Friday 28 February 2014

Day 238

Day 238;

So today I have been...

Now don’t tell me you’ve forgotten!

I’m Sorry but I have.

Grrr...I said don't tell me!

What about that contradiction that you spotted on that website?

What you mean the slight contradiction between two of the 7 biblical principles that you can use as a guide, to your sex life.

if you woyld like to read the full list, or the complete article that I got it from, and just the one thing on the list that they keep coming back to and saying Do Not Do, is one act of fornication/the one act that a friend of mine that says she’s a Christian has done and she’s even got a child from it.

So the two suspect “principles” that I am going to go into today are the following two...

  • You should not persuade your spouse to do something that she or he believes is sinful. Romans 14:1,14
  • You should never withhold sex from your spouse unless it is by mutual consent.  1 Corinthians 7:5
So it at first is stating that you shouldn’t persuade your spouse to do anything that he/she believes  is sinful, and then it goes onto state that you should never withhold sex from your spouse unless it’s by mutual consent, you don’t see the contradiction? How about what if the thing the he/she believes to be sinful is the spouse? As in olden days quite a high percentage of marriages would have been arranged, and even today a small percentage of marriages are arraigned, which reminds me of a story that I read a while ago it was a story of a Muslim Man and his wife, who I think was only 12/13 at the time so she was a young girl and the story went on about how she’s dead now as she died on the wedding night.  Well what I was about to state was that mutual consent means that both of the people what it so if only one of the two of the two of you wants Sex the other has to oblige.

Now I’ve got an idea for episode 7 of the Sunday Savage so If you’d like to watch that episode I’m going to be attempting to create it for the following Sunday.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Day 237

Day 237;

As today was another gym day but I failed to reach 20+ speed on the cross trainer this week, which sucks as I got so close just for my foot to come off, I got to a speed of 19.9.

So the hip abductors I'm still lifting the whole stack.

I didn't actually do much with my arms this week except a cross trainer and Everest, I'm not even sure it is actually called Everest but my personal trainer that bosses me about, always says stuff like let's see you climb Everest before you go,

Ok so my personal trainer told me this week to search the internet for  British Paralympics surrey university.  He said that I should look for sitting down sports, I'm not sure but I don't think that chess actually counts as a sport.

Oh darn it.

But I know what my Personal Trainer thinks that I should be classified as.

Irt is as a paraplegic,

Now what is paraplegia?

Surprise I know but I didn't exactly know but I gather that it's something to do with not having full control over your legs I used Wikipedia and it said...

Paraplegia is an impairment in motor or sensory function of the lower extremities. The word comes from Ionic Greek: παραπληγίη "half-striking". It is usually caused by spinal cord injury or a congenital condition such as spina bifida that affects the neural elements of the spinal canal. The area of the spinal canal that is affected in paraplegia is either the thoracic, lumbar, or sacral regions. If all four limbs are affected by paralysis, tetraplegia is the proper terminology. If only one limb is affected, the correct term is monoplegia.

That despite my legs work fine, well fine enough to lift 150 kg I think on the hip abductors. So I am confused.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Day 236

Day 236;

So today has been the day numbered 238 by me.

Yes, I think we know that, already.

Ok, I know your part of me and all that jazz , but how stupid are you if you only think that.

The answer to that question is as you know, very. 

 Ok so should I get on with the main topic now?

Which one the topic about how your favourite Football team lost 1-0 today?

No not that news, I mean the one about me on my roller blades today.

Oh, you mean that you staked it when you were standing still


Fine.... go ahead.

Ok well, I was standing upright while I was in my roller blades and I had stopped outside the backdoor of my home, I fell forwards and Mike rushed outside to “help” with what I am still unsure of but I am confused with the reason for me falling and of my reasons for me not trying to stop me falling as I have vivid memories of me attempting to stay stood up when ever I was about to fall, in the local skate park, it was like my mind had been blanked for that instance.

