Friday 2 May 2014

Day 301

Day 301;

Today is suddenly day 301, one day closer to the one year mark in my nnn-oexsistant calendar.

And it's also another day closer until I can take to the polling station and I could vote for my local regions member of european parliament, or who should be my constituencies local MEP.

What are MEP's.

Well MEP stands for Member of European Parliament.

I know that, I did see you write it down but what are they.

Ok well it's they're job to keep their constituents (the people from they're constituency/the people that voted them into office) interests in mind, and act accordingly to those views while dealing with the European Parliament.


 So you want some honest politicians.

Yes in reality.

Well isn't that the oxymoron?

Traditionally it has been. but I'm thinking that we have a kind of new breed in pollution in one Mr Nigel Farrage.

Oh him you mean Mr Quack from UKIP/the racist?

No I do not believe that he, or his party are racist they if anything are anti Politically Correct/anti PC, they say everything that each of us are thinning but we dare not or as Allergy says to me,

Except from you she adds in for good measure .

The correct analogy she uses is that there is it's like theres a filter between peoples brains and their vocal processors, which is called PC, and the UKIP people don't seem to have them.

But what about you?

I have it don't worry, I have got the PC virus in me also but I know that it's there and I know that it's a virus, a sickness or even an illness and I know how it got stuck in my mind, through societies influence over an impressional mind. Which I wouldn't have a problem with if the thoughts could actually harmed someone else but they don't, as they can't they're just thoughts, like Gods, but it's the people with those thoughts that you should watch out for.

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