Friday 14 March 2014

Day 252

Day 252;

Channel 4 corrected the mistake before I checked them this morning which was while I was watching the first game today which was dubbed by the hysterical C4 crew the "Mira-curl on ice" as they were trailing by 4 points  6-2 to the US then from nowhere a spectacular 5 stones lying shot to team GB to make the score 7-6 to GB going into the 8th end without the hammer but then USA manage to get 1 stone lying shot for this end to make the score 7-7 so they have to play the 9th and a deciding  end, but this time it's GB with the hammer and the US skip (skipper/captain)' has his last stone to play a draw to the button/a takeout of GB's stone that was closest to the button (the centre of the target) to make the GB skips shot as hard as possible to hopefully get the steal and the match but  then unfortunately for the US they didn't make the shot, they lost 8-7.

But in other curling news Finland won their second match of the tournament, it was against Canada with a score of 12-1.  So the day after tomorrow it shall be Team GB verses Russia after team GB came fourth they lost to China in they're second match of today, and Russia beat Slovakia, which puts them into first position with only one lose throughout the round robin.

Also tomorrow/today Miss Jade  has another medal to collect if she can stay standing for the whole event.

Ok now I think that I may have forgotten to inform you, all of you; the 7 people that may have viewed my page yesterday. That I went back to the Gym yesterday and I managed to get myself back up to peek at speeds of 20+KMPH again this week on the cross trainer, the + was probably only something like .1/.2 but I made it as an a little after 10 minutes treat to myself and then I went on something that I have forgotten but it’d logically be something like the chest press, or alternative arm strengthening gym escarpment but then I went on some of the leg weights but this week it was the turn of the easiest weight machine and the hip abductors followed up by the rowing machine at the end, it was a short 1000 m row .that I managed in just under 10 ,minutes, 9,52 I think.

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