Sunday 16 February 2014

Day 226

Day 226;

So today was an especially boring day as I travelled further south to Kent to inspect Emu and little Chris's new home but in future don't what ever you do invite me to see a purchased property before you've smartened it up a bit, and i don't mean that you have done 1 and a half days work on your property and there was a bomb scare so you got evacuated from your new house and then you come and drag me off to see your property.

Anyway my only saving grace was that Mike had come also and his antics made mine pale in comparison. Antics like my incessant moaning about there not being a front door mat

But that was only my first complaint after stepping inside.

But I had a nice sandwich for lunch it was a ham and stuffing, by far the tastiest part of my little excursion.

But the house had promise.

And my Proposal is going to be for the Winter Olympics 2026 not 2022 as 2022 the finalists have already been drawn.

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