Tuesday 31 March 2020

Day 2237

Day 2237;

Today my BMI was 20.08, my steps were 11,680, distance was 7.56,  and I have burned off 1,339kcal.

Breakfast: weetabix, orange, banana and apple.
Lunch: toastie (cheese) and chocolate cake.
Dinner: seafood pasta Viennetta and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash and 
Snacks: rice cake (chocolate), tunocks wafer 

So today I have had a special day apparently, but a good day I have had as I have done my mornings fifteen minute row with a twenty minute little treadmill jog, and then I have also done some P.E. with Joe, in the morning before I opened my presents. Why am I getting any presents today I don’t know but something happened a long long time ago on this day, I cannot remember the day but I really should be able to remember it you’d have thought. Then again I think no one can actually remember their own. So why do people celebrate it so? Tini and Mich can remember the day that I am referring to so I’m guessing that I’ll have to humour them two.

But then today I have received some quite good things, like a Tyrolean hat, which is amazing; not for any particular reason it is just my personal opinion on the hat. As I saw one whilst I was on my ski trip and I just couldn’t help myself but stare at it. So Mich decided that it would do as a gift for me for this day. Another gift that I received today was some dumbbells, which have taken pride of place in my little gym, and I got a fitness cube thingamajig which I have used as a stepper, when I had put my Tyrolean hat on so Tini could film me to send to Emu as it was Emu (and C) that got me the fitness cube. 

I also have got a Zwift device for some running so I’ll be able to run up and down Watopia on the treadmill now as well as going for rides around Watopia, plus I’ll be able to get my heart rate measured at the same time thanks to a new device that I asked for with it, which should apparently work with the cycling on Zwift as well, so that’s a bonus.

Then after all that I had been on a tandem ride with Mich which was excellent as we had managed to get thirty miles done in under two hours, Allergy said was it windy, I signified yes it was windy, then Allergy basically said that the wind must have helped us, then I corrected her the wind was in our faces for the majority of the ride. But the ride was great and it’s added onto my total of my minutes of intensity that I have done for this week so far.

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