I didn't shatter any of my teeth in the progress which surprised Tina. My teeth are in about the same condition as they where before the previously mentioned occurrence. So I only bashed my left knee and my chin. I also bit my lip, but that cased me to have a mouth full of blood and my teeth were being a bit irritating, So I brushed my teeth and I drank a mug of milk,

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Day 235

Day 235;

It was the day numbered 235 today, So what did I do as the Winter Olympics is now over?

I don't know what did you do?

Liar, yes you do know what he did. As you did it also.

Ok now that's enough of typing so accusingly yellow.

Well I have been searching the internet for some more stuff to do as Mike told me that I should really be getting inspired by the Olympics so I can have something to do for the next part of mylife as he knows a another dissabled person that lived up the road from my home that won a medal at the 2012 Olympics.

So I have been searching for something to do. I found a sport it's called sledge hockey it's like ice hockey but it on a sledge not skates. I'll tell you of another sport that's also like ice jockey, it's called inline Skater Hockey, which is a fun game to play.

I also went outside today to play on my roller blazes which are the implements used to skate in inline skater hickey. I noticed something wrong with my legs when I was skating round in them, it was that my legs were suffering of tremors which could be a symptom of the "full body distonia" that I supposedly have but I'm not sure.

Monday 24 February 2014

Day 234

Day 234;

So here it is day numbered 234 my glasses/spectacles broke today which was a brilliant day for them to break as it was the last day of the Winter Olympics today,

Oh the irony,

So I missed all of the bobsleighing today, as well.


Well I know that it is believable as it happened.

So what actually happened to them?

Well I was kneeling on my bed with my specs on my head when they suddenly came loose my memory is actually a bit fizzy on the details but I know that I was kneeling on my bed and my glasses tapped the wall next to my bed and then the spectacles had fallen down the side of my bed, so I went underneath my bed to retrieve them, and when I received them I discovered that one of my spectacles aims had come lose and fallen off, well the screw in between the lenses and the arm had come out of it's hole. So I later found my prescription sun glasses and I wore them to see the whole of the Olympic closing ceremony.

But now I would like to state my opposition to the current Judging/refereeing system to do with the Olympics and yes it is something to so with Miss Christie who was robbed of her chance to compete in either the Gold medal match or the seeding competition. I know that Miss Christie is probably over it by now but I'm not, I get myself hung up on these lapses in justice all of the time, not literally.

But I know what the judges on Olympic competitions need to have microphones built into their outfits, like the referees in Rugby, so then we can hear what they are saying and the Olympic screens that they show some of the replays on they should show the sections that the Judges are reviewing on the footage that they are reviewing, with their talking.

Sunday 23 February 2014

Day 233

Day 233;

It is that time again for me to bore your socks off/on but if you come here it’s your own faults. But due to prior arrangements I couldn’t really watch the Winter Olympics today.

The prior arrangements was a football match between the team that I support and some team beginning with P, there name didn’t have 2 o’s after the P as they played better than the team that I was there to support for the majority of the 90 minutes.

But now I shall tell all of you people about one of my minds tangents that it wandered off on.

Warning it was some religious Shenanigans. 

A while back I wrote a page of text which was called “If God is love then my name is the Tinkerbell”. 

Of which I do not think it is the case from the evidence presented but I am not sure about both of those questions, as I went on to explain that if God, the Christian God, was actually real and he personally created me as he “loves” me so much he even decided to give me the critical faculties to see through some of the deception that are within the Bible like the bible passage that says that any person that truly believes in God, the Christian God, can be bit by any snake and they will live, which is the part that I’d like to draw a citole round today as have you recently heard the tragic news of a snake handling preacher that has died of snake bite.

Then why didn’t he give the poor dead pastor the same critical faculties to see that passage from the bible was a lie/deception/not the complete literal truth.

Well obliviously there’s many get out clauses for the religious that want to claim that there isn’t a word of deception within the Bible and the pastor mustn’t have been sincere enough in his believe, but then why would he do something like this, if he wasn’t sincere in his belief? It’d be like me saying I don’t believe that I’d die from a bullet shot through the heart, so I get shot through my heart and I’d have had to decline any medic treatment. I’d just be dead and my body could have been burnt to ashes and scattered to the winds, or my body could be devoured by another living creature.

