Monday 31 March 2014

Day 269

Day 269;

Today has been the day that is also known as Mothering Sunday.

Which this year fell on the day before the day of my anniversary of my existence, of which I get quite irritated with people as they claim that it's my Birthday, and then they start singing (or as it sounds like to me howling) the wretched birthday song, but the whole thing about it being my birthday is incorrect as a stat, as I was born on the day tomorrow/today but a  very long time ago many years before in actual fact, so it's  of a commemoration a day that I  was born on, not one that I can remember at all but I was the day that I cause thr woman that thus day is about imence pain while she was giving birth to me.

Sunday 30 March 2014

Day 268

Day 268;

 Well today has been almost as forgettable as yesterday.

I have been called Xenophobic, today for questioning some of the flaws in Islam.

Like this one;

Who’s to blame for my lack of belief, me or Allah? As in the Qur’an 6:12 says that it is my fault, as I have "lost my soul" but then in 10:100 it says it's Allah's fault as "no soul can believe except by the will of Allah".

But what does xenophobic mean?

adjective: xenophobic
  1. 1.
    having or showing an intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries
How was I showing any form of dislike towards anyone let alone anyone from another country, Islam is a religion not a state, it is true that he might have come from abroad but it's the religion that I was questioning not his ethninticity.

Saturday 29 March 2014

Day 267

Day 267;

Now today it has been another day that I have forgot.

But I think I know what I did at one point and it wasn't good, as I sat on my spectacles again.

So now I am watching Fe56 man 3but I'm wearing my prescription sunglasses to see it. But I have just remembered one thing that I have done today. I have made my mother a new Mothers day card, for this Sunday. 

Friday 28 March 2014

Day 266

Day 266;

So today went slow enough seeing as I got up at some time between 7 and 8 am having only gone to bed at about 2 am earlier this day. Then I did some virtual exercises on my iPad/checking my faceybook shenanigans and doing some stuff on some ongoing games, the shenanigans that I type of were on this topic that a Muslim friend of mine shared which was a picture stating ban the Burka which I had started commenting on yesterday, and I was adding a bit of a different opinion into the mix otherwise they would have just quite literally steamrollered over the topic just by stating how out ragouts it is with a political party telling you what you are and aren’t allowed to practise as it is in there in the Quran where it clearly states that you have to wear a Burka and other fictions like that like this one “If they loose the Burka and they’ll loose the faith”.

Both of which are nonsense, as I pointed out to him. But I should just state for the record that in the Quran it doesn’t have any mention of a full-facial veil or Burka there is one passage in the Quran which could be classed as legitimising the wear of a Burka but that also leaves a gigantic get out clause within.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Day 265

Day 265;

So today was a tragic day, as I missed my gym appointment.


I don't know but apparently Tini woke me up this morning and I had a bad head ache.


Yes I don't remember anything before Tini hammered on the door so I got out of bed to find out and I did have an unusually high level of headache seeing as I had just gotten up, my usual level of headache is just like the little noise of static that you get when you put a television on hibernate annoying but you can deal with it simply enough but the level it has been on now since then is a more intense version with the little high pitched sounding note from at the beginning of your switching it on every so often, which makes it more painful obviously but other than that not much,

But what about the time scale that you have forgotten?

I don't know as I have forgotten but it's seriously disappointing as the gym is usually the highlight of my week. But I should hopefully get back to it next week.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Day 264

Day 264;

So today wasn’t an ordinary day, as I went to London.

I spent the morning pulling Mich around, then I went into hospital and when I got out he spent the last part of my day out pushing me around the streets of big old London city, or Londinium if you’re a Roman, who used it as a major commercial centre for the Roman empire however the name, Londinium, is thought to predate the Romans and possibly even the Celts.

