Friday 28 March 2014

Day 266

Day 266;

So today went slow enough seeing as I got up at some time between 7 and 8 am having only gone to bed at about 2 am earlier this day. Then I did some virtual exercises on my iPad/checking my faceybook shenanigans and doing some stuff on some ongoing games, the shenanigans that I type of were on this topic that a Muslim friend of mine shared which was a picture stating ban the Burka which I had started commenting on yesterday, and I was adding a bit of a different opinion into the mix otherwise they would have just quite literally steamrollered over the topic just by stating how out ragouts it is with a political party telling you what you are and aren’t allowed to practise as it is in there in the Quran where it clearly states that you have to wear a Burka and other fictions like that like this one “If they loose the Burka and they’ll loose the faith”.

Both of which are nonsense, as I pointed out to him. But I should just state for the record that in the Quran it doesn’t have any mention of a full-facial veil or Burka there is one passage in the Quran which could be classed as legitimising the wear of a Burka but that also leaves a gigantic get out clause within.

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