Saturday 22 February 2014

Day 232

Day 232;

So it's another one of those days, another day that starts with 2 and ends with 2, now how many have we had so far? 6 I think.
2. 22
3. 202
4. 212
5. 222
6. 232

I remember yesterday stating that I had high hopes for today at the Olympics for the Team GB, As the  had 1 define medal and 2 could be medals.

The one definite medal was a silver as the men at curling just outplayed by Canada in the final.

 Which I can now say that this Winter Olympics has been officially the equal best Winter Olympics ever since it began, or that Team GB stare competing according to Wikipedia.

But the speed skating duo didn't manage to medal the GB competitor that I said would be lucky if her times counted by the way that the Judges kept penalising her, As today started off so well for her with her winning her group convincingly, but then it was in her seminal last lap when she takes her outside line and she had passed the Chinese skater but the Chinese skater ,wasn't giving up so she attempted to cut back in front of the Team GB lady/woman, the Chinese woman wasn't even on the crack, as you could tell by the track marker that went flying up, before she took out the GB lady, which the actual act of taking the GB lady out wasn't deliberate, as I believe that she just staked it into the GB lady who was ahead at the instance of the collision so the judges should have promoted the team GB lady to the final and not just penalised both of the women.

But te day ended on a high for one of Britain's home nations as Wales managed to beat France in a six nation Rugby Football match it's a game that is very much like American Football but...

Tomorrow/today/the day that this was posted The Tam GB bobsleigh team is going for a medal. and not forgetting Tea GB's Alpine skier one Mr Dave Ryding. I wish all of you competitors the best of fortunes, but carpe diem, seize the day.

Friday 21 February 2014

Day 231

Day 231;

Today has been a good day due as a start The GB women managing to come through in the bronze medal match against Swiss as it was tied at 5-5 going into the final end the GB women had the hammer so they knew that all they had to do was to just keep making the shots to make it as easy as possible to possible for the teams skip/Miss Murhead to just place it down the centre line and get it directly on the bull.

So now I have to wait for tomorrow/Day 232, to find out how Mr Murdock does in his gold medal match tomorrow (or today if you're reading this on the day that this is scheduled to be posted/the day numbered 232.

So now GB is at lest guaranteed to equal their all time best in the Winter Olympics it just depends on how well Mr Murdock does in his 10 ends, possibly 11, and the other events that Team GB can medal on day 232 is the speed skating which is the 1000.M by one Miss Elise Christie who should be able to get a medal as she's quick enough but she's still got her quarter final, semifinal and then she should be able to take a medal home with her  be it gold silver or bronze after that race has finished, however from what I have seen from her from this Olympic campaign so far is that she'll be lucky if her actual finish time is counted as the people at these games seem to like too disqualify her. But I won't forget the other British competitor in the Team GB squad who has a match (or skate) tomorrow is one Mr Jon Eley who is competing in the 500 M speed skate.

So tomorrow/today is set up to have a lot of action from Team GB's perspective and we haven't even got onto the British bob-sleigh team yet. 

Thursday 20 February 2014

Day 230

Day 230;

Today I have had another day of enthralment in front of the television due to the wonderful sport of Curling.

Ok so I'll start with the bad news for team GB but good for Canada as the majority of you people probably already know that Canada beat team GB's women in the Curling semifinals which limits the GB women to getting a bronze medal at best when they next play China for the Bronze medal play-off's, meanwhile the only other position is forth position which is outside of the medals.

But GB men have guaranteed a medal of either Silver or Gold if the men loose their match so it's a Silver that they are awarded and the women come forth then it team GB would have reached the heights that they reached back before the Second World War as that is hoe long it has been since they managed to get three medals, 1 Gold, 1 Silver and 1 Bronze, it was in the Winter Olympics of 1936 when they managed to get that, and the goal that has been set for them before the start of this tournament was three medals, team GB might just get four to equal their all time best which was back in the first ever Winter Olympics, that they competed in at least 1924' which were 1 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze.