Now the reason I went to London was to get my self checked out for some anaesthetic thing that I am going to be sedated under some other time, anyway I got some of my blood taken, for testing, so I was sitting there with my sleeve rolled up and then the doctor carefully got a needle from beside of her and she used a piece of cotton wool to dab at my arm where the incision was going to be made then she stabbed the needle into my arm you know where the skin is weakest in the elbow crease, and the doc got three small tubes and put them inside of the needle in order to get my blood into them one after the other. It was fun watching the blood rush out of my arm and into the capsules.

But I just wanted to end this on a religious shenanigans part.

As a few of could know that before Fred Phelps died he was excommunicated from the church that he built that seems preposterous to me at first but then I remembered some of the false prophecies that he has preached over the years of his life like the one about the world that was going to end a couple of years back and it hasn’t and the one about him and his followers that none shall die as the rapture is going to come before they’re dead and he could have become even more delirious on his death bed.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Day 263

Day 263;

Ok so it's been this day today.

But today I got to see some just hatched Chicks.

Well they hatch in between when I went to see the eggs of them yesterday and when Tini went to check on them this morning,

But I believe it is time to tell all of you "good" people, well better than I, at least that Allergy has recently been complaining about the lack in the religious shenanigans for quite a few blog posts so I shall start with a death the death of Fred Phelps, as you probably already know who FP was but not in Allergies case, so I shall write a quick explanation, FP was the founder of a church, the Westboro Baptist church/the church of Gods hate the marched around with signs saying God hates fags and other stuff like that along side of the bible quote which could be read In away to state the same as the propos tedious state.

Credits to him he made more cohearent sense of the parts of scripture than any other.

But I'm not going to mourn him as I didn't even know him but nor am I going to dance around in jubalation, a little like ding dong the whitch is dead which is Fromm the wizard of oz I think.

All I have to say on the matter is that if you want revenge on him for doing something that you believe is important like a sibling of yours died in Iraq and they picketed the frie funeral.

Don'tgo after his funeral as what will that achieve? Some self gratification? You should go after his legacy,     

Monday 24 March 2014

Day 262

Day 262;

 So it is a week until mothering Sunday, and I have been being forgetful today.

But at least I am prepared for next Sunday, almost.

But why was Wolverine fighting in the Battle of Dunkirk in X-men origins?

He's from Canadian but only the British, French, Belgium people (I don't know the Dutch?) and the Germans, Are the only three countries  with any people fighting in it. But I suppose the Canadians could have had some other beach assaults within the second world war.

Sunday 23 March 2014

Day 261

Day 261;

So it has been day 261.

I think they'll have got that from the title.


Now just get on with the shenanigans about today.


Is Ok all you can type? 

Ok... no it's not  but today I went to watch a football match the team that I support were loosing 1-0 by half time and then a little amount of time into the second half of the game they  opposition scored again making the score 2-0 to the opposition. now the game was looking lost 74 minutes played I think and then one of the team that I supports players scored making the score line 2-1. Then finally the team that I support came alive, and there was one controversial substitution by the team that I supports managers he subbed off a player that had been integral for the goal, but so the chant "you don't know what your doing" could bee heard come from some of my fellow supporters. But then within the next 10 minuets of the game the team that I support scored a second goal levelling the game at 2-2, by the final whistle. So it was a Draw making it a run of 3 games unbeaten. at least 3 home games unbeaten,  But the team that I support played terribly for the majority of the game but they managed to pull themselves together within the last 25 or s many minutes to scrape a point from a the jaws of defeat.

Saturday 22 March 2014

Day 260

Day 250;

So it's the day after my most view day of this blog, of all time I'm thinking.

Why? How many?

Ok it was as I, a looser, nobody, freak managed to have 63 people to look at my blog yesterday.

So what it's only 63.

Only 63?! 

Yep that's what I typed isn't it? 

Well yes you did but the emphases was supposed to be on the Only part, as in what do you mean only 63 as 63 page views is a massive number of views.

63 isn’t a massive number.

It is for me and this blog, but anyway I have been watching Sports relief into the early hour of the day that this is supposed to be posted on/day 261.

