic religions mistakenly equate the Peacock Angel with their own unredeemed evil deity Satan, which has incited centuries of persecution of the Yazidi as "devil worshippers." Persecution of Yazidis has continued in their home communities within the borders of modern Iraq, under both Saddam Hussein and fundamentalist Sunni Muslim revolutionaries."

So basically another religion that has been called names by other religions and it's got the god freak as only a deity, and it's got seven demigods basically as the theistic gods, like the peacock god which is the god of humanity.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Day 400

Day 400;

Finally I have done it,

What have you done, now?

What's with your being all italic Yellow, are you disapproving of me finally getting round to correcting all of the days that I had -10 on their number?

Well yes I am disapproving of your lax attitude about the place.

I'm sorry Yellow that you feel that way try listening to the following piece of music to make you feel better.

But what happened to you today, is the question?

Ok thank you for that, Red, what happened to me was I had to go out of my home today but alas not to do something even vaguely sport relegated nor was it anything games related, it was not actually anything to do with any of my obsessions. I had to go out to leave Tini alone with her friends that were coming around for a fancy dress party.

Oh how embarrassing.

Excuse me Yellow, meant in the same way as Links excuse me princess, see below.

I know that is how Allergy reacts to that happenings but not I, I think it is amusing with them all dressing up as something to do with the sea side I think that one of them should have dressed up as fish n' chips, But instead there was today some a person dressed up as Mr Punch from the Punch and Judy show, they came with there own theatre cut out and a crocodile also including some sausages. So I had to take 2 photographs of all of them which were only mediocre at best but Tini overreacted to them making out that they were better than they actually were.

Friday, 8 August 2014

Day 399

Day 399;

So this morning I discovered something that I kind of did know but I also kind of didn't know.

Ok I'll start with the thing that I did know, it was that Allergy is a liar, now I state that as of course she's a liar she's a human, aren't the two terms interchangeable?

The second part is  the thing that I kind of didn't know and it's the fact that Allergy is a hipster,

What has brought on this new revelation?

Well it came up while she was forcing me to listen to some of her terrible music while I was eating my lunch, so she starts playing this music as she asks me who is it by so I sign one direction, and just she blows a gasket, saying that it's Olly Murrs not that terrible band that I just signed, as she never liked  that band, my thoughts were which is why you had one of there cal lenders for the other year, then Allergy starts fuming and some how it changes onto the subject of Justin Beaver and my thoughts were that she was also a fan girl of his also which she got even more stressed at me and went to get Tini to set me straight on the subjects as of which she agreed to do when she stated Justin Beavers name but then as soon as she mentioned one Direction she pulled out as she knows that Allergy was attempting to rewrite her own history by exclaiming that, and another thing that went towards that statement was that Tini had a few words with me afterwards stating that it was Emu that had the infatuation with Mt Beaver afterwards and not Allergy but she didn't comment on the state of things with the One Direction, now I know that absence of evidence cannot be used as evidence but silence can speak a thousand words and that silent response by Tini nay not have spoke 1000 words but it spoke just enoubth for me to get the hint.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Day 398

Day 398;

So it is day 398, and I have finally completed my watching of the following YouTube video;

From that video the Prophet Muhammed seems to be a decent person, despite the many contradictions from his path and discrepancies, that some modern Muslims have done by their own choice  in Muhammed's name were not.

He may have been a fraud but his true messages were something really quite decent, I mean fraud as that is what he was. Having all of those "prophecies" within the times to support his pre-planned next moves if only his words and all of his acts of barbarity could have been totally forgotten after his death instead of dividing "his people" we could have a more civilised world today or at least the East would be.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Day 397

Day 397;

Ok it's the the 397th day and I have watched some more YouTube videos about religion, Israel, Palestine and the problem in the Middle east.

I have got this here YouTube video= The Real History of Israel, according to the BBC.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Day 396

Day 396;

So it has the day 396 and today it was the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the first World War, of which was the war that the Author John Ronald Reuel Tolkien,/the at hour of the Lord of the Rings books, fought in.

Today as well as commemorating the outbreak of the first world war I have gone to the Athletics thing and I have manages to jump 3 meters approximately in the long jump sand pit, obviously nowhere near as impressive as the athletes from the commonwealth games, who managed to get over to 8 Meters.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Day 395

Day 395;

So today has ben the day of the number that should be at the top of this page, and it was the final day of the Commonwealth games, as it has been the first time in 62 years that England has been number 1 on the medal tables, if you trust the BBC that is, and it's been the highest scoring year ever in medals for the Scottish again if you trust the BBC.