But my younger sibling brought up a half decent point as team GB has got a chance to do a Mario style 1-up to their medal tally if only that speed skater doesn't get disqualified before or during the final in her next event the 1000 M speed skate. I'm not attempting to look as if I'm being  harsh on her but I saw her skate her heat for the 1000 M and if I may say it was impressive, the one that I saw was from her position in the outside lane but honestly when you have got speed like that why do you tend to hug the inside line of the track, if you had done that race in either of the two previous races there is no way that they could legitimately disqualify you?

But the Team GB men's match was another match which came down to the final end as the opposition to Mr Murdock's team started off the game with the hammer so they blanked the first end, so they held the hammer the Mr Murdock's team orchestrated a  steal, then the Swedish managed to take 2 on there next hammer, but now I am about to  shift to the tenth end, so the score is 5-4 to the Swedish GB have the hammer but the Swedish player 4 sends his stone to take out the British stones but he makes an incorrect shot, accidentally taking out the Swedish stones, but now Mr Murdock you can almost tell that he is saying thank you for that shot as he send his final stone down to take the two stones, and the match. 6-5 to the four from Scotland, Great Britain to garantee that team gb at least equals the target of 3 medals.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Day 229

Day 229;

Woah today I have just achieved something very improbable. As I was just sat down on my own in my room with my tablet, so I decided to do something fun with my brain, so I loaded up the SUDOKU application, then I clicked play it showed me the select difficulty screen so I selected expert difficulty as I wanted to waste 20-30 minutes of time and then 13 minutes and 47 seconds later I had completed it with 0 mistakes. Woe I never thought that I’d be able to do that especially seeing as I always tend to make one mistake be it a slip of my finger or I actually got it wrong.

It may be a positive omen of stuff to come for Team GB in the Sochi Olympic games or it maybe a positive omen for the football team that I support or thirdly and most likely it's nothing of the sort and it's just the product of a mistake on my part as i was attempting to click the pencil tool and I actually hit a tile which just so happened to be the correct tile and from there it was simple;.

I see what you mean, if you could do it I'm betting that even Yrllow could do it

Ouch how cutting

But I would like to state my congratulation to all, not just the British ones, that have competed and are about to compete in this years Winter Olympics I have enjoyed watching all that I have watched even the parts when the commentators make fools of themselves like like in the Curling when they say something like the GB skip has an easy shot now they just need to put enough weight on the stone, but then the GB skip doesn't put enough weight on it or they play the stone to a different place on the target.

Mr Murdock or David to his friends, of which I'm not, played an absolute beat of a shot for his potentially final shot of his Olympic campaign to save his and his teams chances of  earning a medal in the men's curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics as it was end 10, the final end, they were 5-4 down and he could have played it safe just to take 1 to turn the score to 5-5 make the match last 11 ends  but then the opposition would have had the last stone advantage/the hammer, but so Mr Murdock played a promotion shot, a shot to promote one of his stones into the target area taking out both of the oppositions stones to give him two stones closer to  the centre than any of their oppositions stones to in-turn win the game for them 6-5, by the four hands of the two sweepers they actually made the shot, which gave them the two more points that they needed to reach the semifinals so they now have a 75% chance of getting a medal rectally the same probability as the GB women, so if they both win there semifinal match they'll both be leaving the Olympic tournament with either a gold or a silver medal and that would mean that Team GB would have beat their target of three winter Olympic medals but then if they both loose their first match tomorrow they both have a 50% chance at claiming a bronze medal. 

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Day 228

Day 228.

So it has been another one of those days, a Monday. I realise that the actual time of my previous days post may of actually been slightly later than it is is stating but that is as I had it ready to be posted but then I clicked the restart button on my computer as of some thing or other like it had to restart to complete the download of files to my computer.

Anyway I've got some vaguely interesting Winter Olympics news if you hadn't already seen it/heard about it, which you probably had.

