Saturday 25 April 2020

Day 2244

Day 2244;

My BMI was 19.43, the number of steps that I had made were 26,926, which was 17.43km, and I had burned 1867kcal.

Breakfast: weetabix (chocolate), apple, orange, banana, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and yogurt.
Lunch: mini pizza, jam and cream doughnut, chocolate eclair, lemon cake, and egg custard.
Dinner: dauphinoise potatoes, broccoli, peas, carrots, green beans, something, and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (raspberry) and hot lemon squash.
Snacks: toasted scone, 

Tuesday morning I had the usual mug of fruit juice and I had a second third full mug of prune juice, of which I think that prunes taste suspiciously similar to raisins. What is this, some kind of conspiracy? Ha a conspiracy to grow some big raisins and call them prunes, I have no idea of the reason behind such an action but is there a group of people that are called prunes which are just like bigger people and they have stones in? Then later on Tuesday I had another cycle with Mich, or did he have a cycle with me? It was fun we managed to get an average speed of 17.3mph.

Wednesday morning i actually got some stuff done as I had myself a good morning’s little workout, but I didn’t get a go on the treadmill, as I had jammed the RunPod on to Allergy’s trainers, which was a helpful thing to do for no one. As it has to only just came off, with some technical skill from Mich.

Thursday morning I was waiting for Allergy to arrive so I set her up on a little jog, but by the time that she did arrive it was the time for our mid morning snack, and then after that we actually got to some of her running we only had something like thirteen minutes of it before we had to go and shower before lunch. Another little factor which impacted on her runs time was the thing that occasionally happens to the RunPod, it occasionally shuts itself down, when it does that you have to take the RunPod off of your shoe and then reset it (by taking the battery out for ten seconds, then reinserting it and voila).

Friday was much like my usual  weekday routine, I got up, I went downstairs I had breakfast. Then next up I did some stuff on the fit cube before I had a row. Then it was time for P.E. with Joe before I had myself a tiny little jog on the treadmill. And then in the afternoon I had another tandem ride.


It was a Saturday today, the first day of the weekend, which is one of my rest days. So I have had another lazy morning, with only lifting some weights as exercise. But then in the afternoon we have been out on the tandem. For today it was a slightly longer ride around the countryside, well not really the countryside more of along the roads. I think that we need an off-road tandem.

Ok well on current events I have been thinking what is the Main Stream Media going on about? Bashing Trump making out like he said something that he didn’t.

I don’t understand what everybody’s problems with Trump are. As he was saying that they are attempting a new therapy, one which uses light to clear out the infection from people’s lungs. But then in the middle he went off on a tangent, saying that he’d have thought that as detergent can kill the virus on your clothes it should be as simple as injected yourself with something similar to detergent to kill off the virus.

Which is similar to what I had already stated using chlorine anyway but because he’s the president of the US, and the Main Stream Media hate him, they all jump on the bandwagon saying that Donald Trump says that if you’re infected with the coronavirus then you should inject yourself with detergent. Which he never actually said.  More on the topic of orange man bad? I’m thinking.

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