Sunday 5 April 2020

Day 2239

Day 2239;

As of tonight my BMI was down to something like 19.86, my steps were 33,010, and in doing that many steps I managed to burn 2828kcal off.

Breakfast: weetabix, orange, banana, grapes and apple.
Lunch: baked potato with cheese, ham, tinned spaghetti, poached egg, chocolate eclair, jam doughnut and cream slice.
Dinner: chicken, peas, carrots, potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (orange) and milky tea.
Snacks: chocolate and Tunocks wafer.

The other day I noticed that I’m having a kind of pain, an annoyance, in my chest; but only sometimes, when I take a deep breath in or when  I cough. But even then only when I make a loud chesty cough, or have a particularly sharp intake of breath. Is it Corona I hear some of you say fingers crossed (in hope) there’s next to nothing that would please me more than to have the Chinese Virus (Kung Flu) but unfortunately I don’t think so, as it was more like a heart issue than a lung issue, as it was exclusively on my left hand side of my chest (suspiciously close to where I believe that my heart is and the other day, when I was eating my pudding of chocolate trifle the trifle seemingly fixed it, but then again my little heart could have been pushed in/out by the increasing (? Potentially) size of my lungs as I had been intensively working out recently.

But why am I informing you of this revelation it’s as there is no more news. Except Boris has just had to go back into hospital for more tests on Corona, but other than that let’s see... the new Labour leader has been selected and he’s already been insulating the government about their speed in reacting, and another story was about some Joe Rogan saying that if the contest was between Joe Biden and Trump he’d vote for Trump, not as Trump is the Tops, but as he can’t actually see anything promising from Joe Biden (for some medical reasons, basically put Joe is suffering from memory loss). I mean he was speaking about something then he forgot what he was just about to say. Just Google it if you don’t believe me.

Then in some good news only six hundred and twenty people died today which is down on yesterday’s total. For us here in Blighty.

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