In Curling  today the as first off GB women team won the first tie that they were in then the GB men team lost to China, so they have got another game tomorrow to work out who is the team in forth position, but then the GB's women team if they had won they're second match they would have been advancing in the tournament but even if they lost they'd be advancing in the tournament so they were garmented to be advancing in the tournament which ever way the results went but from the first two on three ends it looked as if they were going to advance with a lose then they managed to grasp the game as if it was a ferret, by the scruff of its neck, but then in end 10 they were leading the game 6-3 and it was there opponent with the hammer (last stone throw) and they made the shot that would get them the 3 that they needed to tie the game so the game went into end 11 but this time the hammer reverted to team GB and the opponents of them managed to get the steel of 1 to sort it so they only get to go into the next round in forth position and before this tornament they were being talked up, as the favourites but they could still win it from this position.

Monday 17 February 2014

Day 227

Day 227;

So today is just another day closer to my goal of a complete years worth of diary entries so I can look back on my year so then I can do a review at it's end and then i can see how much of a fail it has been for me.

As my short term memory is atrocious so if I typed something today and after I typed  something like "I'm only going to type this once ..." and then in another post i typed the thing that I was only going to type once. Sometimes it's for a comedic purpose but if I was to do that I should have links to post that I made the comment in anyway unless the comment is within the post. But on others it's a mistake on my part as I have most likely forgot ir.

But my long term memory seems decent enough as my memory of Russia seemed to be correct.

It's brought back to memoties of a question 

Sunday 16 February 2014

Day 226

Day 226;

So today was an especially boring day as I travelled further south to Kent to inspect Emu and little Chris's new home but in future don't what ever you do invite me to see a purchased property before you've smartened it up a bit, and i don't mean that you have done 1 and a half days work on your property and there was a bomb scare so you got evacuated from your new house and then you come and drag me off to see your property.

Anyway my only saving grace was that Mike had come also and his antics made mine pale in comparison. Antics like my incessant moaning about there not being a front door mat

But that was only my first complaint after stepping inside.

But I had a nice sandwich for lunch it was a ham and stuffing, by far the tastiest part of my little excursion.

But the house had promise.

And my Proposal is going to be for the Winter Olympics 2026 not 2022 as 2022 the finalists have already been drawn.

Saturday 15 February 2014

Day 225

Day 225; 

I ate my first Indian today, well I didn’t eat an actual Indian; neither a person from the country of India or a native of America. I meant an Indian meal, from a restaurant called the Queen Victoria, but when I state that I ate an Indian meal I actually  has scampi and chips from the Queen Victoria and a poppa Dom with a selection of the sauces, which included some chutney, sweet & sour and a third of a separate constituency as with both of the previously mentioned they were more liquid but the third had some little more solid chucks within the liquid the liquid tasted nice but then I bit into the crunchy bit and I was surprised by the explosion of tastes which ensued, my face must have been a picture if anyone else had seen it. But as soon as I had gathered my composure again I attempted t eat another one and could I please state for the record I discovered a new thing that I actually liked the taste of.

The service there was interesting to say the least, As I apparently got picked on a bit by one of the staff who asked for my name so the people that I was with answered “Tom” and then the member of staff immediately stated in response “Cruise” I laughed but then the people that I was with came to my responding with statements like he’s not that shot.

But that’s not really what I would expect from an Indian restaurant as what I’d expect would be for them to call me “Jones” and then he could have stated “It’s not unusual”. But I realise that he might be too young for that song.

Now I’d like to put this message of congratulations to Elizabeth {Lizzy} Yarnold, for beating everyone else in woman’s Skeleton and getting the gold medal only the 10 gold that any British athlete has ever acquired within a Winter Olympic. But I’d just like to tell you that after I changed the channel from the curling to the skeleton and one of my reasons for doing that was that GB where playing uselessly the first 5 ends as they where 4-1 behind, but then I change channel as I thought that there was no possible plan of action but team GB Men won  their game, which puts team GB injoint first.

