Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Day 2245

Day 2245;


So today my BMI was 19.49, I had walked 26,602 steps, which was 17.22km, and in the over 10 miles I had burned off 2111kcal.

Breakfast: weetabix (chocolate), banana, orange, apple, strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries.
Lunch: prawn open sandwich, and something.
Dinner: toad in the hole (sausage in Yorkshire pudding), broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, peas, potatoes,viennetta and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (raspberry), and hot lemon squash.
Snacks: pan au chocolat, biscuits, and a chocolate bar.

Now today I have got up, I have had my breakfast and then I have headed out on our little tandem ride around about thirty miles, it just goes to show how weak I am, if you’re looking at our speed and time for the ride. As the average speed was Something slightly higher than fifteen mph and I had only managed to get to about thirty miles in longer than two hours. So that was a letdown, but then again Allergy was also telling me a bit about a boy that I knew from school; and he couldn’t remember me which was a bit of a relief.


My BMI was 19.20, I had taken 24,960 steps, which was 16.16km, and I had burned 2066kcal off.

Breakfast: weetabix (chocolate), banana, orange, apple, strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti, bread (wholemeal), Batternburg and shortbread.
Dinner: sausages in gravy, peas, carrots, sweetcorn, green beans, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash and hot lemon.
Snacks: pan au chocolat,  and shortbread.

Now this day I have been getting upto my usual routine, which started off with a half hour row, before a ten minutes on the stepper. P.E. with Joe, then I had a little break for the pan au chocolat, before I got back on the treadmill for a slightly longer than thirty minute little run, which was supposed to be around a place on Zwift, but it never happened, so I just had myself another twelve laps on the treadmill. I had also been lifting some small weights, so that was my morning.

Then in the afternoon I have got out on the Zwift bike, but it wasn’t outside it was inside, in our makeshift gym. Then after that I think I ate my dinner and I watched a bit on the box, I don’t know what I watched but I am thinking that there was at some point in the time of me watching Pirot came on.


I had a BMI of 19.56, steps were 20,667, which was 13.38km, and I had burned 1728kcal.

Breakfast: weetabix, banana, orange, apple, strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries.
Lunch: poached egg on bread, spaghetti hoops, and something.
Dinner: sausage casserole, peas, carrots, green beans, sweetcorn, 
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash and hot lemon squash.
Snacks: pastry, biscuits, and chocolate bar.

In the morning I had managed to get 2896m on the rowing machine in quarter of an hour, before I stood up and I moved along to the Fitt Cubed, for some more stepping. When I had finished it was time for P.E. with Joe, so that took up the next half hour or so long. Then it was time for another little run, on the treadmill so I’d accomplished that activity and it was time for my pastry. 

When I had finished my pastry, I decided to go for a little lift of some of my weights. Then it was time for me to have a shower, as I stank, before I ate lunch. After lunch I did a little cycle on the Zwift bike, before I had another shower before I went out of the house for my one external exercise of the day, we went on a walk around the town. 

I did that before I ate dinner and then I had eaten dinner I stayed up for a bit just hanging around, not literally, before I went to bed.

Saturday, 25 April 2020

Day 2244

Day 2244;

My BMI was 19.43, the number of steps that I had made were 26,926, which was 17.43km, and I had burned 1867kcal.

Breakfast: weetabix (chocolate), apple, orange, banana, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and yogurt.
Lunch: mini pizza, jam and cream doughnut, chocolate eclair, lemon cake, and egg custard.
Dinner: dauphinoise potatoes, broccoli, peas, carrots, green beans, something, and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (raspberry) and hot lemon squash.
Snacks: toasted scone, 

Tuesday morning I had the usual mug of fruit juice and I had a second third full mug of prune juice, of which I think that prunes taste suspiciously similar to raisins. What is this, some kind of conspiracy? Ha a conspiracy to grow some big raisins and call them prunes, I have no idea of the reason behind such an action but is there a group of people that are called prunes which are just like bigger people and they have stones in? Then later on Tuesday I had another cycle with Mich, or did he have a cycle with me? It was fun we managed to get an average speed of 17.3mph.

