Saturday 31 May 2014

Day 330

Day 330;

So it another day closer to the 365 days mark, until the point that I may have achieved what I set out to do for a whole year.

Is that all that we're another day closer to?

Oh no it's not it's also another day closer to the football world cup.

Which is going to kick off in Rio (Brazil) on the 12th of June/13 days away, from when I typing this 12 from when this goes live. When the hosts (Brazil) match up to Croatia. England have there first match against Italy on the 14th of which England should probably loose as England are ranked 11th in the world and Italy are ranked 9th and then another one of there group matches is against Uruguay who they should loose against as well as Uruguay are 6th in the Fifa  world rankings. But then also in the same group as them is Costa Rica ho have a Fifa ranking position of 34, so that's the only game that that England are likely to win.

But i feel sorry for the USA, as your in a grow with Germany (ranked 2nd), Portugal (ranked 3rd)
, but your fortune comes in Ghana (ranked 38th); so the USA is ranked at 14th.

But that's only stats if we wen thy that's reckoning we wouldn't need to play any of the games and you should know that Spain are the first placed team in the Fifa world rankings.

Friday 30 May 2014

Day 329; Stupid things that the fox says and my solution for american obesity

Day 329; Stupid things that the fox says and my solution for american obesity

So it is suddenly day 329,

And today I have seen some shockingly dishonest news from the fox, what does the fox say and all that jazz, You can watch it below video to see what the fox had to say.

The insanity of that statement by the fox presenters as pointed oil by the host of the show it's a non sense of a story;  On my home here in sun drenched Britain, I'm being ironic, on our roof we have two types of solar panels one for electric and the other for heating up water., and we are actually getting money back from the national grid for the energy that we produce. So the energy companies are moving in the wrong direction when it comes down to renewable energy services in the us, as when all of the fossils fuels run out on them i don't know what they'll be doing, the US will be quite literally up the stream without a paddle. So when the fuel has run out and it will run out, you over there in the US will have all of the gadgetry of the modern times but you shall have no power to run it. The government decide to tackle the obesity problem by getting giant hamster wheels for the overweight people to run around in to produce electrical energy, if it could happen  it'd save your country the humiliation of being the fattest country in the world.

How bafflingly stupid can you get? 

I don't know but I think that new s extract tops all of my stupid things tjat i have said some stupid to spare.

I know. it hat fly seems possible.

I know that you may have been disappointed by the lack of the what does the fox say song so I shall rectify that.

And to Finnish this post off today I'm going to put in a version of the song that I have posted on another day, the one about it being the end of the world and I have got it with the misheard lyrics, so with that iI 'd like to state goodnight/good morning/have a good time of day/night that you are reading this.

Thursday 29 May 2014

Day 328

Day 328;

So it has been day 328, Rowing Machine 6:06 for 1000 m if i had remembered to put my gloves on first that may have stopped my hand from coming off of the machine and then I may have got it down under 6 minuets. As my aim.

But also at the Gym today I was running against a resistance of 14.

14 is that it?


How lame.

Anyway moving on...

Today i have been thinking about politics some more and more exactly about UKIP and how some of mY family have got the wrong end of the stick when it comes down to them, or have I? I'm unsure as over the past few weeks I have actually done some research into the shady UKIPpers. 

As i have listened to a lot of stuff spoken by Nigel Farage, who is the leader of the UKIPpers, and he hasn't actually said a thing against hryying foreign students to fill up the courses that aren't don't have enough interest locally as that was Flows main point of contention within UKIP. but if they help us by creeping jobs open for you surely Britain wants them, so they would be allowed in by the proposed tighter laws on immigration,  But the only difference is that you might get a higher percentage of students from further afield, like China, the US or maybe even Russia, instead of from our closest neighbouring countries Like Franc, Germany or Spain.

The fact that Britain is in the EU has no or only slight impact on whether foreign students come to Britain you may click here to see a Financial Times article on the subject of foreign students please note that it is an old article from May 2 years back. 

But it's not about the same subject, and what are you typing about actually listing to the leader of the UKIPers leader and how do you know that is what he was on about.

Well i don't and obviously I could be wrong but I know that Nigel Farage isn't stupid and your (this is directed at Emu) point about him wanting to deport his wife and daughters is fictitious have you ever heard some of his speeches as he makes it clear that no one is to be deported unless they have had a negative effect on society e.g. they have broken the law, their vids a has expired or stuff like that. With regards to the EU convention of human rights we do not know how much of that they would throw ion the bin and how much they'd keep, if they came to power. As the conservative say the UKIPers can't get into power.

Or is it me that ids being too naive listening ro him and cherry picking the good parts out of it, and all of his more dubious things he says ignoring them? Well it's not my fault if Emu thinks a man that cuts of his opposes with an irrelevant question in the midst  of a debate just as you happen to agree with the man that is doing the cutting off isn't a waste of time but when it happened the other way around you go off in a sulkis the hight of journalism, I happen to disagree with you on that point.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Day 327

Day 327;

So it has been day numbered 327,  That will be yesterday when this goes online tomorrow but today has been 327.

On this day I have reflected a bit back on the events over the past few days and I have come to the realisation that it's the end of the world, as we knew it at least,

Oh you mean duet to UKIP's rise to power?

No, I mean yes in part but, not just UKIPs rise to power, there is deeper divides within the real Europe (European Main land) and the anti EU parties had a field day at the polls. By a field day I meant a time of unrestrained activity: an opportunity for unrestrained activity as in they have  done very well across the whole of Europe 

It could be like the pope admitting he's an atheist.