Friday 14 February 2014

Day 224

Day 224;

So today was 224, which means that I embarked on my diary witting project 224 days ago. I haven't counted how many preposterous ideas I have had in the mean time, with the majority of them being forgot shortly after having them.

Like I had an idea when I stated to write this blogpost but I have subsequently forgotten it but I know that it wasn't  the squishy frog idea I had after I was thinking about how floppy bird has been removed from the "app store" (or the "application shop") which I am not surprised of.

Plus the graphics were blatantly pilfered from the Mario games with a couple of minor changes to some of them.
You should be able to hear the debate between Matt Dillahunty and Ray Comfort by clicking on the below link, it was going to be embedded within the page but I realise that the majority of you people probably don't want to hear Mr Ray Comfort be figuratively nailed to the cross alongside of his magical Imaginary friend.
Please enjoy if it's not too painful. how face palm-inly painful is this? please comment below.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Day 223

Day 223;

So this day followed yesterday but today it was a special day,  as today was that long awaited day no I didn't complete episode 6 of the Sunday Savage, as if anyone was waiting for that, but I think that I'm going to have yo wait until the winter Olympics is over before I release it now as I have noticed some more things wrong with it but I am concentrating too hard on the winter Olympics at the moment.

I went to the Gym again today In my 10 minute warm up on the Cross trainee, this week I managed to reach a speed of 21 km/ PT thought that he had managed to wear my legs out by the end of this weeks session, but I''m not sure,

But we'll see...

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Day 222

Day 222;

When your nations is covering the Olympics tv coverage of the be it via television , radio or another news medium do they get hyper biased?As the  nation that I live in do, quite a lot.

Like  this morning they thought that team GB had defiantly won a medal, in the female skiing. But team GB didn't get anything of the sort.

So that is why the medal count for GB is still on 1. 

But I think it's time for another one of my mad ideas,

Can I prudent it?

Ok Red the rest of this post is yours, as long as I can tell all of the viewers of this website that my vlog project isn't yet ready to be uploaded I have been too busy watching the Sochi Olympics.

Well the Crazy idea that I have had, is simple one but it's only going to work if Scotland stay as part of GB. London, As you may know that GB hosted the summer Olympic Games, it was decidedly successful I thought I gathered from the response. and I ewas wondering if GB held a future Winter Olympics, They could put it up in the small town that is just north of  of the mountain bed nevis. 

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Day 221

Day 221;

So today I have watched the first four episodes of The Musketeers on catchup/my BBC iPlayer app for my tablet device but to it I'd like to say that the story lines are interesting, the new Doctor is in it also. I like the way it keeps you on your proverbial toes (Well me on mine) like in the first episode it shows you d'Artagnan going up against the musketeers and the character that is against the king of France appears to be best friends with the king noe.

Ok But yoy can tell by thr lack in a YouTube video beneath of this of this rext that I failed again to get my flash project on line today, that I haven't completed it yet/

Monday 10 February 2014

Day 220

Dy 220;

Ok I'm sorry again all you people that were waiting for The Sunday Savage episode 6, but I haven't completed it yet.

But I shall complete it and put it up as soon as possible.

So what do you have to say about today?

You mean other than he's a failure?


Ok. touchy Red, touchy. bur in other news a British athlete has won the first medal for herself and for the team of this years Winter Olympics it was a bronze medal in the woman' snowboarding slope style. She is one miss Jenny Jones who is at  the moment 33  and she's from Bristol.and she gets very embarrassed by her mother.

Sunday 9 February 2014

Day 219

Day 219;

Today was the first day of winter Olympics when they were actually competing for medals, the USA won the first gold, in the snowboarding slope style.

  Which looked impressive and it made me want a go. I think that the summer Olympics are good and all but they're no where near as spectacular as the winter Olympics.

But why are there loafs of people being political about sport? Like the apparently loads of Americans thst that aren't going to watch it as it's in Russia But why wasn't Cameron at the opening ceremony yesterday?

