Wednesday 15 April 2020

Day 2242

Day 2242;

As a BMI today I got 19.85, I had taken 22,324 steps, 14.45km apparently, and I had burned 1827kcal.

Breakfast: weetabix, banana, orange, apple, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries.
Lunch: spaghetti Bolognese.
Dinner: toad in the hole, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, peas, potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash 
Snacks: pastry, lemon cake, twirl bar, Tunocks wafer, and chocolate mini eggs.

Now today I have been doing the usual workout routine but not the exact routine an abridged version, as I have had Allergy to entertain by setting up a little routine for her to do. In hope of loosing some of the relatively loads of weight that she seems to have put on over the past year or so long, but now this time it gives us a better chance of keeping her more slim. As she isn’t just driving around in her car to peoples homes to tell them how to look after their children, stopping off at McDonald’s on the way. At least in the short term this has been fixed.

So anyway I got up later than I’d have liked to but then again it’s this whole thing about how farmers are having to pay to import a load of cheep Eastern European labour, to pick their crops. I am unsure of why, why don’t they just put the extra money that it costs to import the Labour into the wages of their employees to make it more appetising for British youngsters, as I would much rather be working out on the land than in an office. Then I concede the education system here ain’t up to prepping us to do that kind of work, it’s more into getting us to do some algebra which I am yet to find a use for in my regular life. See it’s just like this: they teach you stuff that don’t help you in your lives unless you’re going to do something certain, then the rest of what you have learned is nonsense.

I don’t really know much about anything, but then I know that I’m stupid, apparently I was a bit good looking in my past, then again I never saw that about myself quite literally. Is there an arbitrary standard of what is called handsome or pretty or can anything be called that, and it’s just up to the persons perspective? I thought it was just up to the persons personal opinion. As it is so how could I possibly say that I was in anyway attractive? I can’t I can only tell you of what one persons opinion of my appearance was. So I’m not saying that I was attractive I’m saying that I had a friend that thought that I was attractive, and then again I thought that she was pretty attractive also. But then again I am a man without a romantic bone in my body, I need a reason to act, and for so long that reason has eluded me.

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