Tuesday 7 April 2020

Day 2240

Day 2240;

My BMI was 19.85, my steps were 20,243, my kilometres walked were  13.11km, and I had burned off 1682kcal.

Breakfast: weetabix, banana, orange, apple, and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (salmon, cream cheese, green leaves, purple leaves in wholemeal bread) and lemon cake.
Dinner: fish, macaroni cheese, carrots, broccoli and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash, and hot Ribena.

Yesterday I had forgotten what I had eaten for lunch and dinner, even though I thought that I could recall eating something which included bread, egg, prawns, lettuce, tomatoes, some pink food dressing, but I couldn’t really remember if I ate that yesterday or was it sometime in the past? Then what I could remember was what I had done yesterday morning before eating lunch, which was as it was what I was supposed to do this morning, which is the usual plus a turn on the fitness cube (for ten minutes).

So today I have been attempting to get my usual weekday workout in. I have first gone on the Fitness Cube, another little ten minutes of stepping. Next I have gone on the rowing machine, for fifteen minutes. But in future I should have probably been on it for half an hour (it leaves me less time to be bored while waiting for Joe). Well that’s for tomorrow’s workout. Then I was doing some more of P.E. with Joe, which was before I had myself a half hour jog on Zwift.

Then I had my lunch I think at least, before I have forgotten what I did for the majority of the afternoon. Before I went out in our one exercise trip out of the day on the back of the tandem for a little eighteen mile ride of which we stopped at a friend of Tini’s house to deliver some card, gift or something. before we peddled around at speeds higher than eighteen mph for fifteen miles, before we stopped to offer some help with a persons car, which kind of mucked up our average speed for the ride.

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