Saturday 8 February 2014

Day 218

Day 218;

So it’s day 218 and today I have seen the winter Olympics opening ceremony, and I have had a trip out to collect Alice from her college.

This year the winter Olympics is in Russia, now as a child that thought the cold war was the war on the flu virus, I don’t really understand any conflict between the nations of the “West” and the USSR/Soviets, but now I’m older I still don’t understand.

The memory that the first incident awakens within my mind is one of a traumatic past life. I could speak in it and my hair was still blonde so I am thinking that it was when I was in school year 7, we had a Russian English teacher as our form teacher/tutor. She was a good teacher when you could understand her as her accent got in the way slightly some of the time, from what I can remember. But I can remember the name of both her cat and her niece. As the cat was called Misca (spelling error is expected) and the name of her niece was Vera (yes the same that Jayne Cobb gave to his best gun from firefly) but that information isn’t the actual cause of the trauma, as there was I sitting there in the classroom doing what everyone else was doing nothing, actually I fib as I was doing many things like respiring and listening.

Then The Teachers niece walks in, classroom B303, was the room, then she walks over to the teacher and the teacher introduces us, the whole class, to her niece Vera. But then I can’t  remember exactly what happened next Over the next 2 years at that school until year 10 so up until the end of year 9 the year that the Russian English teacher left the school that I was attending she was replaced by an English teacher from New-Zealand but I only think I lasted two or three terms under her tuition before getting struck down by a  car while I was attempting to cross the road to get to work experience but you could have already read all about that on another days posts.

Yeah so that was the trauma.

No fool, the trauma that he introduced the characters for was a separate trauma.

How do you know that?

The same way that you know that,

Oh you mean all of the teasing that endued after the first instance


Thank you Yellow, the teasing that ensued was too much for my immature mind to handle, as it was on top of one big lie which was that the teachers niece loved me and I recirculated those feelings in some of the most gruesome of manners, so my primitive mind thought, from what the other people manly boys told me about this fantasice but fictional sex life that I never actually had with this person that I hardly even knew let alone knew well enough to love even if i knew what  exactly what love is.

Friday 7 February 2014

Day 217

Day 217;

I am thinking that I have managed to pin my head around the reason why I think that the two women/girls look similar It could be something to do within blood lines as I was thinking that if she was of Scottish parents also like the woman that I knew from college it could potentially explain the similar facial characteristic and the fact that everyone that was in the gym at the facial characteristic was more pronounced and other differences was that she had a shorter more round face than my friend.

I sometimes wish that their was more to say than just  friends but I am guessing that I probably won't be seeing very many more of her, ever, pretty much like all of my past friends, now a days.

But mow finally I'm about to state some of the things that I have to done today; which was shenanigans like attempting to reminisce over long dead memories.Looking up what is in the cinema for tomorrow, and I saw Robocop on the cinema's website and mike said absolutely to me that we both do not want to watch that film, But then when someone asked me about which of the films I would like to watch I know what I did show them Robocop as it was the one of the only things on tomorrow that fitted into the time frame that we had allocated to us that I could say that I wanted to watch.

Watching Mike backtrack was humorous so now he would actually like to see it. I think he has watched the original version, I don't think I have.But nothing is decided yet. So it seems more likely that I shall be sat at home still making The Sunday Savage for the following Sunday.

Thursday 6 February 2014

Day 216

Day 216;

So it is the day after yesterday again,

Now that's just getting repetitive.

But i have got 2 more ideas of what make my next YouTube project about one is some of the vaguely humorous events tat unfolded at the gym today and the other one is another little story that I have wrote it only has 498 words.

But do you remember the girl that you were typing about 2 weeks ago.

Yes I know the one that looks similar to the girl that we like, look a like.

Yes we saw her again, but we still stared a bit.

Well I know but it was a bit less than last time.

You two disgust me for staring at such a beautiful young woman.

Oh shut up Yellow, you'd be storing also for exactly the same reasons which are we're attempting to work out where i know her from.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Day 215

Day 215;

Today nothing remarkable in the slightest happened to me. except a as another day closes the closer to Emma's moving out day it becomes, yeah.

