Friday 28 February 2014

Day 238

Day 238;

So today I have been...

Now don’t tell me you’ve forgotten!

I’m Sorry but I have.

Grrr...I said don't tell me!

What about that contradiction that you spotted on that website?

What you mean the slight contradiction between two of the 7 biblical principles that you can use as a guide, to your sex life.

if you woyld like to read the full list, or the complete article that I got it from, and just the one thing on the list that they keep coming back to and saying Do Not Do, is one act of fornication/the one act that a friend of mine that says she’s a Christian has done and she’s even got a child from it.

So the two suspect “principles” that I am going to go into today are the following two...

  • You should not persuade your spouse to do something that she or he believes is sinful. Romans 14:1,14
  • You should never withhold sex from your spouse unless it is by mutual consent.  1 Corinthians 7:5
So it at first is stating that you shouldn’t persuade your spouse to do anything that he/she believes  is sinful, and then it goes onto state that you should never withhold sex from your spouse unless it’s by mutual consent, you don’t see the contradiction? How about what if the thing the he/she believes to be sinful is the spouse? As in olden days quite a high percentage of marriages would have been arranged, and even today a small percentage of marriages are arraigned, which reminds me of a story that I read a while ago it was a story of a Muslim Man and his wife, who I think was only 12/13 at the time so she was a young girl and the story went on about how she’s dead now as she died on the wedding night.  Well what I was about to state was that mutual consent means that both of the people what it so if only one of the two of the two of you wants Sex the other has to oblige.

Now I’ve got an idea for episode 7 of the Sunday Savage so If you’d like to watch that episode I’m going to be attempting to create it for the following Sunday.

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