Tuesday 7 May 2013

Parkour or free running

First off where did first hear/see about this topic?

Well the first time that I first heard about this topic, this topic being Parkour was many years ago, back when I was 11; I think.

What is Parkour?

Parkour is basically the best fun ever to come out of France and it is a sport that was covered in the bellow you tube videoand i wanted a go, as I saw the below video.

But I do not believe that I could do any of the tricks at least not any more, especially because of what happened to me back on the 3rd of July 2007, and was in a coma for the rest of July and I came out of the coma September time apparently and then I went to rehab which i was at for 6 months and that is when I actually woke up/my memories begin again, with Lucy, John, Kate, Chris and Penny and then a little later Tony, Sheila and the  other personally unnameable folks came into my memory

Why am I thinking this topic now?

It is for the very simple idea it is why doesn't the BBC to celebrate 50 years of running/Doctor Who with a great run of London? as if instead of doing a Jump London they could do a Run London and the BBC could potentially run a run around the areas in London that have been used to set Doctor Who at, like run from the BBC's main offices to Canary Wolf, the Powell estate, to the London Eye, the royal hope hospital, the globe and all of the other places in London that the Doctor has visited. It could be like a Journey through the footsteps of the Time-lord. So you could do it as a tourist attraction to get more capital going into the shops of Britain, well London and the BBC could rent out some of it's old London offices as sort of places to stay before going on the tour for some of the forrign visitors or local visitors or you could rent out some of your building space as function rooms.

Look at those ideas they tackle the obesity problem and the deficit problem, all from using one of the greastest succsess of the BBC that is Doctor Who..

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