I'm unsure  of many things like all of the stuff that comes along side of being alive, except death as I know that that waits me at the other end, I don't know how long I have got left of this temporary state of existence but then who does. All forms of life are temporary organic or artificial are only here for a limited amount of time.

Some of it is an accident of evolution but some of it is constructed by previously evolved creatures but they each have only evolved as far along their time streams as nature has allowed as-nothing not even nature itself knows what any of us will look like in 10000 years, not us personally our species, aaas I'm guessing that the majority of my readers Wilber nothing but rotting bones by this time in 10000 years.

But today I.played on Pokemon Y it was fun I'm still attempting to raise all of my Pokemon before moving go the next stage.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Day 214

Day 214;

So it was another one of the days that I had a clue of what to write in the little accompaniment box that you get with a YouTube video when you post it on a faceybook/twits wall.

Ermine..kind of

And you know about the description text that goes underneath of the video.


Well I had written all of that it once on YouTube page then the browser stopped working so then when I was attempting to get it on the internet my browser would freeze so I attempted another browser to no avail, it was actually behaving worse in the new browser type.

All of the bible quotes I have included in my video can be found below

Monday 3 February 2014

Day 213

Day 213;

So it was day 213 today it was the day of Sunday Savage episode but unfortunately for me I didn't manage to work quick enough to get it done for Sunday,

But today I have done some research on comedy, or the differences between British and American Comedy and I havev discovered that in general the comedy that the folks over the pond from us British people/the Americans seem to be more engaged by the blunt force approach to humour, the more slapstick, physical side to comedy. like the loony tunes but it's for every one not just the children unlike over here.

But nor all Americans share that attitude like there was one New Yorker whose YouTube channel I went on today what he said was interesting as he is like a generic British man in his sense of humour, e.g. he said he was very sarcastic and the story that he said when he attempted it on some of his guests? I think, anyway it was a priceless bit of humour.

How much can you tell of a nation from it's humour? You can tell it's age. as British humour is one of older nations and American humour is one of a younger nation. I have noticed that as I have grown that it was physical humour when i was younger and I have grown into this newer hands off type of comedy, but it was before I started this blog. 

Sunday 2 February 2014

Day 212

Day 212;

So it is the day numbered a bit like a vain number two. Do you see it? as if the number two is looking in a mirror, anybody? No, how surprising it should be more of a 818, which is one fat lady looking in a mirror, but I don't think that this blog effort will get that far.

So what happened to me today? well I got myself ready to get my YouTube project, episode 5, completed for tomorrow.  But then I was presented by Alice a lot of stuff from the loft, which i think Americans call the attic, which i don't understand as it is an area of storage which is held aloft from the house hence the name loft, but attic sounds like something that a dog or a cat might get tic's/fleas. So it'd be lie saying "can you get that dog's water bowl out of the tic",then the person mat say "what your dog has tic's keep it away from my German Shepard/Alsation."

I know that the only difference between the two previously mentioned types of dogs German Shepard and an Alsation is the fact that one is long haired and the other is short haired. I f you would like to find out more about the two separate breads of dog you can by clicking here, But if you read that piece the only reason it was called an Alsation was by the British because we were fighting the Germans in the war and we didn't wan''t the dogs to get harmed. See we care more about a dogs life than our own.

Saturday 1 February 2014

Day 211

Day 211;

So it has been a day which within it's  number the second two numbers if they'ere added together they make the first number so it's like 2=1+1 alternatively 2-B=1, well that get them in the correct order.

If you hadn't noticed already it's going to be February by the time that this is posted.

Ok so what?

I was just stating a fact.

But why?

For the reason that in 14 days (13 if you count from when this is posted) it's valentines day..


Aren't you going to get me anything?

Why since when have I bought anyone anything for valentines day?

You've got A;ice something.

But that'as for her anniversary of her assistance it comes around every year on the 14th of February.