I enjoyed the show and a whooping total in access of £51,000,000 on the night raised.

Friday 21 March 2014

Day 259

Day 259;


So today I had a little nap, I’m thinking.


Well the nap, was in the hospital today after I had taken two little capsules of ‘K’ or potassium. Then after a little time I had some other chemicals injected into my arm. It was all fun stuff, then after mine and Mich’s 2.5 hour long brisk walk around London we only covered about 5 miles, so Mich said, of ground so that speed equalled an average speed of approximately 1 mile in ½ an hour/2 mph the reason why I’m stating that it was only in 2.5 hours instead of 3 as we had a break of 3 hours in between the pre-operation shenanigans and the actual operation which had me laying down while they bombarded my head with radiation so they could see inside of my head and as a bonus they gave me a CT scan, and just to let the concerned readers of my blog know.


Concerned? Why would my of your Readers be concerned?


I don’t know, but it could be that your least favourite Savage could now have a glow in the dark head, or perhaps it was more on the point of why was it only 2.5 of the potential 3 hours that I did the approximately 5 mile trip, which was because I had to get back to the proceedings 0.5 an hour before the radiation scans and but the thing is that we could have actually been slightly late back for that I don’t know but what I do know is that the department for this thing was running late,  and just we had to eat out lunches first,, so that should make up for any of the discrepancies in timings.

Thursday 20 March 2014

Day 258

Day 258;

So it has been day 258...

Yes we all know. 

Good, now what I was about to type was that I have been to the gym today,

So how quick did you manage today?

I only got up to a little shy of 15 today.

Why? Slacker.

This week it couldn’t be avoided.

Yeah, sure it was unavoidable

But it really was.

Prove it. 

Ok, it started with the fact that there was no usual PT for me this week; instead he’d been replaced by a more stressed out woman person, but she wanted me to travel at only 5 but that has got to be slower than walking pace, so then as soon as I got up to 10 for the first time  she immediately told me to slow down and then she made me run differently so the third time, about, that I got up to 10 she allowed me to stay at that speed. I know what I should have done, I should have put the resistance up to 10 or something like that, instead of having it at the usual of 3. Bur then I only managed to get on 3 pieces of Gym equipment today as well/ I didn’t do enough to even break a sweat.

Oh disappointment.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Day 257

Day 257;

So today I have watched a football match, a proper football match without the American part, also without the striking resemblance to rugby football.

But also today I watched 5 DC comics films starting with Catwoman (staring Halle Berry), then moving onto the Dark Knight trilogy and finally ending up on the Man of Steel (I Mean the film not an/the actual Man of Steel else that would be latté awkward to explain).

But back to the proper football match that I saw. The score was 1-0 to the team that I support. Which means that the team that I supported won, which must be a first time this year that they have actually won a match, the team has managed not to loose, a match so far this year as I think that it was last week that they didn’t loose the match they just didn’t win, either.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Day 256

Day 456;

So today I am planning to write a bit on the other two chances for medals that team GB on the last day of their most successful Winter Paralympics ranking thanks to Kelly Gallagher who Got the Gold, also to Jade Everington that got 3 silvers and a bronze and finally the curling team that won team GB's final bronze to bring the tally up to 6 as of team GB Paralympics has only once managed to better with 10 in 1984.

But the other two racers that were in the hunt for medals on the last day of the Winter Paralympics team GB medal hopes were now resting on Miss Millie Knight and Miss Anna Turney. Millie Knight was a did great seeing as she's only 15 as did Anna Turney after stopping on her first ski down the mountain she only managed to pull out a decent run on her second but she managed to climb quite away up the leader board by the time that she'd finished skiing, but it wasn't enough.

Monday 17 March 2014


Day 255;

So today was the ninth and final day of the Winter Paralympics.

Now it wasn't a great success for team GB on the accumulation of medals front for team GB today but team GB had already done enough to be sitting in 10th place in the overall medals table to stay in 10th position.