Wednesday morning i actually got some stuff done as I had myself a good morning’s little workout, but I didn’t get a go on the treadmill, as I had jammed the RunPod on to Allergy’s trainers, which was a helpful thing to do for no one. As it has to only just came off, with some technical skill from Mich.

Thursday morning I was waiting for Allergy to arrive so I set her up on a little jog, but by the time that she did arrive it was the time for our mid morning snack, and then after that we actually got to some of her running we only had something like thirteen minutes of it before we had to go and shower before lunch. Another little factor which impacted on her runs time was the thing that occasionally happens to the RunPod, it occasionally shuts itself down, when it does that you have to take the RunPod off of your shoe and then reset it (by taking the battery out for ten seconds, then reinserting it and voila).

Friday was much like my usual  weekday routine, I got up, I went downstairs I had breakfast. Then next up I did some stuff on the fit cube before I had a row. Then it was time for P.E. with Joe before I had myself a tiny little jog on the treadmill. And then in the afternoon I had another tandem ride.


It was a Saturday today, the first day of the weekend, which is one of my rest days. So I have had another lazy morning, with only lifting some weights as exercise. But then in the afternoon we have been out on the tandem. For today it was a slightly longer ride around the countryside, well not really the countryside more of along the roads. I think that we need an off-road tandem.

Ok well on current events I have been thinking what is the Main Stream Media going on about? Bashing Trump making out like he said something that he didn’t.

I don’t understand what everybody’s problems with Trump are. As he was saying that they are attempting a new therapy, one which uses light to clear out the infection from people’s lungs. But then in the middle he went off on a tangent, saying that he’d have thought that as detergent can kill the virus on your clothes it should be as simple as injected yourself with something similar to detergent to kill off the virus.

Which is similar to what I had already stated using chlorine anyway but because he’s the president of the US, and the Main Stream Media hate him, they all jump on the bandwagon saying that Donald Trump says that if you’re infected with the coronavirus then you should inject yourself with detergent. Which he never actually said.  More on the topic of orange man bad? I’m thinking.

Monday, 20 April 2020

Day 2243

Day 2243;

My BMI was 19.56, my steps were at 26,428, floors climbed were 14, I had even burned off 3,222kcal, and I have managed to get 322 intensity minutes done today.

Breakfast: weetabix (chocolate), banana, orange, apple, strawberries, and grapes.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti rings, bread,(wholemeal), and something.
Dinner: fish (salmon), broccoli, peas, carrots, potatoes and something.
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (orange), and hot lemon squash.
Snacks: toasted scone, chocolate bar and biscuits.

So two days ago was a weekend day, which feels like just another day then again it wasn’t a regular old weekday it was as you probably knew a Saturday. What is special about this Saturday well I have no idea of what it could be like for you I’m under lockdown probably much similar to you. Then what is it that I did in the morning well I have started off with a little jog about on Zwift before I had Allergy to do P.E. with, which was a bit of treadmill jogging/running.

But then again that was last Saturday, and I had been training Allergy; to hopefully get her down a stone or a dress size and a half, as that is what she wants. Then today I have had her on the treadmill “running” around London on Zwift. Which she told me that she actually enjoyed, note to self: people enjoy seeing things as they’re working out. As I hadn’t taken that into consideration in my mind before, and it’s quite obvious in reality. That other people actually get along better with visual stimuli like me who can run run with or without the use of eyes, as practically anyone else can but then again I have actually had some practice in this field , or should I state track? As my running without my eyes has happened numerous on numerous occasions, like before the lockdown when I was competing in something I was doing the long jump and 100 meters. Long jump was entertaining enough as it was usually but 100m wasn’t ideal especially not as I kept coming out of my lane.

