Sunday 23 February 2014

Day 233

Day 233;

It is that time again for me to bore your socks off/on but if you come here it’s your own faults. But due to prior arrangements I couldn’t really watch the Winter Olympics today.

The prior arrangements was a football match between the team that I support and some team beginning with P, there name didn’t have 2 o’s after the P as they played better than the team that I was there to support for the majority of the 90 minutes.

But now I shall tell all of you people about one of my minds tangents that it wandered off on.

Warning it was some religious Shenanigans. 

A while back I wrote a page of text which was called “If God is love then my name is the Tinkerbell”. 

Of which I do not think it is the case from the evidence presented but I am not sure about both of those questions, as I went on to explain that if God, the Christian God, was actually real and he personally created me as he “loves” me so much he even decided to give me the critical faculties to see through some of the deception that are within the Bible like the bible passage that says that any person that truly believes in God, the Christian God, can be bit by any snake and they will live, which is the part that I’d like to draw a citole round today as have you recently heard the tragic news of a snake handling preacher that has died of snake bite.

Then why didn’t he give the poor dead pastor the same critical faculties to see that passage from the bible was a lie/deception/not the complete literal truth.

Well obliviously there’s many get out clauses for the religious that want to claim that there isn’t a word of deception within the Bible and the pastor mustn’t have been sincere enough in his believe, but then why would he do something like this, if he wasn’t sincere in his belief? It’d be like me saying I don’t believe that I’d die from a bullet shot through the heart, so I get shot through my heart and I’d have had to decline any medic treatment. I’d just be dead and my body could have been burnt to ashes and scattered to the winds, or my body could be devoured by another living creature.

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