Wednesday 8 May 2013

Most hated American family?

I am talking about the patriarch of the Westboro Baptist Church, Mr, Fred Phelps, and his rabble I get the title from Louis Theroux's TV program The Most Hated Family in America, which I found quite disturbing because the children don't even know what a Fag is?

fags  3rd person singular present, plural of fag(Noun)

  1. offensive. A male homosexual.
  2. A cigarette.

Anyway in that description it doesn't say anything about a female being a fag and the number 2 description of Fag is what I thought they meant when I first saw their signs, saying god hates fags, and if it did mean god hates cigarettes I may have to state that's the first thing that I have in common with it, as I hate the smell of cigarettes and you could watch "The Most Hated Family in America" documentary by clicking on the below YouTube videos/

I know that there isn't an 8 of 8 well at least none that I could find and as Louis says at the end of 7 of 8 "my time among the hate mongers of the Westboro Baptist Church was done" with that being said i'm guessing it's over. And the dangers of indoctrination rear their heads once more.

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