So how many opportunities to get a medal did team GB have to medal today?

GB had 4 chances to medal at the beginning of the day but by the time that it was GB's first event Miss Jade had to pull out of the competition due to illness which limited her to picking up her4 events and 4 medals of these Paralympics.

So that was Jade with a DNS if she had started she was most consistent of the three British skiers.

Yes I know that. but then Kelly, crashed out on her

now that is half of the GB medal chance.

Sunday 16 March 2014

Day 254

Day 254;

So it's finally been day as predictably as yesterday. But what wasn't predicted about today was the bronze medal that the Team GB curlers won today.

Well actually getting a medal today was more likely than not as there was only 4 teams in the curling competition today and there was only 3 medals up for grabs, so you've got a 3 in 4 chance of getting themselves a medal but the probability of them actually medalling had plummeted as all 2 of the other 3 teams had beaten them in the round Robin, but when it came down to it in the first match for today which was aganst Russia who managed to beat them 11-2, team GB fared worse off in the second encounter by a score of 14-3 and by scoring a new Paralympic record of 7 stones in the house counting for 1 end and they almost had the maximum possible of 8 but their skips stone was short.

So that was team GB's medal on the penultiminate day of the winter Paralympics, now I wonder how many if any more they get on the final day of competition?

Saturday 15 March 2014

Day 253

Day 253;

So today in the winter Paralympics I saw Jade have a gallant effort for gold when she made up all but slightly over half a second on the race leader which gave her, her 3rd silver medal of these games, her 4th medal from 4 races, Now I would like to see her get medal number 5 in two days from me typing this but in only one day from when you can first see this, in her 5th and final event and will it be a gold, for the most prolific skier in this the best ski team that team GB has put together,

The best...? I’m not sure that they could beat the team GB able bodied skiers in the disciplines that they won their awards at, but it’d be interesting to se in a match up who would come out best. 

Well I meant the most accomplished, within a Winter Olympic/Paralympic campaign year.


Along side of the greatest (most accomplished) Team GB Winter athlete in Miss Jade Etherington there is also the first GB athlete to ever get gold medal on the snow at the Winter Olympics/Paralympics one Miss Kelly Gallagher and the finally it’s the youngest of team GB’s athletes the GB flag bearer for the opening ceremony the one they call Miss Millie Knight, so lets see if team GB can win the podium with as 1 2 3 for the three mentioned GB athletes?
I don’t know buy how awesome would that be, to see 3 British athletes on that podium?

Immensely awesome,   
So go on Jade, and your guide, Caroline.
So go on Kelly, and your guide, Charlotte.
So go on Millie, and your guide, Jennifer.

Also go on Anna Turney, but as you’re a sit skier so you don’t have a guide but if you manage to get a medal on the final day of competition as well as the 3 mentioned previously the four of you would be the 4 new, and actually real, British Goddess of snow.

But then tomorrow/today/the day that is set to be posted Team GB have a lot of hopes for this day in competition well actually the same amount but it seems like more as they have got the curling team in action again will team GB manage to pull off a David and slay the Goliath? I’m sorry I know it’s a terrible pun, well what you expect it’s a biblical pun.

So go in team GB curling.

But then it’s later on this day that Mr James Whitley, Mr Mick Brennam and Mr Ben Sneesby, each have they’re eyes on medals before this morning. I would actually like to be there competing with you people out there on the snow but I don't really know how to even get myself selected, plus I haven't actually been on skis since my last trip to Austria, Kitzbuel, before the accident that turned my life almost inside out, which was almost 8 years ago. So I don't know if I can ski anymore, but I am going to hazard a guess at the point that I can as it may have been a head injury that I sustained but I can still skate outside on my inline skates (like ice skates but they have 4 wheels on instead of metal blades).
So go on James,
So go on Mick, yes you and your Mono-Ski,
So go on Ben,
That brings up another point about the Paralympics Winter, why aren't there any ice skating? As there was in the Olympics Winter?

