Tuesday 25 March 2014

Day 263

Day 263;

Ok so it's been this day today.

But today I got to see some just hatched Chicks.

Well they hatch in between when I went to see the eggs of them yesterday and when Tini went to check on them this morning,

But I believe it is time to tell all of you "good" people, well better than I, at least that Allergy has recently been complaining about the lack in the religious shenanigans for quite a few blog posts so I shall start with a death the death of Fred Phelps, as you probably already know who FP was but not in Allergies case, so I shall write a quick explanation, FP was the founder of a church, the Westboro Baptist church/the church of Gods hate the marched around with signs saying God hates fags and other stuff like that along side of the bible quote which could be read In away to state the same as the propos tedious state.

Credits to him he made more cohearent sense of the parts of scripture than any other.

But I'm not going to mourn him as I didn't even know him but nor am I going to dance around in jubalation, a little like ding dong the whitch is dead which is Fromm the wizard of oz I think.

All I have to say on the matter is that if you want revenge on him for doing something that you believe is important like a sibling of yours died in Iraq and they picketed the frie funeral.

Don'tgo after his funeral as what will that achieve? Some self gratification? You should go after his legacy,     

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