But the closeing ceremony for the Commonwealth games was a bit terrible and then it got worse, as Australia pitched in to make it seem like an advertisement for going to Australia on holiday. But in they're presentation of holiday resort Australia, Gold Coast, they muddled up two separate things; by saying Sun Screen instead of Sun Cream,

An image of the sun on the screen= Sunscreen

Cream to be applied in case of excessive sun exposure= Sun Cream

But Lu Lu could actually sing which was a plus point the downside being that Kyle couldn't sing, at least not well.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Day 394

Day 394;

So today was the day that I have numbered 394.

Despite it being that day it appears to have been an English success on the commonwealth medal table; With England topping the Medal table from Australia in second place. By 11 golds 13 silvers and 9 bronze,  and it ends tomorrow.

Wow I never thought that the country that I live in could run such a dominate show on some other countries turf. I know it's Scotland and it's in the UK, at the moment, but in a few weeks/months it is going to have a vote on independence, and I don't know which way they'll vote, but if they vote to get of this United Kingdom of Great Britain, I do not know what they'll call England and Wales instead of Great Britain? Not so Great Britain?

Which is only as Britain is this little island with England Scotland and Wales upon it. Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey are part of the "and it's United Kingdoms" which go onto the end of Great Britain.  The only part of this landmass that makes it Great is that it is all three of the countries on this small splinter of land combined together.

So if Scotland get it's independence, and please don't allow me to stop you as you should have already made your minds up potentially years ago, especially as you have voted a crazed independence monger into office in Scotland, I mean Mr Alex first minister of Scotland,  

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Day 393

Day 393;

So today I thought it was the start of the women's World Cup as well as the continuation of the Commonwealth games, and it seems to me that I was correct as today was the 1st of August and you'll see that it's the start of the Women's Rugby World Cup.

Also on this day I acquired a new cousin only as my aunt gave birth to another small wretch, not that I know that it's a wretch it could as probably will be a jovial little creature but it's brother is a little wretch and 1 out of 2 siblings characters the sister hasn't ever reacted or rather overreacted to my presence.

But there has been some more medals today for the home nations in this commonwealth games .

Friday, 1 August 2014

Day 392

Day 392;

Well today is the second day of England's dominance of the Commonwealth medal table with a total of 44 gold medals.

But i have been thinking about the religion of peace today, no I don't mean Islam I mean the actual religion of peace; that has got to be a great oxymoron if you ever hear Islam refereed to as the religion of peace, unless it is being used viciously. The religion that I am typing about is an atheistic religion, or Jainism.

Hang on a second how can you say that in the words of the scholar Heinrich Zimmer 

'A new word was needed: transtheistic, meaning "inaccessible by arguments as to whether or not a God exists".'

But do they waste the time of day praying for a god to never hear listen to them or at least never act on the prayers on no higher frequency than chance. But the reader could read up on the true religion of peace by clicking on the word Jainism to get to it's BBC page.

As the Jains don't believe in a divine creator but they do believe in a divine as in perfect beings worthy of devotion, and it's a guide for us to follow to become divine. Jainism is my favourite religion but I'm not one of their number as I enjoy eating meat too much, next it's the fact that they believe in reincarnation and Karma which I do not and then there's the sectarian divide between two sects 1. the Digambara 2. the Svetambara, Of which I agree more with the Svetambara if I did believe in such a ridicules concept as liberation from these mortal forms, of which I obviously don't.

But the Digambara I believe are on to something, with their naked monks but since women aren't allowed to walk around nude in public, on the grounds of naked women would feel shame and there would be disruptive consequences?

I am thinking that the only shame that they'll feel is the shame forced upon them by the clothed society, as I can remember when my youngest female sibling was younger, she would feel free in what ever she was wearing or not wearing if the mood took her as it did on occasion but now when I questioned her on the topic of her younger times she said how disgraced she is now of her younger escapades. Now that she is older and she's got a lot of social conditioning on her person.

I'm remembering another, female person this time she was a classmate of mine in reception year of school I think which was in the year of our 4th anniversaries of our births, who kept pulling her skirt up, I haven't got a photographic memory so lucky me on two counts then?