Friday 14 March 2014

Day 252

Day 252;

Channel 4 corrected the mistake before I checked them this morning which was while I was watching the first game today which was dubbed by the hysterical C4 crew the "Mira-curl on ice" as they were trailing by 4 points  6-2 to the US then from nowhere a spectacular 5 stones lying shot to team GB to make the score 7-6 to GB going into the 8th end without the hammer but then USA manage to get 1 stone lying shot for this end to make the score 7-7 so they have to play the 9th and a deciding  end, but this time it's GB with the hammer and the US skip (skipper/captain)' has his last stone to play a draw to the button/a takeout of GB's stone that was closest to the button (the centre of the target) to make the GB skips shot as hard as possible to hopefully get the steal and the match but  then unfortunately for the US they didn't make the shot, they lost 8-7.

But in other curling news Finland won their second match of the tournament, it was against Canada with a score of 12-1.  So the day after tomorrow it shall be Team GB verses Russia after team GB came fourth they lost to China in they're second match of today, and Russia beat Slovakia, which puts them into first position with only one lose throughout the round robin.

Also tomorrow/today Miss Jade  has another medal to collect if she can stay standing for the whole event.

Ok now I think that I may have forgotten to inform you, all of you; the 7 people that may have viewed my page yesterday. That I went back to the Gym yesterday and I managed to get myself back up to peek at speeds of 20+KMPH again this week on the cross trainer, the + was probably only something like .1/.2 but I made it as an a little after 10 minutes treat to myself and then I went on something that I have forgotten but it’d logically be something like the chest press, or alternative arm strengthening gym escarpment but then I went on some of the leg weights but this week it was the turn of the easiest weight machine and the hip abductors followed up by the rowing machine at the end, it was a short 1000 m row .that I managed in just under 10 ,minutes, 9,52 I think.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Day 251 @C4Paralympics

Day 251;

Now I know that I was a little late on getting yesterdays post live.

A little late?  The cheek of you big moron. It was 12 hours late.

Ok, sorry, for playing down your distress caused by my computer.

You should be.

Now the reason why I have added a twitter tag thingamajig onto the end of my title is because I have made a slight revelation about the scouring system of the curling games won tally on they're site and the only means of contacting them is via tweet, their maybe other ways of getting in contact with the C4 Paralympics team but I haven't found it yet at least I may even sign up for a twitter account as well just to make this point

As it is about team GB's Para Curling team as they have got 4 wins and 3 loses so they are in joint 3rd place with Slovakia but then they should be in 3rd position as they beat Slovakia 12-2. But from the standing on the standings on the Channel 4 (C4) website the below is the standings table from This website.

RussiaRussia Q71
CanadaCanada Q61
United StatesUnited States44
Great BritainGreat Britain33
South KoreaSouth Korea25

Please note according to this list
Russia have won 7 and lost 1, played 8, 1 more game to play tomorrow.
Canada have won 6 and they have lost 1, played 7, 2 more games to play tomorrow.
Slovakia have won 4 and lost 3, played 7, 2 more games to play tomorrow.
China have won 4 and lost 4, played 8, 1 more game to play tomorrow.
United States won 4 and lost 4, played 8, 1 more game to play tomorrow.
Great Britain won 3 and lost 3, played 6 3 more games to play tomorrow.
Norway won 3 and lost 5, played 8, 1 more game to play tomorrow.
South Korea won 2 lost 5,played 7, 2 more games to play tomorrow.
Sweden won 2 lost 5, played 7, 2 more games to play tomorrow.
Finland won 1 lost 6, played 7, 2 more games to play tomorrow.

But team GB only have 2 more scheduled for tomorow and then that's it the round robin has finished down to sudden death . Who ever blinks first is demoted to the bronze medal match and then if you blink again your off home just as all of the countries that hat failed to reach as far as you.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Day 250

Day 250;

Now it had been a day, yesterday.

