Tuesday 28 May 2013

How it is possible to know that if there is a god it's not great

Anyway you may have already understood where I got the inspiration from for this post from, as it was in my last post when I explained what Allahu Akbar meant in sufferance to the Islamic faith; but if you understand that Allah meant God in Arabic you may be able to understand how I thought it meant "God you are incompetent" As I thought that Allahu= god you are Akbar= incompetent, as it must be if it was getting those two morons to do his dirty work for it. But alas it means the opposite and therefore proves that god isn't great in the slightest. So if your god was great his greatness should e apparent to everyone not just the individuals within your cult/religion and by shouting "God is the greatest" just after you have killed someone doesn't make it so it just means that you have taken the life of another person it doesn't make you a martyr if you then get killed it makes you an idiot with your head in the clouds, the previous figure of speech (even though unspoken) just used basically means that you should get a better grip on reality.

If anyone doesn't like what I have to say I don't know why don't you pray that I get struck down by lightning ir something else equally as improbable circumstances of death for me, and I shall prove to all that I am still alive i don't know when maybe on the first of next month I know it is only giving your heavenly? father 3 days to prepare and then on the 4th to execute both me and the plan. which it should have known for the billions of years before my birth if it truly was all-knowing but it would be least it could do would be to end only my life and not allow anyone else to die on that day like the Touchwood episode Miracle Day, but everyone lives except for me lets have my death happening as soon as the clocks hit 0:01. be minute past midnight on the first of June GMT and that is the last death that humanity may suffer for at least the following 23 hours and 59 second., Come on God I challenge you, why don't you do it to prove yourself to everyone including me.

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