Yes, it could in a way, but the organisation is the European Union not a petty little church. Which could be likened to a church with Brussels like the Vatican City and all of the elected officials have to go there to fight for the people back in their constituency, instead of their own poor pathetic souls of which a god that already knew how you were going to react to everything that ever has or will happen to you within your life (the god of Christianity) so if he already knows how it's all going to end why are we here? In his big soul factory up in the sky shouldn't he just go soul 12 is good lets put that upstairs soul 13 just shove it down the bog I'll give that one to Lucifer downstairs so that he can inflict some justice on this sinner? 

But that would be horrible, what about the free will of the soul?

 But the whole concept of free ŵill is undermined by one fact about your god, which is that he already knows every thing that you'll say or do in this life so there should be no surprises for god so he'll know which of his profits you bow down before. So this world is only a side plate, the main course of life is on a separate plate with your main course. To use an analogy; not a very good analogy admittedly. 

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Day 326

Day 326;

The Illuminati.

The Illuminati what is that?

Well the Illuminati is dead since 1795 from one source but from another source it's still alive and it's been interfering with the governments of earth since it's conception back in the even older days of 1776. The illuminati has apparently been behind pretty much everything according to conspiracy freaks as if the Illuminati was old enough I'm sure they could probably fit in nicely to explain the so called Virgin Birth of Jesus if that ever happened when a member of the Illuminati was wandering down a street in Isreal he suddenly saw a decent enough looking woman and he and her got talking and then he gor invited back over her place, and then 1+0 = a good time and then Joseph turns up at her house the Illuminati Man vamooses thinking I'be just had sexual intercourse with Mary, and that is how the story of Jesus becomes into existence as she tells her soon to be husband that she was raped by YaHWeY and the fool believes her, as what reason would she have to lying doesn't that undermind the basic principles of Judaism; women were made of man so therefore they should always be honest with them as you wouldn't like to pee off the big sky daddy after what he did to Eve for pleasuring herself and adam. .

Politics was a game of flipping the coin with only two parties in either Red or Blue, I know that there was 3 major parties but every year it always seemed to come do to the Red team vs the Blue team and you always knew what you'd get a load of broken promises from before the election, and then the excuses. As was is for the whole of my life.

But then politics became more complex with a new party I am typing about them those UKIPpers and the trivial game suddenly became complex, with a new untested party now in the mix the apple cart is well and truly upturned. With the UKIPpers picking up 24 seats in the EU elections one in London and one in Scotland but the Scottish results don't look very good for the referendum of Scottish independence from the SNP's point of view. As the SNP was closely followed by the Labour party and the Labour party doesn't like being responsible, as with great power comes great responsibility and it was them that signed Britain up to the European Parchment in the first place to get the EU to concoct some new laws for all of us to abide by, or face Jail time or worse.

So Nigel Farage is on trial for the next year or so until the general election to see if he can deliver so could see if he can be trusted with the whole country on his shoulders?

That would be nice but it won't be it'll come down to who can run the best advertisement campaign before the next GE and who can display there message best. And a load of preconceived ideas of who to vote for i.e. not the UKIPpers mostly by the youngsters with they're apically left wing personas, that is a generalisation, and then you get  the Elderly who will be like I've voted for the Conservatives/Labour/Liberals for the basically last 45 years straight why should I change my vote now for some upstarting group.

Now as the UKIPpers have become the New third Party in British nudging the Lib Dems down I'm expecting more content on this blog that is anti UKIPpers?

Yes, of course. So where should I start?


Ok, the NHS lis like Obomacare but it actually works from my understanding of the American phenomenon, in a manifesto a couple of years back they proposed making it private like general care in the US. Which is an exceptionally bad idea.

Monday 26 May 2014

Day 325

Day 325;

Now today it has been day numbered 325; but it was just, as the 324 days before it, another unimportant day of my life.

And the MEP results are in. Well the majority of the seats for England and Wales. Not Scotland, Northern Ireland or London.
UK Independence Party3,980,07129.22 (+11.96)22+10
Conservative3,292,00524.17 (-3.63)16-5
Labour3,211,84523.58 (+8.57)14+5
Green1,048,0567.69 (-0.62)2+1
Liberal Democrat939,3776.90 (-6.86)1-8
Plaid Cymru111,8640.82 (-0.13)1
But the Northern Irish BBC page on this topic states the following=

"Polls have closed in the European election in Northern Ireland. Counting takes place on Monday 26 May and updates will appear below. Final results will be announced on Monday."

Meanwhile the Scottish BBC page Indicates that some of the votes have been counted but as of yet no seats have been declared.

Scottish National Party386,19328.91(-0.07)00
Conservative230,56917.26 (0.39)00
UK Independence Party139,68710.46(+5.23)00
Green107,8058.07 (0.77)00
Liberal Democrat95,0767.12 (-4.42)00
Britain First13,5511.01 (0.00)00
British National Party10,1500.76 (-1.70)00
NO2EU6,3880.48 (-0.40)00

by the way it looks like MrLeader of the SNP is going to have to eat his own words and how can you eat your one words?

And little old London

UK Independence Party103,14017.47(+6.02)00
Green57,1879.68 (-2.25)00
Liberal Democrat42,2357.15 (-5.89)00
National Health Action Party7,6411.29 (0.00)00
4 Freedoms Party (UK EPP)6,8381.16 (0.00)00
An Independence From Europe6,3881.08 (0.00)00
Christian Peoples Alliance6,3241.07 (-1.75)00
Animal Welfare Party5,6950.96 (0.00)00
British National Party4,2900.73 (-3.67)00
English Democrats2,7290.46 (-0.96)00
Europeans Party2,6340.45 (0.00)00
Communities United Party1,3300.23 (0.00)00
NO2EU9180.16 (-0.78)00
National Liberal Party8610.15 (0.00)00
Harmony Party5150.09 (0.00)00