I'm sorry for the delay I had got another story wrote up for yesterday but my PC froze so I had to remember what I had wrote about yesterday which I think I should inform you (good?) people that I wasn't very successful in the task, of remembering.

But I can remember that there was 2 wheelchair curling matches of which team GB had to face yesterday and one was against Finland they hadn't won any of their former matches and they haven't won any of their matches since but they managed to sportingly slaughter team GB the final score was 13-4 to Finland. But there was me thinking that the games were supposed to be getting easier since they played the favourites in the first match and they avoided suffering an as spectacular defeat as they managed to 3 to Canada's 6.

But thankfully for they they managed to build on the defeat and they got a victory in the evening match which was against Slovene.

But elsewhere in the Olympic park as Kelly Gallagher the winner of team GB's only ever gold medal on snow and Jade Etherington the most decorated team GB athlete from these winter games with one silver and one bronze, Kelly DNF in her race but Jade did she qualified in 4th place of five places but there is two parts of the combined which were supposed to run one after another, but the second discipline which was supposed to follow it was postponed but I have got another surprise... it is that only three of the competitors actually qualified for the postponed medal competition as two of the competitors got disqualified which was the Russian that was in 2nd place and the Australian that was in 3rd position which brings Jade up to 2nd and the American into the final medal spot, so discounting any disqualifications Jade has her forth medal in the proverbial bag 

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Day 249

Day 249;

So it has been the third day of the Winter Paralympics so we’re a third of the way through but by the time that you have will be having your first opportunity to view this days post it’ll already be day 4 of the competition as it would have been for the half an  hour prior,

But today it was an excellent day for the Team GB athletes With Kelly becoming the first British athlete to get a gold medal on the snow in the Winter Olympics and being the first British Para-athlete to be awarded with a gold medal, but Jade from being awarded the silver medal in the downhill event now she’s got the bronze medal from today’s event Do you think that she’ll be able to get a gold medal from these games as well as the is at the moment the most decorated of all of the team GB athletes at these winter games, But she still needs a gold to make it a full house of medals but if she gets it and another bronze she’ll be as well decorated as the whole of Team GB able bodied team.

But in the Wheelchair Curling, Team GB destroyed there opponent in comfortable enough style as they may have lost 2 in the first end but then they got themselves back on level terms in the first end that they had the hammer but then they had 6 more from that position to play but through some excellent playing they didn’t need the hammer as the opposition had the hammer for all 5 of the concluding ends before they conceded the game on the last end at the score of 12-2 to Team GB.

Monday 10 March 2014

Day 248

Day 248;

So day 248 has past me by and it's been another interesting day for Team GB.

Well it's been interesting for Team GB Paralympics at least, as after one lose yesterday in the curling, they bounced back today and they won both of their matches today.

But the second game today was spectacular, as they won the first 3 ends by 1 stone to 0 each was a steal and then in the 4th end they lost it by 2 stones making the score 3-2 then the hammer had switched sides so Team GB had the hammer and they lost the first 2 ends that they had the hammer in so the score was 3-4 to the Koreans going into the 7th end but then the score suddenly was 8-4 to team GB as team GB had just managed to pick up a hefty 5 pointer end in end 7 then it was just a job of keep the circles clear to end the game in the final end,

Sunday 9 March 2014

Day 247

Day 247;

Now today was day 247 or day 1 of the Winter Paralympics.

Now I didn't get to watch much but as soon as I had woken up this morning I went down stairs to watch the woman's visually impaired Downhill ski the first thing I saw as I got down stairs Jade Etherington winning her, and team GB's first medal of these Winter Paralympics, it was a silver. 

