Saturday 8 February 2014

Day 218

Day 218;

So it’s day 218 and today I have seen the winter Olympics opening ceremony, and I have had a trip out to collect Alice from her college.

This year the winter Olympics is in Russia, now as a child that thought the cold war was the war on the flu virus, I don’t really understand any conflict between the nations of the “West” and the USSR/Soviets, but now I’m older I still don’t understand.

The memory that the first incident awakens within my mind is one of a traumatic past life. I could speak in it and my hair was still blonde so I am thinking that it was when I was in school year 7, we had a Russian English teacher as our form teacher/tutor. She was a good teacher when you could understand her as her accent got in the way slightly some of the time, from what I can remember. But I can remember the name of both her cat and her niece. As the cat was called Misca (spelling error is expected) and the name of her niece was Vera (yes the same that Jayne Cobb gave to his best gun from firefly) but that information isn’t the actual cause of the trauma, as there was I sitting there in the classroom doing what everyone else was doing nothing, actually I fib as I was doing many things like respiring and listening.

Then The Teachers niece walks in, classroom B303, was the room, then she walks over to the teacher and the teacher introduces us, the whole class, to her niece Vera. But then I can’t  remember exactly what happened next Over the next 2 years at that school until year 10 so up until the end of year 9 the year that the Russian English teacher left the school that I was attending she was replaced by an English teacher from New-Zealand but I only think I lasted two or three terms under her tuition before getting struck down by a  car while I was attempting to cross the road to get to work experience but you could have already read all about that on another days posts.

Yeah so that was the trauma.

No fool, the trauma that he introduced the characters for was a separate trauma.

How do you know that?

The same way that you know that,

Oh you mean all of the teasing that endued after the first instance


Thank you Yellow, the teasing that ensued was too much for my immature mind to handle, as it was on top of one big lie which was that the teachers niece loved me and I recirculated those feelings in some of the most gruesome of manners, so my primitive mind thought, from what the other people manly boys told me about this fantasice but fictional sex life that I never actually had with this person that I hardly even knew let alone knew well enough to love even if i knew what  exactly what love is.

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