But then I have also attempted to get my own run on the treadmill in later on today, which went well, I think it did at least. But then again before all of the stuff that I have mentioned previously I have also been for a row and P.E, with Joe. So what I did in between my run and getting Allergy fit... well it was a little walk around the garden and the tandem ride that I had been on. Well I think that was it that I did, today. Apart from eat which I did at intervals between the activities.

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Day 2242

Day 2242;

As a BMI today I got 19.85, I had taken 22,324 steps, 14.45km apparently, and I had burned 1827kcal.

Breakfast: weetabix, banana, orange, apple, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries.
Lunch: spaghetti Bolognese.
Dinner: toad in the hole, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, peas, potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash 
Snacks: pastry, lemon cake, twirl bar, Tunocks wafer, and chocolate mini eggs.

Now today I have been doing the usual workout routine but not the exact routine an abridged version, as I have had Allergy to entertain by setting up a little routine for her to do. In hope of loosing some of the relatively loads of weight that she seems to have put on over the past year or so long, but now this time it gives us a better chance of keeping her more slim. As she isn’t just driving around in her car to peoples homes to tell them how to look after their children, stopping off at McDonald’s on the way. At least in the short term this has been fixed.

So anyway I got up later than I’d have liked to but then again it’s this whole thing about how farmers are having to pay to import a load of cheep Eastern European labour, to pick their crops. I am unsure of why, why don’t they just put the extra money that it costs to import the Labour into the wages of their employees to make it more appetising for British youngsters, as I would much rather be working out on the land than in an office. Then I concede the education system here ain’t up to prepping us to do that kind of work, it’s more into getting us to do some algebra which I am yet to find a use for in my regular life. See it’s just like this: they teach you stuff that don’t help you in your lives unless you’re going to do something certain, then the rest of what you have learned is nonsense.

I don’t really know much about anything, but then I know that I’m stupid, apparently I was a bit good looking in my past, then again I never saw that about myself quite literally. Is there an arbitrary standard of what is called handsome or pretty or can anything be called that, and it’s just up to the persons perspective? I thought it was just up to the persons personal opinion. As it is so how could I possibly say that I was in anyway attractive? I can’t I can only tell you of what one persons opinion of my appearance was. So I’m not saying that I was attractive I’m saying that I had a friend that thought that I was attractive, and then again I thought that she was pretty attractive also. But then again I am a man without a romantic bone in my body, I need a reason to act, and for so long that reason has eluded me.

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Day 2241

Day 2241;

19.98 was my BMI today, I had made 18,178 steps, which were apparently 11.77km, and I had burned 1424kcal.

Breakfast: weetabix, banana, orange, apple,strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries.
Lunch: macaroni cheese and a shortbread.
Dinner: turkey steak, peas, carrots, potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash and hot lemon squash.
Snacks: toasted hot crossed bun

So today I have been on the gym equipment at my house, for the usual amount of time on the rowing machine (just 15 minutes) and the fit cube (10 minutes). Then I did the mornings P.E. with Joe, and I did a bit over half an hour on the treadmill.it was only around the track I think that I only managed to get myself just about slightly more than 8 laps done, I believe.

The thankfully I had taken it upon myself to have an hour’s long little walk around out back today, else the little cycle which had my minutes of intensity up above 1000 for the week. Then before that I found out that I had become an uncle, Emu’s had her first child. It’s a son of which I will be calling Jim from now on, at least until he can tell me what he would like to be called.

After the news that Mich had become a grandfather Mich only wanted a half hour on the tandem, and then it wasn’t which turned into twenty one minutes. So it wasn’t very good for the old intensity minutes, so we had a mini cycle; one that was particularly pathetic.

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Day 2240

Day 2240;

My BMI was 19.85, my steps were 20,243, my kilometres walked were  13.11km, and I had burned off 1682kcal.

Breakfast: weetabix, banana, orange, apple, and yogurt.
Lunch: sandwich (salmon, cream cheese, green leaves, purple leaves in wholemeal bread) and lemon cake.
Dinner: fish, macaroni cheese, carrots, broccoli and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash, and hot Ribena.