So I'd like to state my greatest congratulations I remember from an interview after one of the British athletes said that there vision was like they were looking through bubble wrap when they were going down, now I have never experienced that sensation neither while I was skiing or normally walking around but I'm guessing that my visual impairment must be a lot more mild than yours as I can gain some of my sight if I put a pair of spectacles on. With my vision it only looks to me as if I'm looking out of frosted glass. But I think that one year I had broken my spectacles on a ski trip, they had fallen down off of my head or I had jus gotten fed up with them steaming up while I was skiing so I took them off, it makes it quite a lot more difficult but it's not impossible, just as the athletes today proved.

Also on the Paralympics I saw the Team GB curlers loose out in their first match to the Canadians.

But in good news the football team that I Support won a match/

Wow really. what happened to the other team, did they not turn up?

No they turned up, and so did the team that I support for the first win of the year it's only taken them 3 months to get a win.

The score was 2-1 with all 3 of the goals coming from the first half.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Day 246

Day 246;

 So it is the day after being told that I was anti-religion, and I have just noticed I haven't told you why I took exception to that statement.

But not to worry I shall in today's,

As if they were worried.

I took exception to her statement as she included within it the statement that I have got this blog to insult everyone that doesn't agree with me on the fact that there is next none within the foundational documents of the main modern-day religious texts which where were thousands of  years ago, sorry Islam I forgot about you but I have heard some Muslims call that the Torah validates the Quran when it does no such thing it's obvious that the persons writing it or Mohammed regurgitate some swill that he heard the local preacher cough up which is why he had so many errors within his retelling,

But even I include that, observation, within my insults to the religious that would still only be two that I can remember insulting not all, Where have I insulted Sikhs, Hindu or even the Jedi?

The Winter Paralympics opened today, so I have got a schedule of television to watch, for the next I don't know 11 I think days,

Friday 7 March 2014

Day 245

Day 245;

 So this was the day after yesterday, as it was a dash that I have numbered 245'.

Now Allergy has made an observations on today that I dislike.

So? What's the change there you don't usually like her comments. 

Nothing's unusual about that fact it was more of a thing she was attempting to do.

What, you mean sing?

Well, yes how did guess?

Simply, as you said she was attempting to do and what is it that she is almost always attempting to do if not sing?

Ok, fair point,  and she got up to some words in the song that I hadn't heard before, in that place in the song that shat she was howling.

She made a point that as thee lyrics  included the od G word, and Allergy immediately said that I am Anti-religion.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Day 244

Day 244;

So today it’s the turn of the day I have numbered 244.

Today was another gym day today, on the cross trainer I didn’t manage to get up to my quickest speed of somewhere over 20, in fact I only managed a pitiful 15 point something as a quickest speed. But this time no excuses for my lackadaisical performance I just wasn’t quick enough, I know that that could class to some as an excuses but I meant it only as a fact.

Also at the gym today I got a free goodie bag type thing which had the text; 1 life, wrote on it (so it’s obliviously not by a Christian, or any other religious, organisation as isn’t there a loop hole within religions which state you have at least one more life after this one which lasts forever and sounds pretty boring to me, unless your in a religion which believes in reincarnation which means that there should be perpetual balance in the world of creatures dying and being born which is very tricky to prove or disprove).

In my 1 life bag I got a car windscreen scraper, a towel, a drink bottle and a pair of head phones but only one of the ear pieces actually worked so I could say it was half decent the other half rather wasn’t.

Now just the football scores for  the British home nations were favourable from a British perspective you have to go to northern Ireland  which is part of Great Britain (and Northern Ireland) until you could celebrate anything other than a victory for any of the British teams as they got a 0-0 draw against Cyprus, so the complete list of results were as follows:

England 1-0 Denmark
Wales 3-1 Iceland
Poland 0-1 Scotland
Cyprus 0-0 N Ireland

So it's a massive congratulations to the welsh for making a proverbial mince meat out of  Iceland.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Day 243

Day 243;

Ok, today I went to watch another football match, you know proper football with the round balls and some actual feet contacting the ball?

Like this ...


But the team thatg I went t support didn't loose the match which is a first, for this year at least.

