Saturday 17 May 2014

Day 316

Day 316;

Now today was day 316, and I have been learning, as well as thinking.

A society without money and a society without crime, could actually work, as I know that it didn't work out very well the first time, I mean at the dawn of humanity, I mean they were only trying not to get ate by lions and tigers, and then the males had to work out what to do with the little twig in-between their legs which mysteriously went hard every time a female got too close to him, I couldn't even hope to be accurate on a guess as to how the female is feeling. But I am guessing that natural impulses take over the human form, the kind that I never allowed myself to have when I was younger, which is just as well really as what would I have been called if I didn't keep myself functioning within the socially acceptable perimeters of society and not allowing my human nature the time of day, or night.

Probably as I was able to internalise my emotions very well with only the occasional slight outburst of rage, usually while I was being persecuted. either at school or at home fortunately at school I managed to keep it inside of me better; upon the majority of occasions.
I am typing about my rage that i managed to keep the lid on for the most part. As i only managed to get myself into a handful of scuffles within the first school that I went to and the second school it was about the same but then the third school that I went to it was about 3 handfuls of scuffles that I got myself into, sometimes no all the time it was against some bully, except when it was against one of my friends but then we were only playing, I think.

But now my only, i think, "emotion" is frustration I think as I keep getting told by Allergy that I should stop being so emotional every time she pees me off, which is quite frequently, It my only emotion. besides my usual grinning like a lunatic face, and then possibly a more serious face. Please note they are faces that I pull not emotions. Within emotions I would probably say that one is happy and the second is ... possibly confusion. if that is an emotion.

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