Yesterday I had forgotten what I had eaten for lunch and dinner, even though I thought that I could recall eating something which included bread, egg, prawns, lettuce, tomatoes, some pink food dressing, but I couldn’t really remember if I ate that yesterday or was it sometime in the past? Then what I could remember was what I had done yesterday morning before eating lunch, which was as it was what I was supposed to do this morning, which is the usual plus a turn on the fitness cube (for ten minutes).

So today I have been attempting to get my usual weekday workout in. I have first gone on the Fitness Cube, another little ten minutes of stepping. Next I have gone on the rowing machine, for fifteen minutes. But in future I should have probably been on it for half an hour (it leaves me less time to be bored while waiting for Joe). Well that’s for tomorrow’s workout. Then I was doing some more of P.E. with Joe, which was before I had myself a half hour jog on Zwift.

Then I had my lunch I think at least, before I have forgotten what I did for the majority of the afternoon. Before I went out in our one exercise trip out of the day on the back of the tandem for a little eighteen mile ride of which we stopped at a friend of Tini’s house to deliver some card, gift or something. before we peddled around at speeds higher than eighteen mph for fifteen miles, before we stopped to offer some help with a persons car, which kind of mucked up our average speed for the ride.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Day 2239

Day 2239;

As of tonight my BMI was down to something like 19.86, my steps were 33,010, and in doing that many steps I managed to burn 2828kcal off.

Breakfast: weetabix, orange, banana, grapes and apple.
Lunch: baked potato with cheese, ham, tinned spaghetti, poached egg, chocolate eclair, jam doughnut and cream slice.
Dinner: chicken, peas, carrots, potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash, Lucozade sport (orange) and milky tea.
Snacks: chocolate and Tunocks wafer.

The other day I noticed that I’m having a kind of pain, an annoyance, in my chest; but only sometimes, when I take a deep breath in or when  I cough. But even then only when I make a loud chesty cough, or have a particularly sharp intake of breath. Is it Corona I hear some of you say fingers crossed (in hope) there’s next to nothing that would please me more than to have the Chinese Virus (Kung Flu) but unfortunately I don’t think so, as it was more like a heart issue than a lung issue, as it was exclusively on my left hand side of my chest (suspiciously close to where I believe that my heart is and the other day, when I was eating my pudding of chocolate trifle the trifle seemingly fixed it, but then again my little heart could have been pushed in/out by the increasing (? Potentially) size of my lungs as I had been intensively working out recently.

But why am I informing you of this revelation it’s as there is no more news. Except Boris has just had to go back into hospital for more tests on Corona, but other than that let’s see... the new Labour leader has been selected and he’s already been insulating the government about their speed in reacting, and another story was about some Joe Rogan saying that if the contest was between Joe Biden and Trump he’d vote for Trump, not as Trump is the Tops, but as he can’t actually see anything promising from Joe Biden (for some medical reasons, basically put Joe is suffering from memory loss). I mean he was speaking about something then he forgot what he was just about to say. Just Google it if you don’t believe me.

Then in some good news only six hundred and twenty people died today which is down on yesterday’s total. For us here in Blighty.

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Day 2238

Day 2238;

I had a BMI of 19.49, and according to Wii fit I have done 10,023 steps, which gives me a distance of 6.49km, and apparently I have burned off 1315kcal.

Breakfast: weetabix, banana, orange, apple, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: poached egg on bread and chocolate cake.
Dinner: haddock en crute, broccoli, peas, carrots, green beans, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash and milky tea.
Snack: red velvet cake.

This day was a great day as I got my minutes of intensity up to seven hundred and seventy, which was a plus of about three hundred and eighteen. My watch steps were also quite a bit higher than my Wii Fit steps which is at twenty two thousand one hundred and forty two. My flights of stairs that I have climbed today have been only a modest fifteen. 

Then again I have managed to get my new Zwift run-pod working today, I think that I still need to work on control of the speed, I had got it to high speed as it asked me to, but then moving the speed down' isn’t as simple, for me.