Memories of Molly still linger around it seems so weird without a dog around the house. It hit me how much I relied on her today as I walked off outside to finish my muffin at lunch today . She was an epic vacuum cleaner of all of the crumbs that I accidently dropped on the floor. Irrespective of the meal she was always there to clear up after me but no longer, is the case.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Day 242

Day 242;

t is the day that started the new era. Algey shot down my idea of  getting a furless/hairless dog with her agreement with Tini that they are ugly.

May I please remind you this is the same girl that used to like Chihuahua's and now likes Pug's,  Both of which are breeds of dogs that I don't really associate with having much fur. Probably as the Pug dog breed has shed pretty much all of it's hair before I get to see any of them.

But I thought that one of my friends had a Pug the last time that I went around his home at least, which was many years ago, and then some (approximately 10 years ago).

But I could be wrong, it wouldn't be unheard of.

Noe just as Algey was reading through the specification for the Pug dog and then she stated that the dog is her perfect match except the parts which stated that the dog snots and shenanigans like that which she addethat it's a perfect pet for me also as I do all of those things.


Monday 3 March 2014

Day 241

Day 241;

So today was an end to an era, an era I shall miss so much.

As today was the end of Molly, who was this Molly I know that a few of you could state Molly was a dog, she was Tina's last dog and she was the last one to grace the halls of place that live. She was 102 approximately in dog years which in human years is a number higher than 14.5 but not quite 14.6  which makes her the oldest dog that Tini has ever owned but sadly her last dog of owning unless anyone wants to convince her that furless dogs aren't ugly.

As she now has an allergy to dogs fur.

So it has been a pretty miserable day then has it?


Sunday 2 March 2014

Day 240

Day 240;

So another day of my life has rushed past me in an almost boring fashion.

Son what did you do today?

As if you don't already know... I have been at my aunts new home, it's only a 20 minute, or however long it took us to get there, drive away from my home which is strange as she never used to live so close in actual fact her old job had her in a different country.

Ok so it wasn't a social move it was a business move?

Yes and no, yes it wasn't a social move and no it wasn't as part of her business plan as she works in Universities.

I have no clue in the nature of my helpfulness all I know is that I was called helpful for going with them.

Instead of going with them I would have preferred to have stayed at home and got my episode 7 of the Sunday Savage completed but I'm guessing that it is going to have to wait another week at least and I should really take this opportunity to  make some of the animations better and I should just make the whole thing look better, so that is my mission for the next seven days, make my YouTube project astatically better.

Saturday 1 March 2014

Day 239

Day 239;

Wow today was a busy day on my blog, as I have had 28 page views on it but why?

I don't know, you only had the tragic story of the young Muslim girl that died on her wedding night and you covered the two potentially contradictory, with each other, biblical guidelines for having sexual intercourse.

But I have thought of some examples of when it used to happen where the woman may think that the husband is sinful, so therefore logically no sexual intercourse may take place unless the man wanted it, but then it can't as the wife thinks that it is sinful but then the man wants it, and then the chain repeats itself for a potential infinity.

So what would be the circumstances that you have thought of that could allow those events to take place?

If she was a rape victim of the man then back in the olden days rapists were forced to marry there victims Well the one that they're collared for at least.

By the term collared I meant arrested.

Which brings me onto the topic of the Monument Men which is another film by and staring Mr George Clooney. It was Mike, Alice and myself that went to the Cinema/Pictures/Flicks to see today. The film was a decent comedy pity that there was only 3 of us in the cinema tat thought it was, me., Mike and a third person who was sitting somewhere behind us. But I think I managed not to laugh at the too inappropriate parts/ when the British contingent or the French contingent died leaving a full American line up for the final mission when they leave a flag behind for the approaching Russians it's a US flag which Ali thought it wasn't very diplomatic in light of the people who died. But it may have been based on a rue story but that was probably about it and pretty much none of daft/heroic shenanigans that they got up to in the film did they get up to in reality.